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Mod backs out of deal...here's a first!

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Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 8, 2005
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So I am not really into calling people out...but this is just plain unacceptable. I have done many, many deals on the forum and off and this is irritating...especially when a mod accepts my offer and then backs out trying to downplay the situation and offers me $5,200 less for the domain name. Just beware exactly who you are doing business with here. People that call themselves professionals aren't always what they seem.

(-----email message-------)

Hey -- as per our conversation on AIM Today --

[23:04] godfrey90sf: i could offer you funny.info for 6.3k
[23:04] godfrey90sf: limited time offer for today only
[23:04] godfrey90sf: 292k overture/month
[23:05] godfrey90sf: ok, the 6.3 is only valid today

We have a deal. However, my partner insists that it goes through escrow.com and the seller pays the fees.

Let me know.



Hi Justin --

First of all I will have to check out the reason why Jon did no go ahead with the deal. I have just woke up and not had a chance to talk with him.

Secondly, if my partner is not there, I cannot proceed with the BIN Offer. As an Industry veteran, I hope you realize that a sale can go sour at the last moment and there is a reason why most laws allow you to rethink and walk out of a signed contract within the first 72 hours.

That said, my offer of my personal share of $1200 in the deal is still valid.

My apologies for any confusion and trouble this may have caused you.

All the best.


Once I tried to proceed he then says he has to speak with his partner about the domain name, though in the email he already tells me that he spoke with his partner (who wants to use escrow.)

Doing business with kids gets really old....


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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If it were I and I do have a partner once in a while, my offers are good and I commit us both. Any disagreement on price with my partner after the fact is between us and I hold to my word to purchase. The buyer here for $6,XXX needs to man up and follow through, if his partner thinks he over paid that is their problem, shouldnt be yours. Sorryto hearthis Rock.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2004
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Secondly, if my partner is not there, I cannot proceed with the BIN Offer. As an Industry veteran, I hope you realize that a sale can go sour at the last moment and there is a reason why most laws allow you to rethink and walk out of a signed contract within the first 72 hours.

I'd like to see where he went to law school . . . "most laws allow you to rethink and walk away . . ." I'd like to see where the FTC or any State in the Union regulates domain sales by passing a "cooling off" law. Some states or FTC have this law for large purchases like a car . . . but so far, I don't think they've covered domains . . . :rolleyes:

And by the way, in a business partnership, the act of each partner binds the partnership.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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most laws allow you to walk away from a contract within 72hours? W T F... is he doing crack?

Secondly, if my partner is not there, I cannot proceed with the BIN Offer. As an Industry veteran, I hope you realize that a sale can go sour at the last moment and there is a reason why most laws allow you to rethink and walk out of a signed contract within the first 72 hours.

I'd like to see where he went to law school . . . "most laws allow you to rethink and walk away . . ." I'd like to see where the FTC or any State in the Union regulates domain sales by passing a "cooling off" law. Some states or FTC have this law for large purchases like a car . . . but so far, I don't think they've covered domains . . . :rolleyes:

And by the way, in a business partnership, the act of each partner binds the partnership.

ha you got to post this first.... :)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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So will this thread be deleted by "Mod Bros Clique" or this time not ?


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Who was the moderator? :?:


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Well, what do you expect with a .info deal...but anyone, esp a mod should be careful to not over committ in a deal......I think that's what happened here..good luck bro


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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If you leave a negative for the Mod, he can just delete it right?

Rock, You need to let us know who it is.... Is it one of the newbie's? a Veteran?


I am just curious who godfrey90sf is, I tried to search for this username and see no results. Is he even an user in here?

Er, I think godfrey90sf is you. lol. sorry. Thought that is the username of the buyer...


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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If you leave a negative for the Mod, he can just delete it right?

I don't know if they can but if the admins have monitoring on (which I think they should) they'll know in a heartbeat that the negative feedback was removed.

So will this thread be deleted by "Mod Bros Clique" or this time not ?

Same as above.

It doesn't look like the mod backed out, it looks more like he went to bed, who knows, maybe he'll contact you tonight. The offer, $1,200 is the mod's partner's share of the offer. That's kinda an offer, he's saying that his $1,200 is still good in the deal (I'm assuming the mod is offering $6,500 as part of his offer). Hopefully it will work out in both parties' interests.


Domainer & Web/Software Dev
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Worrying to hear. And the excuse given is rubbish. If you agree to a deal, you have to honour it. No matter if the buyer's partner says no. Next we'll be getting buyers back out because their mom advised them against it...


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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It doesn't look like the mod backed out, it looks more like he went to bed, who knows, maybe he'll contact you tonight. The offer, $1,200 is the mod's partner's share of the offer. That's kinda an offer, he's saying that his $1,200 is still good in the deal (I'm assuming the mod is offering $6,500 as part of his offer). Hopefully it will work out in both parties' interests.

That's not the way I read it - I see it that the mod offered $6,300 without checking with his partner. Now he comes back saying he basically doesn't have a partner in this deal (partner not interested), and reduces his (the mod's) offer to $1,200.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Well, what do you expect with a .info deal...but anyone, esp a mod should be careful to not over committ in a deal......I think that's what happened here..good luck bro

That's funny. Not everyone has .com tunnel vision and misses out on good ops with other extensions.

Secondly, if my partner is not there, I cannot proceed with the BIN Offer. As an Industry veteran, I hope you realize that a sale can go sour at the last moment and there is a reason why most laws allow you to rethink and walk out of a signed contract within the first 72 hours.

I'd like to see where he went to law school . . . "most laws allow you to rethink and walk away . . ." I'd like to see where the FTC or any State in the Union regulates domain sales by passing a "cooling off" law. Some states or FTC have this law for large purchases like a car . . . but so far, I don't think they've covered domains . . . :rolleyes:

And by the way, in a business partnership, the act of each partner binds the partnership.


ha you got to post this first.... :)

Who was the moderator? :?:


If you leave a negative for the Mod, he can just delete it right?

