Thanks for the optimism in me, i can assure you it's misguided, lol! :lol:
I'm just an average domainer with much to learn.
However, my angle is i've stuck to traditional tlds.
.com (will always be the best, i have always said that)
.info & (my country codes)
I don't get involved in obscure country codes & .ws etc
I think a lot of people have been burnt on the constant rollout of obscure crappy .cctlds & others & vied to stay away from .mobi thinking it would be the same. Due to this & not doing their homework & a finger on the pulse they have missed a very costly boat.
I am a huge fan of .mobi, see massive potential & enjoy daily changes in it's market potential. It's exciting.
I genuinely believe in this extension.
I actually believe it is undervalued in most part, there is a heck of a way to go.
I also see .info as massively undervalued, but that's another story.
I do think you should sell off domains as & when you need the money, try & keep your best. That goes for all extensions.
It matters not if mainly resellers are buying .mobi in the aftermarket. This is happening in all extensions.
How many or generic .nets get used? how many are bought by reseller collectors? etcetera
Look we fuel this business in most part, of course endusers are massively important too.
These threads are so tiring & we have all been here before.
I try to concebntrate on the mobi sales threads & mobi news threads. It's interesting (for some of us lol) & actually details progress of this extension & in part of our industry.
There, let's all have a group hug
Incidentally, i have been developing a few mobis, have a few infos to do next.
My BIG project which kicks off in a couple of days has been trademarked etc.
I have all the domains & the com is the main site, but the mobi will play a big role in the project.
More details to follow.................