Names that are good for development certainly have some value, but for a developer, there are almost endless possibilities, keyword combinations, and tld's to choose from. So, folks who lean toward developing sites for adsense, affiliate, or lead generation don't think in terms of "must have" domains. Those folks look at something like this as "nice to have, if the price is right". This is what limits the value in most cases, unless it is an absolute killer keyword and in .com.
To get more than wholesale development price or reseller value, you have to seek someone out (or hope someone seeks you out) that really values the name or that you can convince that they should develop this name for keyword purposes. For most business owners, it just isn't something they will do and likely won't understand what you are talking about anyway.
Here is something I wrote quite a while back that I think is still solid advice:
You did a great job in finding this forum - you can learn a lot here and be way ahead of the domainers that aren't part of this community. But, you need to do some research by reading the forum and appraisal sections, and by seeing what domains actually sell for. In a nutshell, you have to learn what makes a domain valuable and create a set of rules that fit your budget, knowledge and style. Here is a sample list of criteria one might use:
1. Is the name brandable? easy to pronounce, one or two words, short, easy to spell, etc.
2. Are people searching for this topic? How many exact searches?
3. Are advertisers paying lots of money in this niche?
4. Does this match a product for sale?
5. Is this a commodity type name with consistent values (LLL.TLD, NNN.TLD,, LLLL, etc.)?
6. Is this a .com domain or a less valuable extension?
I try to help in the appraisal section as much as I can, because once upon a time people helped me. If I can shorten someone's learning curve a little, and get them to buy better names or at least save a few bucks on the worst ones, I am paying back the debt I owe.
The best way to see what holds value is to watch the domains that sell here on the forum and see what the folks that have been here forever pick up out of the bargain bin.