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.info traffic loss

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Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Do we know what fraction of total site traffic comes through searches that would be measured by Overture (for this site or others)?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well what I see are a people owning tens of thousands of .coms some even in the millions (usdollar) "leaking" in there britches because of all the new extensions and the FACT that they ARE being used,,in fact I just posted research that shows that 30% of of .Biz domains do in fact return an addreess..

It seems to me there is much propoganda in this discussion then there anything else..

To expect .info or .biz to be poppping up all over the search engines is ludicrous ....com has over a 10 year head start..thats lie asking an infant to run a 100 yard dash with a ten year old..

The fact is thousands of large companies world wide have registered .infos and .biz ...and the other fact is they are NOT going to overnight tranisition from .com to anything else.. very rare..Kmsp.Tv did ithough MOST of their traffic is at that site and not the .com.

We will continue to see many NEW upstart companies break off the.com wagon and venture into other extensions ..the "kids" today could give a ratts behind about .com for the very "perception" of .com being your fathers oldsmobile !(recal that)..yoou watch as the next generation starts taking over ..you'll see companies dropping .com s fast so as not to be associated ..all it takes a few select marketing campaigns on super bowl night or something ...as soon as the the nightly comedies start adding mor and more disdainful jokes about .comthis and .com ..then you'll see the cokes, the pepsi generation etc..pulling into their .info and .biz bags and you know what..

those that are spreading the propaganda know are the ones that are the most afraid ..hey I would be too if I had all my cookies in one .com jar..sooner or later some ones going to break it wide open .












btw this is the same old arguement all the .comers played before I dont care if you register.net it only makes my .com more valuable..and thats true when their are only 2 extensions ..but when you up the anty to 4 and 6 and 8 extensions..well sooner or later .com just becomes another extension...just melds into the crowd...always desirable to some degree but certainly not dominant any more...


from the research harvard..

To speak to the usage of .BIZ, the authors attempted on June 21-22, 2002 to retrieve the default web page from the www. host of each of a random sample of 68,192 distinct .BIZ domains drawn from the complete zone file. The results of these attempts are listed below. Corresponding results for a random sample of 212,563 .COM domains are listed for comparison purposes.

Proportion of such .BIZ domains Sample proportion of such .COM domains
Provides a valid HTTP response 66.5% 76.5%
Fails to provides a valid HTTP response 33.5% 23.5%

The rate of valid HTTP responses from .BIZ domains is statistically significantly smaller than from .COM domains. (The estimated 95% confidence interval for the .BIZ proportion of valid HTTP responses is [0.661, 0.669], while the corresponding estimated confidence interval for .COM is [0.763,0.767].) We cannot say whether this effect is properly attributed to the greater age of the .COM registry and a typical registration within it; to some identifiable characteristic of the .BIZ startup period or registration system; or to another cause.

For the sampled .BIZ domains providing a valid HTTP response, their HTML titles were as indicated below. The left column gives results as a proportion of .BIZ domains providing a valid HTTP response, while the right column gives results as a proportion of all .BIZ domains. Classifications used both automated and manual techniques.

Proportion of .BIZ domains with valid HTTP responses Proportion of all .BIZ domains
HTTP response includes "under construction," "coming soon," or similar in HTML title 41.8% 27.8%
HTTP response includes the word "error" or similar in HTML title 16.7% 11.1%
HTTP response fails to include an HTML title (i.e. blank title, redirect, etc.) 2.2% 1.5%
HTTP response includes an offer of sale in HTML title or text 1.0% 0.7%
Uncategorized (includes domains with actual content) 39.3% 26.1%

