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Major Business 2.0 Magazine Domain Article Now Online

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Domain Buyer
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Oct 23, 2002
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ForumDomains said:
Have you tried to become a registry of some ICANN related/dependant extension like .info, .biz, .xxx? Can you figure out how much would it take to have ICANN's permission on that? Of course, not! Otherwise you would not say that prices like USD 1000 for your very own (.nearly-any-word-you-want) TLD Application Fee and USD 250 TLD Renewal Fee(after the first year) are not attractive!

Under the UnifiedRoot project the value of domain names will decrease dramatically to its absolute minimum, because there will be unlimited number of permutations of the nowadays most expensive keyword combinations. It is very bad for the so called domain investors (they'll have to change their lifestyle) but it is good for the rest of Web population. Why?

Because content will rule! (Who did say that?)
Because this is the content that is important to the surfer not the domain name!

The funneling process that is applied now, due to an "attractive" domain you have under the present DNS structure, will not be possible. Or it will be largely diluted.

If the above theory were correct, you would see evidence of it already.

.INFO, .BIZ, .US, .CC, .WS, .CO.UK, and all the others would have depressed .COM prices --but they haven't.

I would counter argue that as extensions increase it is harder for people to navigate the web, which brings them back to one known name space, such as .COM

Does Florida's inland swamp depress the value of its coastal waterfront? Of course not. Some folks will live in the boondocks, but the oceanfront real estate is still worth the big bucks.


Level 5
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Jul 29, 2004
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DaddyHalbucks said:
...I would counter argue that as extensions increase it is harder for people to navigate the web...
Not at all. Navigation will be much easier and intuitive. They will just type the key.word instead of or the key.word.phrase instead of

Just imagine the unified root as a giant milliondollarhomepage ;)
The different domains would be the pixels but they would not be just a million but billions.

Rubber Duck

Level 9
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Jun 29, 2004
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ForumDomains said:
Not at all. Navigation will be much easier and intuitive. They will just type the key.word instead of or the key.word.phrase instead of

Just imagine the unified root as a giant milliondollarhomepage ;)
The different domains would be the pixels but they would not be just a million but billions.

I called it a con. You compare it with Milliondollarhomepage, so are you arguing or agreeing with me?

Dave Wrixon


Level 5
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Jul 29, 2004
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dwrixon said:
I called it a con...Dave Wrixon
You may call it whatever you like. But you should visit the milliondollarhomepage from time to time. People that bought pixels there are quite happy with the result from their little investment. People that didn't, call it a con...

At least it is quite indicative what may happen in the field of public relations. One day you may wake up and find out that public attention has switched to the new fashionable DNS and speedily moving away from old fashioned .com's, .net's and .org's. So, take care!

Rubber Duck

Level 9
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Jun 29, 2004
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You are totally deluded. These keyword type systems have been running in the Far East for a number of years. They have a role there albeit temporarilyy because of the late and patchy implementation of IDN. Those involved have spent time and trouble trying to throw a spanner in the works as they know that IDN will derail their their little gravy train.

In the west nothing will happen, except that you $1000 will disappear with a wave of a magic wand. Nobody is going to bother their arse to download the pluggin so when people type into the address bar it will either go to Yahoo or Google just as it does now. Those that invest will be sat cold and naked on top of gradually melting ice-berg.

Worse still there is very little likelihood that you webpage will gain any search ranking, as effectively you are outside the domain name system and relying soley on a numberical IP address.

But Hell! Why trust me on this one. Just find out for yourself!

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon


Level 6
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Feb 19, 2005
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Yahoo, AOL, Sina, QQ, BBC et al have billions if not trillions invested in mindshare of their current webspace addresses. Billions of people are used to typing-in URLs in their current form.

Billions of anything do not change easily, especially with what's at stake. 'Around-the-dot' is certainly not revolutionary enough to cause change. It'll happen eventually, but this won't do it.


DNF Regular
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May 7, 2002
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If you say something often enough to start to believe it as fact. Some still think Elvis is alive... that's got about the same odds of being true as your predictions do ForumDomains. IMHO



Level 5
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Jul 29, 2004
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vtrader said:
Yahoo, AOL, Sina, QQ, BBC et al have billions if not trillions invested in mindshare of their current webspace addresses. Billions of people are used to typing-in URLs in their current form...
If people want to visit Google, Yahoo, AOL of course they will type the .com after it. This is situation now! But soon they will learn that it is more convenient to type google instead of or instead of!

