Oh yeah, ROTFLMAO.
I promise you, should we ever meet you will have that one opportunity to call me a retard and an old man to my face. And I promise, I will laugh so hard in your face that folks will think I am just that what you called me.
Sounds like you know the drill already? Close the thread that YOU RUINED and start another so you can get away with all of your insults?Again, best of luck to you, perhaps you should close this thread and start another one.
I guess I'll just have to cry myself to sleep.??? You just don't make sense old man. You want to laugh like a old retard for everyone to see? By all means go ahead.
Time to start packing up for college.
Sounds like you know the drill already? Close the thread that YOU RUINED and start another so you can get away with all of your insults?
I don't want this thread closed or deleted, thanks very much.
You have insulted more than one person here today and not only that you insulted every single Gold Member & potentially DNF itself.
Sure you got enough laugh for yourself and VIOLATED THIS THREAD....
YOU ALSO HAVE VIOLATED our GOAL of 2008 ... As a COMMUNITY we discussed our focus should be to move forward and stop this CHILDISH ACTS.... you are a perfect EXAMPLE
MODS, JOHNN .. Did we Not AGREE that we should stop this type of communication?!? Personal Attacks should not be accepted !!! Anyone responsible for PERSONAL ATTACKS in 2008 should be temp-banned.
We have all been part of this NEGATIVE energy... this is no place for this and Im a supporter of this 2008 GOAL to RAISE AWARNESS AND TERMINATE Accounts who decide NOT TO FOLLOW the RULES
Man, that domain name sucks.iphones.mobi December stats are in. :yes:
I wish I could add myself to my own ignore list so even I did not have to read my own stuff.Ban circa1850 aka Doc Com for the amount of members he has insulted then?
Man, that domain name sucks.
Half of what you paid and it will no longer be your problem.Tell me about it. I should start hyping .mobis so I can dump this dog.
You sir a complete retard. Then again, I would expect this from a gold member.
You have no right to tell other members where to post or where not to post on this forum!
if you only want agreeable opinions, start your own exclusive forum.
I could go on & on about how much of a loser you are...
Instead of that, *post reported*.
Maybe DNF should have an age limit to cut out this kinda crap?
Tell me about it. I should start hyping .mobis so I can dump this dog.
You lost out on buying into .mobi early on and now u are here to bash it, IMHO. That is how I was going to explain to you how much of a loser you are.final word:
I was restating the exact opinion of the mod, and you start bashing me. Starting with Doc Com. According to you, we should ban him, since he started the fire.
Good night.
Let me Refresh Your memory idname:
You like starting fires then running away buddy?
You lost out on buying into .mobi early on and now u are here to bash it, IMHO. That is how I was going to explain to you how much of a loser you are.
I just explained myself above. NO I am not running away.Let me Refresh Your memory idname:
You like starting fires then running away buddy? Stop being a hypocrite. Every single insult has been thrown by .MOBIERS first. I don't take shit from no one, so don't try and throw some insult and run away.
Yeah, YOU. Attacking mjnels.Obviously, that post was NOT an insult or personal attack by YOU.. According to Batman, we should BAN any member who INSTIGATES attacks. I wonder who that may be.
Check the thread to see who starts throwing personal attacks out first.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators