hello Eric!
The pkg. of the two, is to you & your buyers advantage. Never a negative at all..
Clean, easy recall name.. though i think WiseInternet would be my fav. pick..
InternetWise has the impact of 'smart - learning- education - tech savvy , which is attractive.
** The domain's for sale site/auction sites, which you mention..
well, they can put whatever they want to for the asking price or the starting bid... and i hope the owners like their names.. cause they're gonna be sleeping with um ! not selling um 4sure. LOL
Here's a few names, listed at BuyDomains.com These are their 'quciksell' price's.. no haggle.. no auction.. close the deal prices.. (not sure of their success record in sales.. but their asking prices are so far off.
InternetMessenger.com $288
InternetLibrary.com $2288 (sounds kinda 'wise') to me!
InternetBrand.com $1688 (a wise thing to do 4sure)
ActionInternet.com $288 (i think this should be higher)
InternetSystem.net $688 (good name, .net works for 'network's'
InternetAnswers.net $488 (get wise at this site.. good name)
Internet-Teacher.com $288(bet she's wise.. what cha think? My opinion, i believe this one.. hyphen & all is under priced..)
PartWise.com $288 (not so hot.. i wanna be fully wise.. partwise is only 1/2 good

j/k.. actually 'auto parts' or PC parts.. pretty good name..
The AVERAGE asking price of this group of names is $788
The pkg you have will turn a profit..not sure how much, but you won't take a loss at all..
GoodName! GoodLuck!