> You dont get it strong..the MORE people that participate in Namewinner and other drop services the MORE aftermarket prices will climb..
are your guys really that ignorant?
No, the more your dumbarse "resellers" bid prices up to OVER MARKET VALUE, the more of you will be stuck with shitty names and credit card bills that your wives will BITCHSLAP you about.
The people you are arguing with AREN'T RESELLERS. We ARE your market.
And Cartoonz mentioned babysitters. There must be a story lurking in the shadows about THAT. Maybe even a hidden video.
are your guys really that ignorant?
No, the more your dumbarse "resellers" bid prices up to OVER MARKET VALUE, the more of you will be stuck with shitty names and credit card bills that your wives will BITCHSLAP you about.
The people you are arguing with AREN'T RESELLERS. We ARE your market.
And Cartoonz mentioned babysitters. There must be a story lurking in the shadows about THAT. Maybe even a hidden video.