Good name, but not great.
Three word names are always a gamble. Only truly fantastic combinations such as autoinsurancequote or freeiqtest can regularly land type-ins.
However, type-ins are not the only way your site can get traffic.
Questions which might be answered on this site could be, for example, "How do I prevent cuts while shaving?". Typically, one wanting an answer to this question would type it in on google.
Sites like ehow already dominate this niche, but with the right content, you can get right up there on the search engines.
As stock_post said, SEO will be the key to this site's success, turning searches on google to visitors to your site.
In its raw keyword value, I would appraise this name at mid $xxx. However, with some good content and backlinks, this could become a traffic machine with which you would not have trouble earning $x,xxx a year.