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Many exact match domains' value may go down because of what Matt Cutts said recently

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Buying Premium Domains
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Jan 26, 2007
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DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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is this another "sky is falling" scenerio?

cuz if you believe, then you should be selling your emd's cheap

and if not, why perpetuate the hype?



DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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The latest update targets low quality sites.

sites and domains are different, as one is a placemark for the other.

so, did someone not understand the info?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Since I attend the seminars and have been to many Matt Cutt's talks about what Google is and will be doing, I can tell you that 99% of what he says is pure nonsense. He's a nice guy, but for whatever reason, nothing he has said since I began listening to him in 2005 has turned out to be true, in fact it's usually the opposite.

One of the funniest is when he said years ago that "tag clouds" on web pages would soon cause a permanent ban, because they are automated keyword stuffing for the sole purpose of baiting search engines. Google did the exact opposite, giving high rankings to pages with tag clouds, especially on Wordpress.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 23, 2012
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Since I attend the seminars and have been to many Matt Cutt's talks about what Google is and will be doing, I can tell you that 99% of what he says is pure nonsense. He's a nice guy, but for whatever reason, nothing he has said since I began listening to him in 2005 has turned out to be true, in fact it's usually the opposite.

One of the funniest is when he said years ago that "tag clouds" on web pages would soon cause a permanent ban, because they are automated keyword stuffing for the sole purpose of baiting search engines. Google did the exact opposite, giving high rankings to pages with tag clouds, especially on Wordpress.

I'm afraid your wrong there, Matt is consistently looked to by the best SEOs in the business as being the go to guy for reliable SEO information, he has always advocated SEO techniques and strategies that work long-term and as you would realise if you read his blog/watched his videos, he actually makes many good predictions and gives great advice.

I have tested that advice through correlation studies on search engine ranking and other such studies have shown much the same results.

I seriously doubt that he said that blogs implementing tag clouds would get a ban, but if he did I am sure you can provide some evidence of this statement?

What he is more likely to have said is that Google at the time struggled to differentiate between tag clouds and the content on a page and sometimes it was getting lumped in with the content and being analysed under the general algorithm.

In addition, there is no reliable evidence or reason that blogs implementing tag clouds have/would receive a ranking boost, but again if you have the evidence or data to back this assertion up please do post it...


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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I'm afraid your wrong there, Matt is consistently looked to by the best SEOs in the business as being the go to guy for reliable SEO information, he has always advocated SEO techniques and strategies that work long-term and as you would realise if you read his blog/watched his videos, he actually makes many good predictions and gives great advice.

I have tested that advice through correlation studies on search engine ranking and other such studies have shown much the same results.

I seriously doubt that he said that blogs implementing tag clouds would get a ban, but if he did I am sure you can provide some evidence of this statement?

What he is more likely to have said is that Google at the time struggled to differentiate between tag clouds and the content on a page and sometimes it was getting lumped in with the content and being analysed under the general algorithm.

Nope, that's what he said at Pubcon, in front of hundreds of SEO people. Not sure what kind of "evidence" you are looking for. That's just one of the many, many things he's said at Pubcon over the years that have turned proven to be nonsense.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Mr Cutts has been calling on the demise of exact match domains for years. The problem is that users value them, click on them, rate them with credibility, and business use them. People read too much into his comments. His primary objective is to provide site links that users want. Google will continue to figure out how to weaken Parking pages but exact match domains will always be a powerful tool. If you have them...get developing/affiliating/improving them!


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 23, 2012
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Nope, that's what he said at Pubcon, in front of hundreds of SEO people. Not sure what kind of "evidence" you are looking for. That's just one of the many, many things he's said at Pubcon over the years that have turned proven to be nonsense.

Like what? You are still making statements without backing them up at all.

Evidence = blog posts, videos, is there a record of him saying that, etc?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Like what? You are still making statements without backing them up at all.

Evidence = blog posts, videos, is there a record of him saying that, etc?

You obviously didn't read my post. It was a seminar, not a blog post. Attendees are not allowed to videotape or record Pubcon seminars. You've obviously never been to one. Perhaps you should actually get away from your computer and go to these things before suggesting that anything that happened in real life instead of some blog is somehow not real.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 23, 2012
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You obviously didn't read my post. It was a seminar, not a blog post. Attendees are not allowed to videotape or record Pubcon seminars. You've obviously never been to one. Perhaps you should actually get away from your computer and go to these things before suggesting that anything that happened in real life instead of some blog is somehow not real.

I read every word of your post, and if you read more of Matt's you would realise that he often and other industry journalists also report on major developments that come out of Pubcon or other such conferences.

In fact quite a few people live blog these events:


Your also just being plain stupid in saying that I said anything that didn't happen on a blog isn't real, you asked what evidence was and I gave "blog posts, videos, a record of him saying that, etc?" as examples of evidence note the "etc".

Just because you have no evidence and no logic behind your blatantly incorrect statement, is no reason to get angry, personal or ignorant.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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I've changed my mind - you need to stay home and live in your blog world, as you clearly have no social skills.


Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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is this another "sky is falling" scenerio?

cuz if you believe, then you should be selling your emd's cheap

and if not, why perpetuate the hype?


Just sharing some news. Don't be angry. We at least need to listen to what Matt Cutts said and decide on what to do. Not necessarily mean you have to sell your domains at discounted prices. But now I would think twice before buying 3 to 5 word Exact match domains at high prices.

At least, this will reduce the demands on such domains and it will in turn reduce the prices of many domains esp long tail exact word domains.

Why should someone pay high price for "bestdomainnameforums.com" (example long exact keyword domain, there may be better examples) when they can use some brandable and short domain at a much cheaper price with the same effect apart from losing negligible type in visitors if google don't give weight for an exact match domain.

There are many people who have lost money, time doing donkey seo work, not listening to what Matt Cutts was saying over past few years.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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Not necessarily mean you have to sell your domains at discounted prices.

So are you saying don't sell at the lowball prices you would offer? Gotchya!

Matt Cutts is a muppet. If you think everything that comes out of his mouth is the truth you are clueless about SEO.


Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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So are you saying don't sell at the lowball prices you would offer? Gotchya!

Matt Cutts is a muppet. If you think everything that comes out of his mouth is the truth you are clueless about SEO.

What do you want to say? I have bought domains in mid xx,xxx etc.... and we recently bought a domain in high x,xxx only few days ago. I pay appropriate prices for decent domains esp if want to develop them.

As I said, you don't need to blindly believe what he said but judge accordingly. Many things he said had been useful to our seo campaigns.
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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2011
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EMD still has much value as it use to, the recent Google update affected EMD that has low quality SEO. This is an indication the EMD is a strong factor for SEO ranking. So anyone developing a website with a EMD has be careful on how they do their SEO and avoid keyword stuffing..


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Just sharing some news. Don't be angry. We at least need to listen to what Matt Cutts said

Hi James

there was/is no anger

it's just that "I" don't have to listen to anything dude says

you have to listen, if "you believe" he has credible info, that is pertinent to your s e o efforts.

i don't, because i don't believe any of the hype spread by the broadcasters

the majority of the time, the hype is misinterpreted anyway, as you seem to have done from what you've said.

At least, this will reduce the demands on such domains and it will in turn reduce the prices of many domains esp long tail exact word domains.

i hope it does reduce the demand on gkwt for emd's, then i can continue doing what i'm doing, without a lot of "query runners" pumpin up the volume on result numbers.

the deal is NOT about emd's, but about the quality of content placed and the kwds used on some that dev in haste to get rank....those with little susbstance.

this has nothing to do with the domain names, only the websites that are attached to them.

but many misread or get confused and start talking about the value of domains going down because of what HE said.

all i'm basically saying to you is....don't, don't , don't believe the hype

long tail domains still kick cash in my pockets, just check the sales threads.

then again, maybe we/i should just let you guys/gals believe whatever you want and not butt in, especially when you think we post out of anger.



Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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Hi James

there was/is no anger

it's just that "I" don't have to listen to anything dude says

you have to listen, if "you believe" he has credible info, that is pertinent to your s e o efforts.

i don't, because i don't believe any of the hype spread by the broadcasters

the majority of the time, the hype is misinterpreted anyway, as you seem to have done from what you've said.

i hope it does reduce the demand on gkwt for emd's, then i can continue doing what i'm doing, without a lot of "query runners" pumpin up the volume on result numbers.

the deal is NOT about emd's, but about the quality of content placed and the kwds used on some that dev in haste to get rank....those with little susbstance.

this has nothing to do with the domain names, only the websites that are attached to them.

but many misread or get confused and start talking about the value of domains going down because of what HE said.

all i'm basically saying to you is....don't, don't , don't believe the hype

long tail domains still kick cash in my pockets, just check the sales threads.

then again, maybe we/i should just let you guys/gals believe whatever you want and not butt in, especially when you think we post out of anger.


