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legal NJSU.COM - $300 or highest offer - expires 2/29/08

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Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Stating publicly that you will take the highest offer by a certain time and then taking a lower offer after giving the highest bidder no time to pay is *unprofessional*. Doh. Threatening members by telling them to 'watch your back' is *unprofessional*. Doh again. Such actions reflect terribly on your *professionalism*. Doh. Obviously you don't think you've done anything wrong so you're really a lost cause. No need to jump to conclusions - your posts spell it all out in black and white. Anyway enough time wasted on yet another untrustworthy domainer. Welcome to my ignore list.

Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 15, 2004
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Business model? Did you see our entire business model from that post? WHAT?

RobM - you need to read the entire thread before taking conclusion.. since you are not capable of that, let me give you the CLIFF NOTES:

2/26 - 2PM : Posted domain - with 2/29 expiration
2/26 - 2:19PM : domainstand made offer
2/26 - 3:16PM : internext made offer
2/27 : added statement that will close sale by 5pm on 2/29
2/29 : 11am - asked if internext is able to commit to sale if i close it early - no response - so did not close the deal
2/29 : 11:30 - 6Pm - multiple pms from strategis2001 - made offer of $220 to buy all nsju/xyde/umcb... accepted at 5pm. Average value per domain is $73. But strategis bid last, and had the best offer.

strategis2001 outbid all of domainstand and internext by timestamp and price.

3/1/2008 - 1am - internext cursing his a-s-s off

i apologized. but apology not accepted.

3/1/08 : 10:27 : I stated not closing options early anymore, and to give time for other members to respond / pay. Example is on this thread:

Offer expired 3/5/08. Asking Robertsz to make payment. To this date, no payments received. You can see I am making effort to give buyers chance to pay. STILL WAITING.

3/1:08 : 10:39pm - Internext still cursing his a-s-s off

3/1 : 10:42 - RareIq ordered popcorn.

3/1 : 10:45 - internext threatens

3/1 : 4pm - made explanation and more apology

3/1 : 10pm - internext ..blah blah

blah blah
blah blah

3/2 : Asked mod to close this thread

3/2 : Mod moved thread to legal

3/2 : I ordered popcord

3/3 : internext still pissed and cursing his a-s-s off

3/3 : sensible user comment

3/3 : internext blasting user comment

3/3/ : differnet user comment

3/3 : another sensible user comment

3/4 : user suggest adding actual time to make payment

3/4 : i agreed to time, to tar and feathers, and ordered more popcorn

3/4 - more user comment

3/7 6:56 - fpforum comes out of no where and makes a personal attack

3/7 - i asked for mod to look into this post - no reply

Responded to fpforum with ANGER for his libelous comments

3/8 - 8:32 am - RobM reads last entry and takes sides on fpforum who is has nothing to do with this sale, and has no contribution but libel.

blah blah

That summarized enough for you RobM? - next time learn to read the entire thread before opening your mouth and putting in your foot.

I can not believe the time I spent on this $xx domain.

Can this thread be CLOSED please?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2006
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webcomplete, I was simply sharing my opinion and putting my 2 cents in to back up the buyer. Why did I do that? Because the buyer was in the right and deserved the domain. This is a community and that is what we do here. Why do you think there are so many responses to the thread? The readers want to put their 2 cents in. Had the buyer been in the wrong, my comments would have been towards him. You coming off and making personal threats is just unprofessional and not needed. You can argue my opinion (and everyone else's in this thread) in a more professional manner. Did you send every person who responded to this thread a PM stating you were going to make a visit to their house as well?

Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 15, 2004
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Take sides if you want. But be constructive.

Your statement with:

"this guy is **** and didn't both to read or follow them. Just my 2 cents"

That is libel and is causing the company irreparable damage and harm.


Got Internet?
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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Webcomplete... you are nothing short of unbelievable. Your arrogance has become overwhelming. You are obviously someone with no shame.

In my opinion, webcomplete has no business here after his activities in this thread. He is arrogant, thumbing his nose at all this, eating popcorn in a couple previous posts like a innocent 3rd part observer. Now he is threatening good members of this forum, and posting lies and distorting the truth of this matter to suit his needs. Some examples from Post 42:

2/29 : 11:30 - 6Pm - multiple pms from strategis2001** - made offer of $220 to buy all nsju/xyde/umcb... accepted at 5pm. Average value per domain is $73. But strategis bid last, and had the best offer.

strategis2001 outbid all of domainstand and internext by timestamp and price.

