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Members who post comments in others Sales/Advertising threads

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DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Hi All

Thanks for all the comments

despite the replies here.......I still see some members posting comments in sales threads.

posting comments like....."nice domain"

but if they get a warning points, then they get mad
Domain Days 2024


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 7, 2005
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I think comments are just about always useless, annoying and not needed. If the seller asks for questions in the thread, that's one thing, but if they ask for PM's then members should respect their wishes and follow the rules. This bothers me as both a seller and a member.

I think awareness is the key here. As a member, I could see how it would be easy to make a useless comment and not think anything of it... but if I were more aware of what I was really doing to the seller or to the community as a whole... then, I would not do it and therefore I strongly disagree with anyone posting useless posts in sales threads.


DNF Regular
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Aug 18, 2003
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GT Web said:
One other thing I hate, is when I see a site or domain for sale which might say: Offers above $500, BIN $1500 and someone comes along and posts "I'll give you $10 for it"

What if the name is only worth $10?

I hate when someone wants high offers only on a crap name.

Just don't start the thread.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 13, 2004
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I will also state that most all comments in a sales thread should not be permitted. The only comments I personally see as permissable are if the "commentor" has actual facts about something misrepresented, illegal, or a scam posted in which he felt honorable enough to beware the public. I underline the word "FACTS" and not something you've heard or thought.

I also feel that as much as a domain/webmaster expert genious that you think you might be ... you do not know everything ... and it is not your right to come to someone else's sales thread and trash not knowing what the heck you are talking about. This doesnt help anyone, cuz then the seller has to come argue his point and turns it into a big ugly mess in which no one would ever bid or buy once this occurs.

I feel that a buyer should always do there own thorough research no matter what he see's or hear's about a sale he/she might be interested in.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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That's right. If the seller has the goods any negative comment will just help bump the thread anyways. I love seeing 3-day old traffic stats from an experienced domainer....."I don't know where it's coming from..no other info". Wouldn't want to wait a month and see if you have a real gem, would you? Sell it to a newbie. The good domains always win out in the end. Honest criticism should be allowed.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2002
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nitronet said:
What if the name is only worth $10?

I hate when someone wants high offers only on a crap name.

Just don't start the thread.
When someone posts a minimum offer, and you don't think it's worth it, move on. If you want to be respected in your sales, respect others. Period.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 17, 2003
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agreed.........if you do not wish to purchase the domain, then STAY out of the individual's sales thread, simple as that..........MOVE ON to another thread......its a no brainer!!


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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In other forms of investment sales, risks are spelled out for the protection of the investor. In the domain secondary market, there should be some effort to disclose possible risks as well to provide some protection to newbies etc. so as NOT to transform our forum into a wildwest type blackmarket where it's completely "buyer beware" and anything goes, such as pumped traffic, blatant trademark squatting, or bad faith used in the domain's original acquisition via sunrise fraud or system manipulation. All these things and more could lead to the loss of a name after purchase. Making sure the disclosures or risks are presented is NOT the responsibility of DNforum, but instead should be the responsiblity of the seller. If NOT disclosed by the seller, questions about these issues/risks should be allowed to be posted in a sales thread. Moderators (no matter what their personal stand) should know the difference between legitimate questions on these risks/issues that affect the true valuation of a name for sale, and general disallowed positive or negative commentary, when making their deletion decisions.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Stocdoctor said:
In other forms of investment sales, risks are spelled out for the protection of the investor. In the domain secondary market, there should be some effort to disclose possible risks as well to provide some protection to newbies etc. so as NOT to transform our forum into a wildwest type blackmarket where it's completely "buyer beware" and anything goes, such as pumped traffic, blatant trademark squatting, or bad faith used in the domain's original acquisition via sunrise fraud or system manipulation.

There is a section in "Exclusive" section for "TM" domains, where members can post names that may have a high risk level, but with all forms of investment, the higher the risk.......the higher the return potential!

These risks are assumed by the "savy investor" who understands the consequences.

Stocdoctor said:
]All these things and more could lead to the loss of a name after purchase. Making sure the disclosures or risks are presented is NOT the responsibility of DNforum, but instead should be the responsiblity of the seller.

For newbies, they should try to educate themselves about all sides of buying and selling domains, prior to making such investments. Rather than diving in the "Pool" before learning "how to swim" in these sometimes... shark infested waters. Where fraudsters lurk, waiting to pounce on the "unsuspecting"!

That can happen with any type of investment.

Stocdoctor said:
If NOT disclosed by the seller, questions about these issues/risks should be allowed to be posted in a sales thread. Moderators (no matter what their personal stand) should know the difference between legitimate questions on these risks/issues that affect the true valuation of a name for sale, and general disallowed positive or negative commentary, when making their deletion decisions.

imo.......whether or not a domain could be considered a "TM", is up to that entity that could prosecute the infringement.

Until such time that occurs, it is the buyer's responsibility to make inquiries, which can include verification of any traffic/revenue claims, and inquiries concerning letters of "C&D" received.
Should the buyer be satisfied, then a transaction can occur.

Posting questions regarding the above info or something of that nature, that exihibits an "interest to purchase", is totally acceptable!

Thanks for posting :)


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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I see some members still won't follow the "no comments in sales threads" rule.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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biggedon said:
I see some members still won't follow the "no comments in sales threads" rule.

Bumping this thread, because I still see members who don't respect forum rules.

Even had a member who was given a warning point for posting in sales thread and he pleaded to have his point removed.

Then, after after a couple of weeks past i went a removed his warning point, only to see him post more comments in sales threads, the day after I removed his point.

So when you try to be lenient, it doesn't seem to work as some will always think they have the right to do whatever they please.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 21, 2004
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True. I dont know why few people think its ok to :

Make apprisals in sales thread.
Tell how great the name is or is not.
try to advertise there own names in others sales threads.

And when someone does that to there sales thread they go crazy ...

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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However, when there is a legitimate risk of false stats being shown or some type of scam, potential buyers should be notified.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 21, 2004
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In that case report the thread and post about it in legal forum or people to avoid dealing with or we can have a seperate forum for sales thread discussion.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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GT Web said:
However, when there is a legitimate risk of false stats being shown or some type of scam, potential buyers should be notified.

unless you have factual evidence of fraud or scamming, then you should not be posting in a sales thread.

that info should be posted in the appropriate forum, with the facts to substantiate your claims.

it should also be reported to staff, to make them aware of the thread in question.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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biggedon said:
unless you have factual evidence of fraud or scamming, then you should not be posting in a sales thread.

that info should be posted in the appropriate forum, with the facts to substantiate your claims.

it should also be reported to staff, to make them aware of the thread in question.

I think it is totally fair to say "those screenshots look a little strange - could you please post referrer stats to confirm where your traffic is coming from?"

But obviously reporting the post to mods is the first & most important step in all of this.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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GT Web said:
I think it is totally fair to say "those screenshots look a little strange - could you please post referrer stats to confirm where your traffic is coming from?"

But obviously reporting the post to mods is the first & most important step in all of this.

just a bump to focus on the issue!

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Biggedon - I agree its totally unfair to say "what? you are asking $10,000 - this name isn't worth 10 cents" or "you are a scammer" or "this name sucks"

However, if you have information that may protect potential buyers and you have proof of this and you can bring this info to light without bashing the seller, then it should be OK to post in the sales thread.

Adam said it himself, the majority of the time it is the buyer getting ripped off. I barely ever post in sales threads - but when I do I make sure there is a good reason for it.
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