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Network Solutions could end its partnership with Snapnames

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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2005
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just got this mail from eNom:

Dear Domain Auctions Customer,

For many years,,, and have offered the cream of the crop in aftermarket domains, including pending delete and pre-release names.

Starting October 5, 2007, eNom will make these names available for auction at NameJet™, a new domain name auction venue which will consolidate an exclusive inventory of deleted and expired domain names from top registrars including eNom, BulkRegister and Network Solutions.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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just got this mail from eNom:

I got the same Petros, Does anyone know what Registrars Snapnames has left? They sold out to Oversee at just the right time, kind of makes me wonder if the prior owners had any knowledge of what was coming :undecided:


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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Seems the partnership Enom with Snapnames last couple of month was pretty snaky from Enom. They obviosuly did this only to learn how to do it and gain possibly access to some other information.

Anyway it seems everyone is underestimating guys from Domainsponsor and Snapnames, they will come with something up.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Dear Snapnames customer,

We regret to inform you that "halvarez" - our pet dog - will no longer be able to bid on every expiring domain nor push existing auctions to hundreds of dollars beyond their actual value. Halvarez was put to sleep yesterday, after suffering a traumatic blow in the face from the latest announcements by Network Solutions and eNom.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Dear Snapnames customer,

We regret to inform you that "halvarez" - our pet dog - will no longer be able to bid on every expiring domain nor push existing auctions to hundreds of dollars beyond their actual value. Halvarez was put to sleep yesterday, after suffering a traumatic blow in the face from the latest announcements by Network Solutions and eNom.

I think halvarez was hit by a guy called karma.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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I wonder if it will work like clubdrop did. I never cared that we were never able to see who we were bidding against.


Platinum Lifetime Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 11, 2006
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Well, I look at it this way... I have far from any control over how far registrars want to bend the rules... so I just play in their big sand box and pick up domains where I can. I don't have the time to stomp my feet to get them to change their ways. As long as I monitor my domains expiration dates and renew them on time, and someone (ie the registrar or someone else) doesn't steal my domain while it's still active, I'm satisfied. Anyway, the website is super clunky and ugly. It needs some serious overhauling - nothing close to the functionality and ease of use that has built over the years. I'm getting lots of errors on pages too. NS should be ashamed of themselves for releasing such a sad, sad website. It's 2007 isn't it? That site looks more like 1997.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2005
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Shame on you people, wishing Snapnames' demise!

What will "halvarez" do from now on? He has mouths to feed :D

He was a king of $60 bid, now he will be the king of $70 :smilewinkgrin:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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When is the cut off date for netsol and snap? I am still able to get netsol names through snap.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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Yep just got that email.

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 19, 2007
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Just got the mail as well. I'm signing up for NameJet as we speak and yes, unfortunately it contained lots of errors and wasn't exactly easy to navigate. I also think that the domain search function lacks lots of features. For example the possibility to search for domains with no numbers/hyphens and the fact that you can't choose the number of characters the domain length should be.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2005
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I had a client once, He a owned a premium domain, one that would fetch 50K easy if it dropped, it was expiring at Network Solutions and 2 weeks into expiration, so he caught it in time before the auction date, But after logging into his account he found he was not able to renew it, so he called NS and they gave him a hard time stating he had to pay a penalty and Fax ownership information, after arguing for over an hour on the phone and escalating the matter, he was able to renew it.....During the call he asked; how many days did I have before I would of lost my domain? Answer: 60 days.......Liars

With the amount of money NS is earning on drops, examples like this are only going to get worse, doing everything they can to encourage domains to expire...I agree that Godaddy is guilty of this too. ICANN has had their head in the sand for WAY too long.

Here's the message Netsol sent to me about their new service:

" Network Solutions
<[email protected]> to me
More options Oct 10 (17 hours ago)
Network Solutions(R) is excited to introduce our new expired domain name auction partner, NameJet(TM). At this time, you can continue to get available, expired domain name(s) through the enhanced backorder service from NameJet.

Any backorder requests for domains that expired on or after September 21, 2007 and are scheduled to go to auction October 27, 2007 or later will be handled by NameJet, our new auction provider. If you have already placed a backorder request with our previous auction provider, SnapNames(R) for domains coming up for auction after October 27, 2007, you must place a new request with NameJet in order to participate in the auction.

Backorder requests expiring prior to October 27, 2007 will still be handled by SnapNames. If you have a SnapNames account, it will remain active, however SnapNames will no longer carry Network Solutions expired domain name inventory. All backorder requests for Network Solutions inventory will need to go through NameJet.