Rock, You need to let us know who it is.... Is it one of the newbie's? a Veteran?

I am not sure about the negative feedback. I have notified Adam and will wait to hear back from him on how to proceed.

I am just curious who godfrey90sf is, I tried to search for this username and see no results. Is he even an user in here?

Er, I think godfrey90sf is you. lol. sorry. Thought that is the username of the buyer...

That is me. He took the liberty of pasting our IM conversation in his first email when he said we had a deal. He took his messages out for some reason...

That's not the way I read it - I see it that the mod offered $6,300 without checking with his partner. Now he comes back saying he basically doesn't have a partner in this deal (partner not interested), and reduces his (the mod's) offer to $1,200.

He actually IM'd me asking a BIN for the domain, I told him $6,300 which was only valid for today, he then came back an hour or two later and said he accepted the deal. There were no provisions in his acceptance about him speaking with his partner.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Lord Brar??

wow....surprised.....and i thought he was the "Lord" of the domain industry with his new blog and all the expertism he seems to preach about in it.....


Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Lord Brar??
Not surprised at all.
He also has a very personal way to mod the forum imo and already complain about him months ago, for the first time ever.

edit : complainED ^^

EM @MAJ.com

Visit MAJ.com for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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I agree with all the inputs here ... don't worry this will be deleted soon ....

too bad.

domain newbie

Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 13, 2005
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i don't think its a big deal to back off from the deal (especially when no contract has been signed) - customers should have refund policy in domaining as well and right to change their mind- aka ~~ customer satisfaction policy


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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I agree with all the inputs here ... don't worry this will be deleted soon ....

too bad.

I hope not, but I think as long as we remain civil in here this thread shouldn't be deleted. Admins can (and hopefully do) monitor moderators actions.

Right now it is between Rockerfeller and Lord Brar. I agree people should be allowed to back out during negotiations but once a "deal" has been reached, it should be done. Who knows the circumstances but hopefully the two will come to an agreement that both sides are content / happy with.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 12, 2004
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Well, since you decided to bring it out in the public -- I would like to tell my own side of the story. The situation is not as simple as you are making it out to be and you making this thread the consequent emails you sent me after this show who is acting professional here.

When we first talked I told you that my partner in my domaining business is not available at this time of the night and I am myself not able to commit 100% of the funds because of my other commitments and liquidity issues. So, my partner in another venture was online and he was interested in investing in this domain.

I had started talked to him at 2.40 AM my time -- and we finished up working out a percentage figure by 2.50 AM. Since you had given me an extremely tight time-constraint, my partner told me to send you a message that we may be very interested in the deal.

So, I sent you the message with the terms he had made. Right after that -- within seconds -- as I was discussing the matter with Jon, you sent me a message on AIM to post Sold in the thread while I clearly told you to hold on since we were doing last minute due-diligence.

Okay so, it is 3.20 AM and I am clearly well past my bedtime, extremely tired and my partner is still researching and asking questions -- so I give him your AIM and tell him to discuss the matter with you.

PLEASE NOTE -- I am not present in further discussion and have absolutely no idea what the discussion between the two of you took place that may have lead to the breakdown of the talks with you.

Also, the person who partnered with me for this domain stays in New York and I live in Jaipur. I think if you read the first line of the email, this is what I am saying -- I have absolutely no idea what the discussion between the two of you went so I had to talk to him before going any further.

Let me insist again -- if you remember, I particularly mentioned to you that we are doing due-diligence and I will not post sold publicly and start any transaction till my partner has asked the questions he had.

You cannot just stick to one technical point when within seconds I made you my current situation aware and told you to hold on. Had I again and again kept telling you or made you wait hours before telling that we are in due-diligence, then it would have been wrong on my part as it may have jeopardized your other negotiations.

But that is not what happened here and I did make it very clear to you that we are doing the due-diligence within seconds of the email I sent you on AIM. Yes I agree I should have written we may have a deal but it was 3 in the morning and I did send the message like this in hurry. Don't tell me it is fair to correct a mistake within seconds and be held up on it.

In the second point, I guess I put it clearly that I have no idea why my partner went out of the deal and I can not proceed without him. I could only commit to my share of the deal and without talking to him I could not.

However, you sent me a message threatening to take this public and implied bringing mob-justice to me. Here's what you sent me --

Let's stop beating around the bush. You clearly accepted an offer via email. I do over $300,000 in domain name sales per month so I really don't need the cash. It's the principle that you take the time to send me an email accepting my offer and then try to back out and downplay the situation by saying that deals go sour all the time. Give me a break. This tells me that you are clearly not a professional in this industry and clearly do not deserve to be a moderator at DNF. I do intend to inform others of this matter and please do not insult me by offering $1200 for the domain name.

Interestingly, you sent me this message just a few minutes ago --

I also wanted to give you the option of making 2-3 payments as discussed earlier.

At this moment, I consider your tactics blackmailing and I do not appreciate them. I still haven't had a chance to see what went wrong and discuss it with my partner but your actions and insults towards me have left a sour taste in my mouth and rather made me question you being professional and mature.

Also please note that at no moment I was acting on behalf of DNForum but rather in my personal capacity.

What an excellent pressure tactic you are playing by trying to get DNF involved in it and let the members vent on me. Especially since being a mod is on job where you make so many enemies for enforcing the rules. But on the brighter side, it just showed me the opinion of some members about now.

Mind you -- there are always two sides of a story -- yours and others. And it is a shame you decided to take this step without giving me proper time.

I hope I have made my situation clear.
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