mole said:
Sorry but it is apparent that this is not a business report, but a story teller out to juice the market and the "scoop".
The situations portrayed seemed like they were scripted straight off a Hollywood set. What it portrays is not necessarily that there is a growing market for .COM names (and direct navigation), but that long time holders of .COM names are selling out while they can.
Internet namespace is evolving new, more precise highways that can and will eventually ursurp the dominance of the aging and tired highway that is .COM. And the new so-called "domain kings" do not necessarily operate off tired old soil.
The writer obviously fails to appreciate this simple fact, prefering to spin a fantasy story.
Well Mole, yes there is a bit of story telling, but this is a story that still needs to be told to the Business Community.
I think the market for dot coms is still growing and indeed there seems to have been a real upsurge in activity in recent weeks, not only the King's dot coms, but also on my humble dot net.
I think some domainers are cashing up and getting out, but if you can realise the kind of money they are getting why not? To many as the business matures it is less exciting and they have enough money to move on or just enjoy life.
You are of course correct about the implications of new Search Technology, but domains are also about branding. I only type-in when I know where I am going, because I have been there before. If you have the right domain people will return to your site time and time again using this method, provided the domain is short and memorable and they can remember the extension. Dot com is a brand and does tend to be the one people default to, which is why business like it and that of course just reinforces the effect.
As far as speculation goes, you are of course correct the soil is getting very tired. This happens to all successful formulae eventually. Already, I hear people moaning that all the best IDN have gone, and they are not really in use yet. I missed the orginal dot com opportunity, most will will miss the IDN explosion because there minds are not open. There will of course have been huge bonanzas in the roll out of ccTLDs. The industry as a whole, however, is starting to mature and the opportunities are going to be niches rather than landgrabs. My only advice it make the best of the opportunities whilst they are still out there, but you will not achieve this by trying to replough someone elses's furrow!
Best Regards
Dave Wrixon