If you have an existing ClubDrop account, you can use your existing ClubDrop log-in information with our new provider, NameJet. ClubDrop has been re-launched with many new features and enhancements under the brand name NameJet.

For more information on our enhanced Backorder Service from NameJet, please visit

You can easily set up a new account and place your requests with NameJet, by visiting

Network Solutions(R) Customer Support

Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service. ([email protected])"""""

For those of you who aren't aware, ALL expiring and dropping domains come from Registrars, so whether they use pool, or snap, or godaddy or clubdrop, all of it originates from the registrar who gets a piece of the action.

It is in the registrars BEST INTEREST FOR PROFIT MARGIN to get that domain to drop, and I know that some registrars (i won't name them here, i need to keep my consulting jobs LOL) will actually have people MANUALLY review the domains in your expiration log, and pull those domains out to the ERGP position of the "save it by paying $160" way before any other domains that are of lesser value and that are expiring as much as 10 days prior to the ERGP status. In other words, registrars are actively pursuing YOUR domains if you let them slip past their expiration date while trying to decide to renew them or not. They are looking actively for domains that they think they can resell in auction to gain a significant profit from your loss. Their second "profit margin" if you decide to renew, is the $160 ERGP payment, even though the domain hasn't gone more than 32 days.

I had the unfortunate experience while producing the Domain Roundtable Conference of having about 10 valuable domains expire, and my experience with my registrar was that they usually gave me about 5 to 6 weeks to renew... so all I did was follow the last domain in the expiration list by date to make sure I knew which domains I had reviewed and was "thinking" about. Unknown to me, the registrar had pulled the premium domains immediately at the 28 day mark and ran them into ERGP, which put all the domains at the bottom of the list if the list was ordered alphabetically. Since I figured I had already reviewed the domains BEFORE they went into RGP, i never looked at them again because I saw domains with expiration dates a week prior to those domains still available for $7.

Then one day, I tried to renew a domain that had expired, with at least 15 other domains that had expired a week earlier but still were available for $7, but this domain somehow got pushed to the $160 pricing. How could that be? After some back and forth communication with the registrar, they admitted they pulled certain domains after 28 days and left other domains to sit at $7 for six weeks -- and the premium domains were pulled after only four weeks, and priced at $160.

It's all about profits, people. I don't trust any registrar, although I'd like to get to know more about, which professes not to have any interest in you other than you registering your domains.

All the other major registrars are making huge profits from you forgetting to renew, or somehow letting domains slip through, and then sending them off to their own auction houses or contracted auction houses such as Snap or Pool. There's nothing illegal or immoral or unethical about this system. It's just the law of the Domain Industry Wild West land rush. This may change in the future, but in the meantime, keep an eye out for your premium domains, set them to autorenew if you have the time to search them out.

Domain management is a serious job for domainers who own more than 2000 domains. heck, its serious for anyone with over 100 domains.

As far as Snapnames is concerned about losing NI as a source of expired domains, I wouldn't worry about them. They've seen it coming and have lots of tricks up their sleeve to stay alive and well in this industry. Jay's post on his blog about them being "dead man walking" is just Jay's attempt at drama. Snap, backed by Oversee, will still remain the top online auction website for domains. Everybody who knows Snap and Oversee agrees with this... no worries for them. Namejet will be just another weak website stumbling along like TDNAM.

Enom will probably understand this soon enough and move back to Snap quickly. What true domainer wants to do business with NetSol?
Raise your hand, let's do a quick count! :lol:


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Very interesting read Stephen and some great advice...Were you able to recover your premium domains?

I have roughly 85% of my domains at Enom and all are set to auto-renew, With the birth of Namejet, should I have reason to be concerned?.

Dave Zan

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2004
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I have roughly 85% of my domains at Enom and all are set to auto-renew, With the birth of Namejet, should I have reason to be concerned?.

Kinda late, but just stay on top of your card or whatever. ;)


New Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2005
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I used to use to research domains that had a dmoz or a yahoo listing and they still use snapnames. Is there a tool similar to for the namejet that makes it simple to do this?

I agree the namejet site suks and the search really does nothing for me on there!


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I used to use to research domains that had a dmoz or a yahoo listing and they still use snapnames. Is there a tool similar to for the namejet that makes it simple to do this?

I agree the namejet site suks and the search really does nothing for me on there!

Welcome to DNF Texasguy ;)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 21, 2002
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Wow. Join date Jul 2005. First post Nov 2007. That's quite a gap!

Devil Dog

Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Namejet's search functionality sucks something awful.

It gives me a headache just trying to find good names.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 3, 2006
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Namejet needs to make the search function better, it sucks
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