occupied.ca could be a neat web development company, after you build the site it would then be occupied.ca
Msn, what names you are talking about? Perhaps not everyone who bids on Pool.com has access to Dnforum.com
It gets frustrating trying to hawk a domain here for $5., and watch someone then pay $60 to Pool.
(I didn't post troutlake.ca, because I'm tired of wasting time).
I would love to have access to all the people that look at the TBR. Almost every name I drop is picked up for $60 minimum, some have gone for much more. I am at a point where I am afraid to drop names. I can't tell you how many names I have dropped that I now regret because I couldn't think of a use at the time, but now I can think of several.
The problem is, if everyone had access to the "TBR market" to sell their domains, or if there was a big centralized market like realtors using MLS, there would be a huge overabundance of decent domain names and most wouldn't sell for $10.
I think it is still going to be a long while before it is a seller's market. The question is, is it worth investing in a "decent" domain that may not sell for 10 years. One problem is that the technology might change by the time it's a seller's market. For example, search engines will probably be able to distinguish a Canadian website without having to be a .ca. There will also be changes that we can't even anticipate.
Please note that I am not talking about quality names, just decent names that are not selling but get picked up in the TBR.
I also see many of my drops picked up each week after being offered here on clearance. It's rather funny to see people waste their money but then I think the people doing that are the ones who are not supposed to be owning .ca domains to begin with, and can only do so with any cloaking via the tbr...
What I cannot get is why people pay Pool $60 for domains that were already offered here for $10 and $20.
What bugs me is I also used to own fulltimejobs and I offered it for sale on this site with no offers (it was with some other domains being offered). I dropped the name and it sells at pool for 1650 at tbr.. :upset: ...
I think you guys mistaken about dental.ca. If you type in google inurl:dental.ca you will see that there are hundreds of .ca sites that finish with the word dental. It is used as a noun basically.
i won redemption and occupied. what i will i do with them g-d only knows.
maybe redemption.ca can be a site dedicated to Bob Marley.
while occupied.ca can be a site for bathroom stalls.
just joking of course
i really haven't decided what i will do with occupied.ca. To be honest with you i don't do much with my domains but hold them.Can you give an idea of what you'll do with occupied ?
(The last price that I saw for dental pre-auction was 700, so I'm assuming occupied cost more than that, right? So, there must be a plan of some kind.)
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