Greetings InvisibleBabe & Other DNF Contributors,
The current environment for Domain Investors remains hostile with respect to Trademark violations, real or perceived, especially where deep-pocketed corporations are concerned. Please review the following as I feel it provides an excellent BASIC overview of the procedures involved in your situation,
UDRP: Domain Name Disputes Part I
UDRP: Domain Name Disputes Part II - The Procedure
UDRP: Domain Name Disputes Part III - The Rights
UDRP: Domain Name Disputes Part IV - Special Issues
UDRP: Domain Name Disputes Part V - Conclusion
Additionally, the information provided here is helpful,
Using ICANN's UDRP **Excellent Resource**
It is important to understand that it costs approx. $1,000.00 should anyone attempt to acquire a Domain Name via arbitration. Having said that, it is a good idea to be CAREFUL about what you say and post publicly as "anything you say/post can and will be used against you." in the event of an arbitration hearing.
Remember - there are no stupid questions except for those that are never asked. Most of the contributors here are only trying to help, however, sometimes it can be perceived as being "picked on" in spite of this fact. Hope that helps clarify some of the issues for you.
Warmest Regards and Thanks for Participating.
Yours For Success,
Darren Ott
Chief Financial Officer
E-Mail: mailto:
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