Ah come on. I've travelled to about 30 countries and lived in several different cities but Sydney, for me, is my choice to put down roots.
It's one of the most beautifuil cities in the world. The harbour, beaches, world class dining, vibrant commerce (we are the only major developed nation not in recession), hosts major events, it's clean, low crime, low unemployment (5.4%, for the moment anyway), friendly....
Day before yesterday I got up and went for a surf at a Sydney beach. There were two other surfers out there and a couple of dog walkers on the pristine beach as we sat chatting & catching lovely clean waves just after dawn had broken. Then a dolphin flew out of the water about 10 metres from me (a clear metre or so in the air). I popped back home, had breaky then into work for 9am. Beat that for city living
Sydney Rocks :rockon: