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Nasty Emails from DomainSponsor

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DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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Am I the only one to receive nasty emails from DomainSponsor? I received a couple of the nastiest, accusatory emails from this site, even though I have only had my domain names parked there for a couple of months. I was basically accused of generating traffic through bogus links or other methods (I have done NONE of this, to the best of my knowledge, and haven't even been online very much lately, as I am moving!). They also complained about "abnormally high" traffic to some of my domains. The only domain name that seemed to be particularly high in terms of type-ins was "TheDenverBroncos.com." Duh ... the NFL season has started and Broncos fans are legendary in our support of the team, not to mention the fact that the "official" Broncos site name is DenverBroncos.com. The team knows that I own this domain name and that I have owned it for several years and has never expressed any concern about my owning it.

I'm just curious. Needless to say, I'm giving serious thought to moving all of my domain names to ParkingSite.com.

I'll look forward to any and all replies.

Best regards,


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2005
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DS is not handling TM issue domains any longer they claim, you are not the only one getting emails from them.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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Thanks for the reply. However, DS didn't even bother to tell me what their concerns were re: specific domains. How in the world can I respond intelligently without information? How can I respond at all? I did repond, and told DS that I was not impressed by the way I was being insulted and that I was also not impressed by the fact that domain names that should have been generating SOME traffic (at the very least) seemed to be generating none at all. They are not doing a good job of treating their members if their intial response to any concerns involves sending insulting emails to their members.

Just my thoughts, but I was livid! Thanks again for sharing your insights.



Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 12, 2002
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It could be worse, like get your account cancelled and kissing goodbye all your referred revenue as well. That was what happened to me, and I still have no answer from them.

They accused me to generate traffic through methods, like links on some of my portals, etc. (some of them directly approved by Ron Sheridan). I am still waiting for an answer, I guess it will never come. Well, I hope they have a great time with my referred revenue too.


DNF Regular
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Aug 15, 2002
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krisblade said:
It could be worse, like get your account cancelled and kissing goodbye all your referred revenue as well. That was what happened to me, and I still have no answer from them.

They accused me to generate traffic through methods, like links on some of my portals, etc. (some of them directly approved by Ron Sheridan). I am still waiting for an answer, I guess it will never come. Well, I hope they have a great time with my referred revenue too.

That's absolutely AWFUL, krisblade. How much revenue did you lose, if you don't mind sharing that? If you'd rather keep this private, I certainly understand, but if you responded to the concerns raised and asked for feedback, but did not receive any information or revenue, that is scandalous, in my book.



Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 12, 2002
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Well, lets just say five figures a month. I dont know if they also cancelled my referrals, I dont think so, so maybe they´re still making money for them.

Well, I´ve moved already to another parking solution and I am doing better now, having that in mind, in some way, I am kinda glad they cancelled my account. But yes, it qualifies to be scandalous.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2005
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krisblade said:
Well, lets just say five figures a month. I dont know if they also cancelled my referrals, I dont think so, so maybe they´re still making money for them.

Well, I´ve moved already to another parking solution and I am doing better now, having that in mind, in some way, I am kinda glad they cancelled my account. But yes, it qualifies to be scandalous.



New Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2005
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They should learn how to treat the people that send them traffic better.
Ive also been having problems.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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Hi, C3V8 and Welcome to the DNForum!! I'm sorry that your first post had to be on such a difficult topic, but it's nice to have you here.

I was stunned to hear about what happened to krisblade, and it appears that there may be others, as well, who have not joined this thread, but who have been negatively affected.

I thought I should update you on the latest information sent to me. Keep in mind that the first nasty emails were sent to me around the end of last week. I responded not once, but twice, by email, asking for clarification of the alleged problem(s) and imploring the company to respond to my concerns quickly. My need for information was made even more urgent by the fact that I am in the process of moving from one apartment to another, and I will be offline for at least a couple of days as a result ... probably until I get most of my stuff moved and have my Internet connection reinstalled.

Still, I got no response. I finally called the long distance support line for DS and ended up having to leave a recorded message, even though I called during regular business hours. Still, no response. Finally, this evening, I received an email stating that the problem apparently was related to "some user" having entered "several" of my domain names withing a "short period of time." No information was provided about the possible identity or location of the "user," the number associated with "several" or a clarification of what a "short" period of time was. Not surprisingly, I also did not receive any information about which domain names were involved, but I was told that as long as this doesn't happen again, my account will not be suspended or income denied. I was told to ensure that such things did not happen again.

