Before the sunsets on this here christmas day, I wish you all health, wealth and hapiness for the New Year To come.
We all love you too.
I love my thread and I love DNF and all it's good members..this is the famous never ending "Happy Thread" so journey well my fellow friends and stop back often!eace: :hippie: :love:
Smoke some weed and get some sleep dude! And be HAPPY! I went fishing all day on my boat and had a greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaattttttttttttt sunburned like a lobster Ohh, I went and ate some lobster earlier at this restraunt on the water and I feel so much better!k:
I took some pics of this chick I took out on the boat in her little bikini...I'll post them soon!
Peace and Grease!
Happy Feb 2008 b*tches!
This thread is 3 years old and still going! Wooohooooooooooooo! :cheers: :smokin:
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators