Already 2008 has been my best year for sales, both # names sold and in $ value, so no complaints here!
Beyond domains things are looking pretty good too. I have been renting the place we live for the past few years on a low rate deal. Now, people (especially in the UK) have a downer on renting, as if it's the poor mans choice; a year ago this place was conservatively valued at £550-600k - now it's down to about £450-500k. Bearing in mind the capital growth since I've been here, and now the slide in value, if I'd bought it instead of renting, and paid an interest only mortgage, I would be £50k poorer than I am now - even more if it were a regular mortgage!
While renting may be regarded as dead money, so are interest payments.
While many people are facing negative equity, I'm considering a move abroad to a warmer climate, better food, better education, higher standard of living etc. Actually I've already considered it - just trying to convince my wife!
Back to domains, I've just got a name that's perfect for a site I want to build into a fully fledged site and business. It's about a sport which is also my long term hobby - been involved in it for over 25 years on and off.
For me, this is the ultimate - being able to make money from something I love and know a lot about. While building this site / business, I will be making a template which can be copied to similar applications, like my kids hobbies etc.
As far as other investments go, to me, they are too much of a gamble - I don't know enough about them, and don't feel the need to learn - I'll stick to what I know. Another thing about investments; why invest in something that you personally cannot influence? If you buy a domain and it doesn't perform as well as expected, or PPC rev declines, at least you have options.