Originally posted by gregr
Should the company that bought the domain name afternic.com have used the name as their new business or should they have just redirected it to their previous site?
I think in all honestly I would have stayed clear of "Afternic.com" IMHO. The reason being is that you will have to spend an inordinate amount of time convincing everyone you are not the "old Afternic.com". I wish them the best though. Proproject seems to have a vision for his business, and sometimes that is enough. btw: I think he is right for charging the prices he wants. It's kind of funny the comments I read by some who thought he should charge less---lol---That's like asking the tiger in the den if he'd like meat or cardboard for dinner. Like he said the market will decide.
My personal opinion on this market is that we are currently in a "transition" period. From a model where anyone can sell a name, to a newer model (continue)
The new model of selling names will be based on smaller operations with "in demand" type names. The Sellers will come "recommended". Just having a generic name will still not get you into the club! note to Proproject: My suggestion would be to create an exclusive "Afternic" club. I can see the logo: "Afternic.com" would have a "golden" look to it, and the "dot" above the "i" in "Afternic" would look like a diamond (see last paragraph).
With all the new TLDs, companies will have more to choose from, as well as private buyers. These entities are a lot more savvy than they used to be. A savvy market equals "lower" prices for average domains. Gone are the days of 3 word domains "fetching" thousands of dollars.
My best advice to anyone getting in the "reseller" market is create your own brand of "domains" for sale. Come up with a theme. Don't buy everything that sounds good. Become known as the "go to" person for a particular class of names. Kind of like a jeweler who specializes in certain cuts of diamonds. My "diamond" just happens to be made into the shape of a "circle"