Greetings everyone and thanks for your continued support and concern regarding this unfortunate event. To fully confirm what happened, it turns out that we were somehow compromised through one of our laptops that had yahoo instant messenger. By this, the thief managed to infiltrate our firewall through a yahoo exploit of some kind.
Foolishly on our part, we seemed to have had an associated yahoo address to one of our portfolios, this gave the thief an immediate access to our GD account who then performed a password access reset and gained access to our names. The difficult issue here was of course trying to convince godaddy that we weren't the ones who made these radical changes to our account. Lucky of course for us, GD automatically prevented the names from being transferred since this individual performed local registrant changes.
After compiling a book stack of proof, regarding IDs to purchase agreements to you name it, we ONLY got roughly half of our names back, absurd to say the least. I then immediately phoned my attorney and of course with his usual magic, managed to recover the rest.
The lesson here is, make sure your account is obviously not associated with any free e-mail whatsoever, meaning login access not necessarily ADMIN/TECH whois associations. And secondly, always stay up to date with security revisions of your applicable browser and OS.
My next step of course is now to move away from GD and into my own registrar when we launch this summer. I of course couldn't have got my names back if it weren't for the tremendous help from some of you. So thatâs my story folks.
PS Thanks Beechie