When it comes to search and type-in let me quote that article.

No one knows for sure how much Web traffic comes from type-ins, and Google and Yahoo execs won’t discuss it. But privately, during one of the late-night parties at the Traffic conference, one Yahoo official estimates that type-ins could make up 15 percent of its search business. Marchex, a Seattle-based public startup whose strategy rests largely on type-in traffic, estimates that it accounts for nearly 10 percent of the global paid search market.


Level 8
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Jul 5, 2002
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I don't know why you guys even bother arguing with this guy. His argument has absolutely no basis or validity. This is a joke.


DaddyHalbucks said:
I would counter argue that as extensions increase it is harder for people to navigate the web, which brings them back to one known name space, such as .COM

Don't worry you are not alone. Feelings like these are generally held by a segment called 'techno dinosaurs' i.e. the chronic inability to use and embrace all things technically 'complex' and unfamiliar, which to others is chickenfeed.

This tends to peak in people who are 40+, not saying you are, but generally that seems to be the observation with marketers selling new technology.

Many kids today are surfing the web at 3 years old, and they are already navigating the web like a duck in water. Many 25-35s have expressed to me the awe at the developing neuro-behavior of the younger generation, especially those 15 and below.

Search engines today are the darling of web navigation for the Internet populace, not type-ins. URLs still have a very important purpose, which is to give a website a name to refer to. And if that name happens to be,, and many others, then so it will be.

alldig said:
I don't know why you guys even bother arguing with this guy. His argument has absolutely no basis or validity. This is a joke.

Ah, the theory of absolute relativity. Do not mock what your brain can't understand.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 7, 2002
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mole .. the same could have been said 10 years after the telephone was invented .. but it seems have lasted awhile...



Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2002
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Ah, the delusional mole. No sense arguing with you...we've all tried before but nothing can penetrate your stubborness. You might as well change your sig to "chronicles of 2200"...when 2008 comes you're going to extend that number to 2012 anyway.


alldig said:
Ah, the delusional mole. No sense arguing with you...we've all tried before but nothing can penetrate your stubborness. You might as well change your sig to "chronicles of 2200"...when 2008 comes you're going to extend that number to 2012 anyway.

:cheesy: don't get me wrong, I probably have more .COMs than you :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: the fact remains that new namespace gives very good addressing possibilities at a relatively low cost, and better contextual meaning while doing just that.

But enough about me since I am nothing more than a figment of your absolute imagination. :-#


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2002
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mole said:
Sorry but it is apparent that this is not a business report, but a story teller out to juice the market and the "scoop".

Mole had it right the first time.

With more Tits and since the Godaddy Advert during the Superbowl.

What did they actually achieve apart from showing off ?

Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Mole, I go along with all your arguements about search being far more important than than type-in. I also believe that the rise in alternative extensions is inevitable because of the shear numbers of domains that will be required. It not difficult to envisage the total number of names eventually exceeding a Billion. That is why more extensions are required and why a flat name space is a red herring.

This kind of solution is nothing more than a minor balkanisation of the internet. You are buying keywords not domains. Anything they can sell can be sold a dozen different times by a dozen different companies. It does not have uniquenes because it has nothing to do with the DNS. The major consequence of this is that search will not dig up any kind of URL, so the search engine algorithms will not give results from this page any precedence due to a fancy URL, because it just won't have one. All you will get is an 18 digit number.

As for ForumDomains, he has as much as admitted that all the research he has done so far is to have read the hype. None of this will work without a download pluggin. Of course those that buy the domains, sorry I meant Keywords, will download the pluggin. But seriously, who else is going to bother. Without the pluggin nobody is going to get redirected to your site. There won't be any type-in, because those who navigate that way are certainly not going to figure this out!

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon


dwrixon said:
But seriously, who else is going to bother. Without the pluggin nobody is going to get redirected to your site. There won't be any type-in, because those who navigate that way are certainly not going to figure this out!

But don't IDNs by default require plug-ins, drix? I used to have one 2-3 years back that Netsol was distributing to enable the computer to recognize these characters.

Notwithstanding, the cult-like indoctrination of .commie ideology is that they think the Internt is one big .COM plug-in, and that it is inconceivable that ccTLDs, other gTLDs and sTLDs can resolve nor propagate in Internet surfer brains.d:)

Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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mole said:
But don't IDNs by default require plug-ins, drix? I used to have one 2-3 years back that Netsol was distributing to enable the computer to recognize these characters.

