well im agree with the buyer on this decision to stay away from you and your dealings, you have insulted him probably the same way as you just did me (my name in this instance) without a reasonable basis
Oh get a sense of humor already :lol: Besides, you asked for it. Not a sensible action? You couldnt be more wrong :smilewinkgrin:
Dear Mr. Car dealer,
I'd like to buy a brand new car. Please send my monthly payments to whoever you want and just make up an address.
Straight from my godaddy Rep...
Yes, you must enter the following information or an error may occur (which it has in the past everytime I've tried this "SHADY" technique)
First Name and Last Name: The
new registrant's first and last name.
Organization: The name of the organization that is the legal registrant of the domain, if any.
Address 1 and Address 2: The
new registrant's address.
City, State, Zip Code, and Country: The new registrant's city, state, ZIP Code, and country.
Phone: The
new registrant's phone number.
Fax: The new registrant's fax number, if any.
Email: The
new registrant's email address.
5. If the domain name registrant is an organization, and you agree that the organization is the legal registrant, select
'I certify that the specified organization is the legal registrant of this domain.'
Read the Domain Name Change Registrant Agreement, and if you agree to the terms, select 'For security purposes I authorize.'
7. Click 'Continue.' A list of the services associated with the domain name displays. These services will be canceled.
8. Click 'Continue.'
9. Click 'OK.'
Think what you like, he deserved the negative TR for being "SHADY" and I protected my ***, domains,money from being scammed from me. Guess I'm the idiot. Atleast I'm not the one posting the threads "Help, I've been scammed" because people go along with buyers who try this BS useing two different email address's which is an automatic loose loose cituation for the seller no matter what.
Dear paypal,
joeblow@shadydeals(.)com paid me for the domain but I transferred the domain into joeblowsbrothersaccount@hahasucker(.)com at godaddy.
Sorry seller, your an idiot and can not provide any proof you transferred the domain into the persons account who paid you for the domain through our services. We have refunded his money. Now your out the domain and the money!