LOL so now your story is that someone else outbid me at 6PM but that you somehow RETROACTIVELY accepted his bid at 5PM. You are soooo awesome! I never knew anyone with a time machine before. Can I borrow yours? (**see my 'PS below)

Maybe you forgot about this post?
sorry but no one responded by 5pm friday... i had to sell lower than both your bids

3/1/2008 - 1am - internext cursing his a-s-s off

Yeah, I am really giving you hell, eh? What a hothead I was... so out of control!
I was offline all day. Just got online for the first time today. Still interested. Paypal is fine. PM me if the name wasnt sold for $80 to domainstand.

As a matter of fact, you represented publically in writing here that I cursed at you quite often. Show me where I curse at you even once? You cant because I didnt. Foolish tactic since anyone only needs to actually read the thread to see that you not only a liar but are now into committing libel against me.

Another example of your lies and libel against me:
You know how many people here make a bid and dont pay? So you are left with not completing the transaction, or selling to the next customer. And thats what happened.

Oh really? So THAT is what happened huh? This one really concerns me. You have asserted here falsely that I did not make good on my bid, and that was why you had to sell elsewhere. You have just branded me as an irresponsible, unprofessional domainer. I resent that, and I take that threat to my reputation very seriously. Now let's tell the truth, shall we? That was simply your lie-du-jour. And today's lie-du-jour was that I was simply outbid by strategis2001 - fair and square! And previously it was because you were new and simply made a mistake. All were lies, of course. The real reason is that you were impatient and didnt want to wait for me, not even for a day. Hell, you were trying to end the auction early and started offering the domain to others even prior to the published deadline (see post 6). I cannot be help responsible for your inability to conduct a fair trade. You simply did not have good business practices or the ethics to follow through with the sale due to an obvious immaturity. Well, that is not a good reason, and so you squirm and so you lied ever since. You cant help yourself, can you?

i apologized. but apology not accepted.

And it still isnt, and it never will be. You are an outright liar (hoping everyone reading this thread has a short childlike attention span like you have been exhibiting and will only pay attention to your latest revision of your story) and you are a cyber-thug, threatening the well-being of others.

I also noticed these comments, which really stand out to me as a shining example of your continues, immature arrogance:

3/7 6:56 - fpforum comes out of no where and makes a personal attack

So someone expressing the opinion that you were wrong is attacking you? My, you sure were emboldened by the lack of any formal action against you here, huh? So was I. Not anymore. Now I think that the mods just wanted to give you the opportunity to hang yourself. And you sure have taken full advantage of that opportunity!

Responded to fpforum with ANGER for his libelous comments

Hmmm, interesting. You are the victim again, eh? Poor poor webcomplete. Since you want to bring up legal acts such as libel, what about all the libelous representations you have made against me repeatedly in this thread? And what about the obvious breach of contract? Maybe I should have appraised and have my lawyer contact you? I think I may.

3/8 - 8:32 am - RobM reads last entry and takes sides on fpforum who is has nothing to do with this sale, and has no contribution but libel.

Poor poor misunderstood webcomplete. Such a victim!! You want to talk libel? How about your indication earlier that you somehow posted to give me a way out in case I couldnt afford to buy the name? Or how about all your claims that I unprofessionally lambasted you with comments like "3/3 : internext still pissed and cursing his a-s-s off"

As a matter of fact, lets review the accuracy of that one, shall we?
Are you that brazen or just clueless? This thread is where it is because of YOU not because of me. You are not an innocent onlooker. You are the one who made an offer then failed to live by it, Rather than feeling any sense of shame, as you should, you think you are the victim of my complaints. Amazing. I will conclude my comments on all this by saying that people like you bring a quality community such as this DOWN. Way down.

Enjoy your popcorn. Fool.

Wow, I sure am cursing my "A-S-S off" there, eh webcomplete? What a MONSTER I am! You are such a victim! We should all feel so sorry for you!!

Seriously webcomplete... GO AWAY. Dont post to this thread again. Let it die. As I said previously in this thread, every time you post you dig yourself a deeper hole. That is the way it goes with liars. They cant keep their stories straight.