Notwithstanding, the cult-like indoctrination of .commie ideology is that they think the Internt is one big .COM plug-in, and that it is inconceivable that ccTLDs, other gTLDs and sTLDs can resolve nor propagate in Internet surfer brains.d:)

IDN only require a pluggin if you are stuck on IE 6.0, which at the moment includes most of the people that would make use of them. This is why, I more than most, know that people just won't use them, if it requires a download pluggin.

With IDN the solution is at hand. IE 7.0 will shortly be released and the world will start to adopt IDN in massive numbers because it will be resolvable. It also looks as though ICANN are going to permit and to migrate to IDN.IDN, which will vastly increase their popularity. This will be done initially by putting a small number of IDN extentions into the root server. It is also likely that Verisign's Dname solution will be adopted, which will permit alias mapping within the root servers. This will mean that the gTLDs will be represented in every script on earth, but will still resolve to the same name space, but even Vint Cerf seems to be struggling to get his head around this one!

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon


To me, a .biz or something for a company screams "we couldn't afford a .com" It doesn't exactly instill confidence. I would even feel a little nervous submitting my credit card info at a .biz.

What if this forum was on a .us? Wouldn't people be like "oh good could the forum be if they couldn't even get a .com?"

What is the point of having a good keyword domain if it doesn't get typein traffic? If a company is going to spend any money at all on a premium name, why wouldn't they just go for a cheaper .com instead of an awesome .com?

If you are developing the site, the domain just needs to be brandable and memorable. If you are counting on search engine traffic and not typein traffic, then pretty much everyone knows the domain plays virtually no role in the SERPs...

Not trying to be sarcastic here, and not acting like I have awesome .com's...but come on, why do people think .biz/.info/etc. are a big deal? A few big deals doesn't mean the extension is a success.

I get ccTLD's have a big place and of course those are important within their countries, but aside from those, .com's, and in some cases .org's...what's so great about any other extension?


There are 40 million .COMs and probably 400,000 Nigerian scams on the namespace. Not a very good analogy, but you get the drift.

Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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To me, a .biz or something for a company screams "we couldn't afford a .com" It doesn't exactly instill confidence. I would even feel a little nervous submitting my credit card info at a .biz.

No, but it would say that they Keyword you wanted and probably anything that was closely related was already booked in the dot com.

What if this forum was on a .us? Wouldn't people be like "oh good could the forum be if they couldn't even get a .com?"

Because this site has such a US bias at times to the point of zenophobia, a US extension would probably be more appropriate

What is the point of having a good keyword domain if it doesn't get typein traffic? If a company is going to spend any money at all on a premium name, why wouldn't they just go for a cheaper .com instead of an awesome .com?

Because the right Keywords are important. "" just doesn't cut it. Some think that it will but they will be disappointed.

Mine get me to the top of Google. I wanted the dot com, bought the Snap but got beaten to it by Pool. Buydomains want a packet for it, but I won't give them what they are looking for and nobody else seems interested, so I stick with the dot Biz.

If you are developing the site, the domain just needs to be brandable and memorable. If you are counting on search engine traffic and not typein traffic, then pretty much everyone knows the domain plays virtually no role in the SERPs...

I don't believe that to be true. If you look at "Search Engine Optimisation" as a term, you show me anything vaguely reasonable that can be registered in an extension, even neglecting excessive length. If the SEO operators didn't think domains were important then that wouldn't be the case.

Not trying to be sarcastic here, and not acting like I have awesome .com's...but come on, why do people think .biz/.info/etc. are a big deal? A few big deals doesn't mean the extension is a success.

It depends what your game is. If you want to run an ecommerce site on a global scale go out and buy a dot com. It will cost you a lot of money, but it has to be the sensible thing to do. If you are a developer, the same advice is probably true. To a speculator, however, dot com has lost its edge because it is much closer to fullfilling its potential and therefore the upside is much more limited. The only downside is if your pay too much for a dud name. Plenty do just that chasing the dot com dream!

I get ccTLD's have a big place and of course those are important within their countries, but aside from those, .com's, and in some cases .org's...what's so great about any other extension?[/QUOTE]

Well the only other extension I have invested in is dot net. They don't get the traffic that dot com does, but some making a reasonable amount. I got them as drops cheaper and in larger quantities than would have been possible than in dot coms. I have sold quite a few and usually make about 1000%. But apart from that absolutely nothing.

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon
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