Probably after looking at the $8k prices for crap domains. Lol. You can't say that crap LLLL.coms won't work when their big brother are doing amazingly.
And still no-one has attempted to argue against this...
That's a very good argument and one which I'd be willing to discuss anyday of the week...
I like to use my as an example in comparisons when discussing this issue with others...
Should we not be able to look into potential acronyms and come up with a "reasonable" value for each where # is a letter from A-Z?
Contrary to many domainers, I don't believe that every will sell for at least 1/26th of what a similar will sell for, but, on the other hand, believe that some of them with particularly desirable acronyms (think O for Online, C for Corporation, L for Limited, etc) may very well sell for a significant premium over that 1/26th of the valuation, others being nothing more than "domainer trophies".
If I take my once again, what could I conceivably do if I was an enduser who wanted to call his business "Better Quality Business" without the money to buy an
Some examples for the enduser who cannot afford BQB:
BQBA - Better Quality Business Associates
BQBC - Better Quality Business Corporation
BQBD - Better Quality Business Development
BQBI - Better Quality Business Inc.
BQBL - Better Quality Business Ltd.
BQBO - Better Quality Business Online
BQBP - Better Quality Business Products
BQBS - Better Quality Business Systems (this domain is developed with this acronym)
The worst LLLL.coms imho are the ones which end in a bad letter, not those that have bad letters elsewhere. Seeing as there are corporations out there for pretty much every QXZ 3 letter combination, ending in a good letter like some of the examples above should provide for at least some enduser potential (and hence "lottery ticket" status).
One thing we need to all remember too is that many LLL.coms (especially the lower quality ones) are bought as domainer trophies. How many domainers who started out with scratch recently haven't dreamed of one day owning a few generics and a few LLL.coms? Anyone? When I started domaining seriously last year, I only had about 10k to spend on domain names... I made it big on LLLL.coms and guess what the first thing I bought was after that? An