Doc, I am a converted man of faith...I now own a .mobi - which I duly forward to the .com


What about the other 255 extensions...
And it is good to see you back.
Good vs. evil, happy vs. sad...I do value your commentary and insight to things. May not agree all the time, but intellectual arguments and points of view are always welcome in my book.
.mobi is pointless and just another big marketing ploy to make money off of corporate america...and some of us who may have missed the real internet landrush and want to recapture that feeling of being some pioneer online, lol..but hey seriously, if you make some good $$$ off of them in the interim before the .mobi fad fades off into oblivion where it belongs, then more power too you brother! Just please don't go around touting .mobi as some miracle domain platform or a real invention for that matter, or even a real "top level" domain for that's just another new wannabe ext. amongst real extensions (original 3) that won't ever start with "C" then an "O" in the middle & end in "M"

Chris, I am making money, but I have never sold a mobi. A few of the developed ones are receiving traffic in the thousands already with a decent CTR. CTR currently does not pay ooddles and oodles but new marketers are coming on board and other ad programs are gearing up including a Google AdSense for mobi in beta. is gaining popularity thanks to some promoting that I have done but also a very slick and fast interface. The surfing report is an awesome feature.
Still buying and selling domains daily, working on some development projects, but very happy with the results of .mobi traffic. Meanwhile, those waiting to be developed are also generating decent traffic while parked which gives me a very good idea based on the traffic which should be developed first.
To each their own, but I can see no argument at all to the "mobi doesn't work" because it is working. All I see and hear is I don't like it, I don't want it, I don't need it...same messages posted in 2004 being brought up again in July 2007.
I have no intention of dumping anything except nonperformers and that includes .com, .net, .info, .org, and the whole alphabet of domains. I have auctions currently running on sedo for a couple of .coms. What does that mean? Nothing to me. Probably just another 2 to add to the growing list of non-paid domains on sedo now into the tens of thousands for 2007.
Private transactions are best.
Diversify, diversify, diversify...but I understand each person has their own tastes.