Thats lots of domains daily.
Where did you find those stats?
So lets suppose they find my name is Fridolin Kundolizek, registered address Prdelakov, Czech republic. US court decides I should pay them $10M in damages. Besides the fact I am not breaking any law neither of a country where I live nor a country where I am citizen of - how exactly they plan to collect the money ?
Seize your non-TM domains, for starters, and auction them off to the highest bidders.
You underestimate the potential resources Microsoft has at its disposal, especially with a subpoena power. Multiple accounts doesn't make things impossible to trace. Do you have 200 credit cards? 200 paypal accounts? Logging in with 200 separate IP addresses? 200 different browser referrer records. 200 different Google cookies? 200 different Flash cookies? 200 different bank accounts? 200 different IP addresses on DNforum? Do you think Microsoft doesn't read this forum? Those are just some of the trivial ways to perform correlation analysis, to track down groups controlled by 1 person.
Thats lots of domains daily.
Where did you find those stats?
His name was actually "Mike Rowe" and added the "soft" to make his domain sound cute. That kid was a little punk, too bad he didn't get sued into the ground.
I think MS could easily find this guy just by his picture.
In the long run without money...what's the point of registering the domains?
And MS can and will go for your assets. Sedo is a German company and I am sure MS can sue you in Germany and seize your Sedo assets. They can pretty much do this in every country that has a decent parking service. Most are in the USA or EU so it wouldn't be hard at all.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators