Very interesting read indeed. As to the starting post, if 2 non premium so called "bad" llll's out of xxx,xxx?... sell for $40.00 plus change, What really happened? If the minimum wholesale this month is around $50.00 then i would assume that is based on a collection of data from sales. If that is the case, then of course you would have some sales that are in the $40.00 range, some $60.00 which would make a $50.00 average. IMHO nothing really happened.
As to the idea of Hype, LLLL's are being sold on ebay, snap, jet, sedo, pool, afternic, tdn, np, dn, dp, and wherever else....ect,...ect,....on a daily basis, can this be the result of a few guys on a domain forum yelling hype? Are these names being sold Continuously to a handful of Newbie or Experienced Domainers who are believing hype? How many 10, 20 ? Perhaps it is, maybe someone can explain.
Idea, what was the idea behind LLL, basically that businesses like short, and or brand-able acronyms to use as they are more friendly for the internet.
So random lll's were purchased in speculation of this fact. If QZX is not a known acronym and not very English friendly or all that brand-able, and till this day have not found a home (end user) how did it's price rise in value so much?
Apply the same logic to LLLL, however in this case there are much much more available than LLL. If the difference between lll and llll are one letter with the same objective, looking at history one can only conclude that the non premium llll will be pulled by the premium llll's up in value over time. The internet is expanding more and more by American businesses and Globally, so naturally the 400k will begin the shrink more and more, also a small percent should find end users and domainers will probably develop a few for mfa sites or big project sites, this will also shrink the size down.
Globally, The China and German ect.. markets. As stated by Acro something to the effect of "China does not need the .com" interesting; they do have and .cn. I asked this same question to someone who was selling Non Premiums llll's .Com's to end user's in China. I asked him if the Chinese would prefer their own .Cn over .com and he told me that they would prefer the .Com. Maybe this is something to be further investigated.
Reece, correct if I am wrong but did i read you say they you thought your sellout may have been a bit too early? Let's say you held out and kept those llll's do you believe that next year or the year after you would have seen a ROI on them or would renewal fees take the roi away or would the roi beat out the renewal fees?
Acro... I think for the most part that is sound advice, but if I can't afford solo*com and i got zxqx for $50.00 today, you don't see zxqx increasing in value over time, TIME... $8.00 renewal in a year, do you think I can sell zxqx for $100 or $75.00 toward the end of 2009. Not hype but do you see the market following this trend or will it all of a sudden drop and many many domainers will be at a loss next year.