I think it'll better off if you add the keyword "gay" in front of it.
i.e GayLesbianRights(dot)org
Not exactly sure bout that, I could be wrong
Hi, Maxwell
I think LesbianRights.org is better than 3- or 4-word variants. Also, the lesbian community and the gay community have--in spite of a healthy amount of cooperation and shared initiatives between them--little overlap in population (it's a chromosome thing); and lesbian women have some concerns that are uniquely their own.
What I'm about to say may paint me in a bad light, I don't know; but I hope not. I've already searched for the .com versions of these domains as part of a bulk lookup some time ago, and naturally I found them registered. Seeing this thread moments ago, however, spurred me to reinvestigate my old lists with the .org extension. So I just registered 2 of the domains discussed above (along with a bunch more from my list that were not discussed here)--specifically, LGBTrights,org, GayAndLesbianRights,org, and GayLesbianRights,org.
Of these, I would say that LesbianRights,org (yours) and LGBTrights,org (mine) are the only two that I would make the public face of a website. The other 2 have some back-end SEO potential at best and would have to be sold with a better domain as a bundle.
I would definitely aim for $XXXX and not settle for less than $1000 on LesbianRights,org.
Hopefully you'll see my registration of LGBTrights,org as a gesture of cooperation rather than theft, because we could easily market the two together. Really I didn't know how long this domain would remain available, and I kicked myself for not running the .org search months before.
P.S. I would say LesbianRights,org is equally if not more valuable than LesbianRights,com. The .org seems to carry moral weight. I suspect an end user would attempt to register the .org first and even bypass the .com, although I could be wrong.
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