two thoughts... domain income from traffic for a newbie, never. All the good, high traffic domains are gone, or get picked up in the drop by those much more experienced.
Keep your eyes open. There are opportunities everywhere. New trends, niches and technologies emerge constantly, registries open up for landrush registrations of new top-level domains, numeric domains, idn etc. In summary, now is the best time to start.
9 out of 10 people here had no idea why it would have value.
This is bs imho, and this attitude is obviously only helpful to those who wish to deter others from entering the business.
You can easily auto generate the keywords using google suggest. I have a little program that manages all my domains, it auto generates the description and keywords in realtime each page load, all this data is live (not from a database) ;-) You could also pull and RSS feed into the no frames section.
$kw = "NYMortgages";
class GoogleSuggest
function getSuggestion($kw)
foreach($tmp_keys as $k=>$kw)
return ($res);
function getUrl($url)
$handle = fopen($url, "r");
$contents = '';
while (!feof($handle)) {$contents .= fread($handle, 8192);}
return $contents;
else return false;
<meta name="keywords" content="
foreach($res as $k=>$v)
echo urldecode($k);
echo ",";
" />
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