Yes, but if all the large companies understood/believed this is the way to go, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Until now branding on generics has been a minority past-time. That may change but it hasn't really happened yet. If it had top generics would be regularly going for 8 or 9 figures.
All in due time...There are still guys that were burned by the dot com bubble and rather than put their balls on the line, they'd prefer to er on the side of caution and keep their fat salary and corner office. Domains are on the fast track to CEO's agendas. Trust me. They can't play dumb and close their eyes forever. As they become more educated to the power of the internet and the inherent values of generics, the roof will be the limit. Mark my words. The bubble popped last time, but it was the tech bubble in general, not domain names themselves so much. The internet and its users have both greatly matured.