maximux1 said:
I had assistance writing the "SALE AGREEMENT". I will not continue to explain that to you. Perhaps you need to re-read this thread.
Re-reading thread now
k: :laugh:
maximux1 said:
That's entirely up to him to disclose.
So he's posted in this thread? ... you don't say he hasn't ... that really narrows down the field :-D
maximux1 said:
When I came here, I had an offer. (still with me?) I wanted to shop the offer because I was not satisfied. (Still there?) I signed with a domain brokerage for 45 days. (Still with me, Ron?) The brokerage did not sell the domain within the terms of the agreement...
45 days ... sounds like should hit up, figuratively speaking, next time when drawing up a broker contract - they never really had a chance ... if the auction began Dec-21-2004 and ends Apr-20-2005, then why would the contract at least not cover the entire auction period? ... dumb on their part - lucky for you
maximux1 said:
...(S L O W I N G D O W N). The original offer never went away.
:Looks back:
We reworked the original offer to terms all parties could agree to. (Ron?) We drafted a simple
"SALES AGREEMENT" that outlined the details of the sale and took a security deposit until the buyer has the funds ready.
I'm with you so far :-D
Not sure how redrafting a sales agreement helps much ... do they suddenly have more money now? A security deposit ... umm, like low 6-figures at least? If not, you don't have much security, but hey that's my layman's opinion ... what do I know.
maximux1 said:
(RON!!! You gotta stay with me here, this is where it has been confusing you) We have now found a respectable member of this community to assist us with the final draft of the "PURCHASE CONTRACT".
If you already have a sales agreement and a deposit, why have another contract? With that said, thank you for the clarification on the contracts - didn't realize there were two you were discussing.
maximux1 said:
Ya know, Ron. For a "domain broker", you seem to be having a great deal of trouble grasping what we have here. I have done my best at this point to explain the situation to you...
I generally keep things simple when doing deals - if the buyer doesn't have the funds, no amount of contracts is going to help; I'm not in the financing business, and I make that clear to all buyers - it's up to them to take out a loan or whatever it takes to get the funds together.
maximux1 said:
Im sorry if you still are confused or are having continued trouble reading my posts. I have made every reasonable attempt to clear things up for you.
And I appreciate that - thank you for taking the time to clarify things.
maximux1 said:
Again, how many domains have you actually brokered? You seem a bit ignorant of the agreement process. Im just curious as to the quality of domains you have brokered and why it is you are having such a difficult time with this.
None ... only recently started advertising "brokering" service - and to be honest I've not put much effort into that angle ... I have plenty of domains of my own to sell, my businesses are cranking along nicely, and thus there's little urgency to pursue brokering ... but it doesn't hurt to pursue it - being diversified...
While on the topic of brokering - I don't get caught up in all the contract/legal stuff - it ultimately, reiterating what I post a little ways up, comes down to an exchange of funds for the domain(s) - if one doesn't have the funds, then there's no point in pursuing a deal, in my view - financing, leasing, etc are things some folks get into, but from my personal experience of selling millions of dollars in domains, there's no need for all that complexicity.
Continuing on that thought ... I could have likely found a buyer willing to pay more ... offered numerous times to help broker the domain for you ... I couldn't do any worse than did LOL!
maximux1 said:
The only contradictions here are the ones that you cant wrap your mind around. Take a step back, Ron. Re-read the post, then delete the rest of your crap so no one can read it - I too can spot a rat, but I typically pass them by quickly.
My posts in this topic, while not perfect, are still relevant and thus will remain.
Well, I guess you could say I spotted a rat, Ron.
Nothing like discussing rats on a Friday night ... I think we both need to get out more
arty: :-D