Matt Cutts is the lead person who is implementing these changes. For Example, if one doesn't listen to what he is saying, then that person will still be mad with "meta keywords".

Are you still mad with "meta keywords" which was devalued completely by Google after Matt Cutts' team implemented changes? If you don't believe him, spend many hours researching on meta keywords.

Any way, this news will affect some domain buyers and this will in turn reduce the demand and may affect negatively on the domains' prices.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Matt Cutts is the lead person who is implementing these changes. For Example, if one doesn't listen to what he is saying, then that person will still be mad with "meta keywords".

Are you still mad with "meta keywords" which was devalued completely by Google after Matt Cutts' team implemented changes? If you don't believe him, spend many hours researching on meta keywords.

Any way, this news will affect some domain buyers and this will in turn reduce the demand and may affect negatively on the domains' prices.

i still use meta tags in the headers of mini's i build and none, nada one has been affected

this news is not about using meta tags or meta tag indentifiers, it's about what you put in them if you use them.

check the source code:

<title>Reusable Construction Materials.com</title>
<META NAME="TITLE" CONTENT="ReusableConstructionMaterials.com">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="reusable construction materials,Green friendly uses for restoration,recyclable building materials, Eco-Friendly Products, Envirionmentally Friendly Materials, Solar Enery, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Feuls, Earth Fabrics.com, GreenAdditions.com, GreenMachinery.com,Building Additions, Room Additions, Home Improvement Projects, GreenClasses.com, Learn Leeds Certification, Green Structual Designs, GreenDiscount.com, Get Green Discounts and Credits for purchasing Envirionmentally Friendly and Enery Efficient Appliances, Window, Doors and Fixtures.">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="reusable construction materials,recyclable building materials,divert construction and demolition materials from local landfills,Building Additions, Room Additions, Home Improvement Projects,procurement and distrubutionof reusable materials">
<META NAME="OWNER" CONTENT="[email protected]">
<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="index,follow">

this mini only has a couple of pages, but has been on 1st page of google since i launched it last year.


Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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i still use meta tags in the headers of mini's i build and none, nada one has been affected

this news is not about using meta tags or meta tag indentifiers, it's about what you put in them if you use them.

check the source code:

<title>Reusable Construction Materials.com</title>
<META NAME="TITLE" CONTENT="ReusableConstructionMaterials.com">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="reusable construction materials,Green friendly uses for restoration,recyclable building materials, Eco-Friendly Products, Envirionmentally Friendly Materials, Solar Enery, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Feuls, Earth Fabrics.com, GreenAdditions.com, GreenMachinery.com,Building Additions, Room Additions, Home Improvement Projects, GreenClasses.com, Learn Leeds Certification, Green Structual Designs, GreenDiscount.com, Get Green Discounts and Credits for purchasing Envirionmentally Friendly and Enery Efficient Appliances, Window, Doors and Fixtures.">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="reusable construction materials,recyclable building materials,divert construction and demolition materials from local landfills,Building Additions, Room Additions, Home Improvement Projects,procurement and distrubutionof reusable materials">
<META NAME="OWNER" CONTENT="[email protected]">
<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="index,follow">

this mini only has a couple of pages, but has been on 1st page of google since i launched it last year.

I won't affect negatively if you use "meta keywords". It will have no affect at all on your site's ranking. The only difference is you're wasting your time on something which will not make any difference whatsoever. Your page is ranking okay due to the title and meta description.

The keywords you're talking about "reusable construction materials" only searched 22 times per month and that's why you could rank your page due to not much competition from other webmasters who wouldn't waste their time on this kind of keywords.

This is just bizarre. Your exact match domain is not found on google first few pages. Instead I can only see your urlpick.com page.

May be you're the first person google is taking action on. LOL

I can see your domain got Frame from your main site.
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