Originally posted by Duke
Several of us had that same problem at Pool and aired it in a thread a few weeks ago Steve. Guess they never fixed it nor have any interest in doing so.
All the "pay for play" services have a serious flaw in them in my opinion. That "fraud bids" and "declined credit" can be waiting on the otherside of every transaction in their system is an eponential nightmare given that upwards of 18,000-20,000 (or more names) drop everyday (how many fraud/credit issues can they realistically handle in a business day?) They can try to cut down on it, but ultimately it is the business model itself that brings that inherent risk with it. It's a great system when its working, but like open sockets on a Windows XP box, it is pinned on the likelihood of an underwelming percentage of badwill and customer problems.
I had to wait for one domain to drop, stuck in Dotster "billing" limbo, and never used for over a year. Eventually I forgot about the name, and someone else got it when it was deleted. Tech support told me that seeing names in billing limbo was "very common". Arg. Hopefully the new "private auction" round will help alleviate these problems further.
~ Nexus