I am, of course, a little less livid knowing that I will apparently receive the money that is due to me, although I don't know when this will occur. But it is ludicrous for me to be expected to take care that such events do not occur again when I still do not know what actually happened and I did not, to the best of my knowledge, engage in the activities that were problematic. So, if someone out there is the "user" about whom DS is concerned, will you please cut out whatever it was that you did so that I can be certain that it won't happen again? :rolleyes: I promise to repay the favor by making certain that I don't do anything (whatever it might have been) to bring concern to your account, as well, although I have no idea who you are. Duh??? This would be funny if it were not so absurd. I guess I will have to consult with my cats and keep them away from my keyboard, just in case. The copy of the TOS that was sent to me included the condition that no one, including one's pets, is allowed to engaged in the "bad" behaviors, whatever they are.

I have very talented cats. Just take a look at Tucker's site at www.AmericatIdol.com :cheeky: !! However, I don't think that even he can type well enough or consistently enough to cause trouble. Besides, I keep my list of domain names hidden from my pets, just in case. :clown:

I think we should keep an eye on this issue and keep in touch if any additional problems arise. Indeed, a company should treat its "partners," who are generating income that benefits the company quite nicely, with respect, and not with insults arising from "patterns" that are never explained in sufficient detail to understand what might be causing a problem, if anything.

As for me, I'm going to move some of my domains over to ParkingSite.com and see if I don't get a better response. I have been at DS for a couple of months, so I should have some basis of comparison.


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 23, 2003
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I did receive a super nasty email from a customer service rep, not even saying dear Sir or Hi or goodbye simply saying you are breaking our TOS stop immedialtye or we will cancel your account.
I emailed thie rep 5 times and I called another 4 times leaving messages.
But nothing not one email nothing.
I simply asked to point out how in hell am I breaking the TOS and how can I fix it but Zip nada...
Well this was about 10 days ago I have not heard from them since and the account seems fine for now...
This is very very very unprofessional from a company like them and I am very surprised.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Wow - I was considering trying DomainSponsor but this certainly changes my mind. Sounds like it's run but high school kids with an attitide rather than professionals.... unfortunately I've seen this kind of thing before.


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Jun 23, 2005
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lawpsych said:
Hi, C3V8 and Welcome to the DNForum!! I'm sorry that your first post had to be on such a difficult topic, but it's nice to have you here.

Thanks for the welcome. :) I usually dont post any messages. I guess Im just a little shy.

Well I hope that DS learns from their mistakes and double checks before sending affiliates nasty emails. Im sure that they have read this.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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C3V8 ... no need to be shy around here. We are friendly folks and will welcome your input, so don't be afraid to post your replies or your questions anywhere on the forum. We love to welcome new members, but we can't respond unless we know how or if we can help. Please make yourself at home! Again, welcome!



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 24, 2004
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Well, I'm not happy with my current earnings at SEDO but I obviously won't be parking any sites at DomainSponsor! I wish someone at ParkingSite would figure out why I can't login...


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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thats the best negative advertisment they can get.
I sure aint parking with them after reading this.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 11, 2004
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Well, I started using them just over a month ago, and have had no problems. this is getting me frightened though, although there have been similar and sometimes worse complaints about all of them. BTW, ParkingSite sent me an e-mail saying they were closing my account due to breaking TOS, however, they were nice enough to send an apology regreting the mistake.


Premium Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 13, 2004
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Hrmm.. I recently heard that "DomainSponsor has improved their professionalism"

However, this apparently is NOT the case

I too will steer clear of DomainSponsor.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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I have the best experience with Domainsponsor from the start 1 year ago, never had any problem, their pay out is best of all for majority of my domains. Once they quit parking of one of my TM domain and wrote me two emails, one to let me know, one with appologies.

I think there is a "fate" parking service for everybody, they kicked my butt from Fabulous but some people love them they would "kill" for them. So my facte is Domainsponsor, someone elses fate Fabulous etc.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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denny you are right.
looking at the forums, I see the same thing. Some have terrible experience with companies that others swear by.
but receiving a nasty emails like that, I havent heard this excpet from DS (now) and Fabulous.
sure there are complainst about all of them (it is the nature of people to complaint), but some complaints are more serious than others.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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Yes, these postings always scares me out, as what if this happen to me ? My conscience is clear, but all those affected users claim same. And I tend to believe them.

But there must be something - maybe they aquired a domain, they are not aware of anything wrong with it. Or anything else I can not think off. What makes a crime to be a crime is the intention. Anything unintentional, it is nothing but possible offence. Always for offence is much lower penalty (Shoot someone intentionally - 15 years at least. Shoot someone by accident, i.e. while hunting - You even do not need go to jail, depending on cimcurstances).

What I can see as wrong, the non-communication from the parking support, explanation etc. But i do not have complete info, which lead the parking service to that decision, so is hard to judge...
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