Yahoo seems be ready at any time to present a "new" refreshing image

1800myyahoo.biz, 1-800-my-yahoo.biz, adultyahoo.biz, campyahoo.biz, corporateyahoo.biz, financevision.biz, gameprowler.biz, geocities.biz, kimo.biz, mediahelper.biz, meyahoo.biz, miyahoo.biz, mycorporateyahoo.biz, myyahoo.biz, paydirect.biz, shoppingvision.biz, yahooaccess.biz, yahooaddressbook.biz, yahooalerts.biz, yahooargentina.biz, yahooasia.biz, yahooastrology.biz, yahooauctions.biz, yahooaustralia.biz, yahooautos.biz, yahoob2b.biz, yahoobanking.biz, yahoobillpay.biz, yahoobookmarks.biz, yahoobrasil.biz, yahoobrasilia.biz, yahoobrazil.biz, yahoobriefcase.biz, yahoobroadcast.biz, yahoobusiness.biz, yahoobyphone.biz, yahoocafe.biz, yahoocalendar.biz, yahoocanada.biz, yahoocanadaenfrancais.biz, yahoocareers.biz, yahoocasino.biz, yahoochat.biz, yahoochina.biz, yahoochinese.biz, yahooclassifieds.biz, yahooclubs.biz, yahoocompanion.biz, yahoocoupons.biz, yahoodanmark.biz, yahoodenmark.biz, yahoodeutschland.biz, yahoodigital.biz, yahoodirectory.biz, yahoodomains.biz, yahoodrive.biz, yahooegroups.biz, yahooemail.biz, yahooenespanol.biz, yahooentertainment.biz, yahooentertainmentguide.biz, yahooespana.biz, yahooespanol.biz, yahooeventguide.biz, yahooevents.biz, yahooeverywhere.biz, yahooexperts.biz, yahoofamilyaccounts.biz, yahoofinance.biz, yahoofinancevision.biz, yahoofrance.biz, yahoogames.biz, yahoogear.biz, yahoogeocities.biz, yahoogermany.biz, yahoogetlocal.biz, yahoogiftregistry.biz, yahoogreetings.biz, yahoogroups.biz, yahoohealth.biz, yahoohk.biz, yahoohomepages.biz, yahoohongkong.biz, yahoohosting.biz, yahooinc.biz, yahoo-inc.biz, yahooincorporated.biz, yahooindia.biz, yahooinsurance.biz, yahoointernetlife.biz, yahooinvites.biz, yahooireland.biz, yahooitalia.biz, yahooitaly.biz, yahoojapan.biz, yahookids.biz, yahookimo.biz, yahoo-kimo.biz, yahookorea.biz, yahooligans.biz, yahoolive.biz, yahooliving.biz, yahooloans.biz, yahoolocal.biz, yahoolodging.biz, yahoolottery.biz, yahoomagazine.biz, yahoomail.biz, yahoomaps.biz, yahoomessageboards.biz, yahoomessenger.biz, yahoomexico.biz, yahoomobile.biz, yahoomovies.biz, yahoomusic.biz, yahoonetwork.biz, yahoonews.biz, yahoonewzealand.biz, yahoonorge.biz, yahoonorway.biz, yahoonz.biz, yahoooutdoors.biz, yahoopager.biz, yahoopagers.biz, yahoopaydirect.biz, yahoopeoplesearch.biz, yahoopets.biz, yahoophone.biz, yahoophonebooth.biz, yahoophotos.biz, yahooplayer.biz, yahoopoints.biz, yahoopolitics.biz, yahoopublishing.biz, yahooquotes.biz, yahooradio.biz, yahoorealestate.biz, yahoorestaurants.biz, yahoosearch.biz, yahooshopping.biz, yahoosingapore.biz, yahoosite.biz, yahoosmallbusiness.biz, yahoospain.biz, yahoospanish.biz, yahoosports.biz, yahoostocks.biz, yahoostore.biz, yahoostyle.biz, yahoosverige.biz, yahoosweden.biz, yahootaiwan.biz, yahootaxes.biz, yahootech.biz, yahootechnology.biz, yahootraffic.biz, yahootravel.biz, yahootv.biz, yahoouk.biz, yahoounitedkingdom.biz, yahoovision.biz, yahoovoice.biz, yahoowallet.biz, yahooweather.biz, yahooweb.biz, yahoowebhosting.biz, yahoowebring.biz, yahoowebsiteservices.biz, yahooyellowpages.biz, yil.biz, catalanyahoo.biz, doyouyahoo.biz, superyahoo.biz, yahoocatalan.biz, yahooencatalan.biz

I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all extensions are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a computer and search for .info on their plight

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom for web extensions

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the limiting factors of owning just a .com but by their pursuit of many extensions

I have a dream today.


the same argument about .com being dead and having a bad vibe has been touted for years bid - its been used by every new registry that I can recall (.nu, .fm, .ws etc) and the fact people still buy into it is, frankly, as incredible as the leakage from promoting .info


Originally posted by safesys
the same argument about .com being dead and having a bad vibe has been touted for years bid - its been used by every new registry that I can recall (.nu, .fm, .ws etc) and the fact people still buy into it is, frankly, as incredible as the leakage from promoting .info

With all due respect, think carefully safe. Think very carefully at what you just posted.

There is no such think as leakage from an empty barrel.

The tide of change, has begun. Good luck!

you can tell if an empty barrel is full of holes the moment you start pouring water (or money) into it

that tide you think is changing is the water squirting from the barrel on your feet :)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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safe no one said .com was dead..noting of the sort..simply that extensions come in all flavors know..it's alright to no longer be enslaved to juuts.com ..your free to chose whatever flavor strikes ..and if you think that once they realize they have choice that they will not start choosing differently..

well thats just not realistic..history has proven that case over and over..

good luck..


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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I mentioned something similiar to this on another board one time..but think about this .(this will reall make the .comers lose a load)

What if one day you type in Yahoo.com and a page comes up with a Yahoo welcome that says welcome to the world of Yahoo .

Please choose your destination:




Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Dont do that to me...I'm looking all over trying to figure if your what your talking about or if your joking....I broke out in hives ..I can only imagine what whats going on with the .com'ers LOLOLO

the noncom registries love to sell people on "what if" - they'll love you bid.

mole - google.info redirects to google.com and google.biz doesn't resolve - what was your point with that post?


My point is that most people don't even bother to check the facts and shoot their mouths. Glad you did.

google.info is perfect, don't you think. It may have been a redirect, but LOOK closely. Google's homepage doesn't mention .com. Why should they?

so why bother to redirect when they could simply show the google pages at google.info?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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what if ?

http://mortgage.biz (ABN AMRO)

well lets see one of the largest banking and investment companies would tend to disagree with you...

Prominent international bank

ABN AMRO is a prominent international bank, its origins going back to 1824. It ranks eighth in Europe and seventeenth in the world based on tier 1 capital, with over 3,400 branches in more than 60 countries, a staff of 110,000 full-time equivalents and total assets of EUR 597.4 billion (as per 2001). ABN AMRO is listed on several exchanges, including the Amsterdam, London and New York Stock Exchanges.

Thats pretty big money...I think I'll follow their lead...


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
May 27, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys

Overture is a good sample for type in patterns as a lot of internet users just type addresses into the search box rather than the address bar. The fact there are any results for mta.com shows lack of recall on the .info, for it to be a threefold spillover is just plain incredible.

Ok but the ones who type the domain into the search box may often be the most inexperienced web surfers, and those are the ones who might only know about .com, so it's still difficult to draw a conclusion.
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