Bottom line, webcomplete... dont draw me out on this again. I am not threatening you, but I will not hesitate to call my lawyer to act upon the repeated libelous statements you have made against me in this thread. Oh, and the breach of contract claim I can and should bring against you would be a no-brainer. I did a quick third-party appraisal on the name while I was writing this post. It came in at $3,800. So do you still think this is a joke and that the name you robbed me of had only a $90 value to me? Like I said I had a specific use for this name. You had no right to take that away from me.

Please webcomplete... do us all a favor and go away. You may not take the domaining business seriously. But I do, as do the great majority of the members here.


PS - I must also state for the record that I am none too pleased with the buyer of this domain for meddling in my rightful auction win after-the-fact and for their predatory tactics (PM offers after the fact) which played a primary role in robbing me of this domain name.

Your statement with:

"this guy is **** and didn't both to read or follow them. Just my 2 cents"

That is libel and is causing the company irreparable damage and harm.

The fact that the comment portays you in a negative light is NOT libelous if it is based on factual information. The poster cannot be blamed for their observations after obviously taking the time to read the thread prior to posting. I know you would prefer if people would simply skim to the end and read your most recent lies only when making their judgement. If you feel his comments harm your business, you need only look into the mirror to see who is really to blame.

To be libel, the written comment must cause harm and not be based in fact. Like all the ones you have made against me. See the difference? If not, re-read the whole thread in its entirety. Its all here. In writing.


Because of webcomplete's posts which drew me back into this thread tonight, I felt it was my duty as a good community member to leave him his deserved trader feedback. He started to get way too brazen by threatening other members with prsonal visits and physical harm, and he started telling too many lies. It was time for him to be exposed other than in this thread. So despite my initial reluctance to do so, I left webcomplete feedback. I did so honestly as follows: "I won his auction and he sold my name to someone else. Then he lies & threatens"

I dont think I could have left more succinct, accurate feedback for webcomplete. He deserved every word and so much more. Its all documented in this thread.

Well, now webcomplete has seen fit to give me retaliatory negative trader feedback which has ZERO basis in truth and is purposefully harmful, inaccurate, and punitive. His feedback for me is as follows: "caution: internext fails to respond or close offers timely and resorts to defame"

All one needs to do is read this entire thread and in no place will it be shown that I ever defamed webcomplete. I may not have liked him or his actions but I never crossed that line. I know better. Further, all one needs to do is read post 7 of this thread to see that I DID respond and I DID attempt to close our deal in a very timely and a very reasonable manner.

Beware of this person. My experience with the person leads me to say this is quite possibly the least professional, most shameless person I have had the misfortune to encounter in many years, both online and off.

Attention Mods: I have entered helpdesk ticket XXD-226204 and have requested that this absolutely and clearly inaccurate feedback be removed from my profile. However, to protect my interests, I have taken a screenshot of same for potential future use against webcomplete.

Last warning to webcomplete - let this die. You were and continue to be completely wrong. Admit it and move on.

Thank you

Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 15, 2004
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what contract was breached from you? no auction was closed early. it was merely asked at 11am, 2/29/08 if its ok to close early (orignally posted to expire 2/29, and ammended the 5pm time later), and that if you could claim your offer. but you did not respond, and no action was confirmed. you were superceded by another offer later that day, and payment was received timely, and domain pushed accordingly.

internext, dont take a popcorn emoticon so seriously. a popcorn icon!


Got Internet?
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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Seriously, stop. Your revisionist tactics are old and ineffective.

The facts are all in this thread. Anyone interested will read it carefully and it will all be clear to anyone who reads this thread objectively.

As for your question as to what constituted a contract? Your offer, my winning bid, my acceptance of your offer as per the forum rules, which you agreed to by registering here and which you obviously violated blatantly and without concern. This is what binds you, and this is what you failed to live up to. It is also what MediaHound, an Administrator directly addressed this in post 22, as follows:
8. Complete your sales! If a member posts "sold" or PM's that he/she will buy your domain, website, service, etc., please attempt to complete the sale in a timely manner. This goes for both parties, please make yourself available to complete the sale as soon as possible. In addition, your word is your bond. If you agree to a deal, you shouldn't back out - even if you receive a higher offer (sellers) or if you think you offered too much (buyers). Do the right thing and the right thing will eventually return to you.

Its really quite cut and dry, and very clear, webcomplete. Why you keep pushing me and acting like you did nothing wrong here and acting punitively towards me is almost beyond my comprehension. Most people would let a sleeping dog (which they have abused) lie. Not you. You pick up the stick and poke and abuse more and more. Sooner or later people like you push too hard and too often and get bit. Even though it was completely avoidable.

Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 15, 2004
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so you added more text to your last post. you are the one who can not let this die.

the only thing that will be admitted was the amount of time given you should have been more. you were issued an apology but instead you refused to let it go and decided to make a drama of this thread. after your fits, future transactions have been clarified with clear time to complete a deal, and even afforded buyers well beyond the reasonable amount of time.

you continue to make threats and attacks. you dont want a response so that you can freely win a case by absentia. not acceptable.

again you were merely asked if you could close the sale early, but your lack of response left the sale open and superseded by another buyer who completed the sale in a timely manner.

thats all im saying, and unless you make another threatening statement, there will be no more response.

you can have the last word otherwise.


Got Internet?
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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so you added more text to your last post. you are the one who can not let this die.
Now I added more text to my last post? Hmmm, care to enlighten everyone just how I did that when the ability to edit posts has been removed from this thread? Seriously...

the only thing that will be admitted was the amount of time given you should have been more.
And why would you admit such a thing if you rightfully sold this name to someone else? You wouldn't. No one would. And this simple fact is the key to the whole problem we are having. You failed to complete the sale to me after I won the auction and contacted you in a timely manner to arrange payment within forum guidelines. And yet the simple fact remains is that you sold the domain name to someone else through no fault of my own. All of which is documented in writing within this thread prior to all of your defensive posturing, outright lies, and threats of harm which you made against others.

you continue to make threats and attacks. you dont want a response so that you can freely win a case by absentia. not acceptable.
I can assure you, I have made no threats. Anything I have said or alluded to today that you may be viewing as a threat is being considered as a necessary response to your actions and nothing more.

I dont want a response because each response you give fails to address the concerns I have raised (like the content of the feedback you left me, your claims I was cussing my a-s-s off at you, etc) and rather seeks to confuse the issue. As stated before, you have a way of digging your hole deeper and deeper with each post. My guess is you have lost just about all credibility here -- unnecessarily and at your own hand.

I will now return to my previous position of no longer responding to this thread unless directly addressed or to defend myself from ongoing libelous statements by webcomplete.


To be clear on one point I made, we cannot edit our posts. If we add to our post with a follow up post, it will say 'last edited for reason of automerged doublepost' and my post 47 has no such edit. This was the "last post" that I had made in which webcomplete claims I had added to in my efforts to not let this die.

I apologize to the good members of this forum for this ongoing thread.

Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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I recommend putting the guy on your ignore list, recommending people don't do any business with him, and moving on. Luckily there are far more domainers who stick to their word than these types of idiots and eventually when the people who break deals have no further clients they will be forced to blight some other industry.

Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 15, 2004
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Robm - Why do you have to butt your head in a conversation not involving you and inserting your inflamatory hemorrhoidal remarks? You have so much free time but keep opening this issue. Let it go, ignore all you want, move on.

You act like you have stumbled upon a conspiracy that this was planned. What was there to gain from the transaction? $xx does not mean anything on the domain industry, thats just registration cost and manpower to acquire the domain 4 years ago.

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 4, 2007
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I received this PM this morning from Internext :

Hi Marc -

Well webcomplete finally gave a somewhat better accounting of who and how the name was bought AFTER I won it in a public auction on here.

You and I now have a bit of a problem and I am hoping you will recognize it as such and help correct the problem in a friendly and easy manner by selling me the name that was rightfully mine. I will gladly pay you the $90 I had offered webcomplete.

Are you willing to do the right thing and accommodate my reasonable request? As I understand you will even profit from my offer. If you are willing to do this, I will also be sure to respond to the thread that you did the right thing by me.

Please let me know.


This was my reply to give a chance to Internext :

Hi Eric,

I read every posts and I don't want to be include in your dispute with Webcomplete.

As this domain is a 4 years old and include the word "Jesus", the real value is in between $300 to $500.

I don't need to sell it now as i'm banking good domains for a few years.

I don't want to sell it now to anyone but if you want to make a trade for another domain, i'll considerate it as you really want that one.


This is how Internext threat me (never talk to that guy before) :

Hi again, Mark,

Jesus huh? A bit hypocritical, wouldnt you say, after your predatory tactics in stealing this name away from me?

OK, I tried to be nice. I hope you enjoy paying for a ticket to Connecticut to respond to me in small claims court over this. I really dont want to resort to legal action but I will, if thats what you want. You know what you did was dead wrong, and I will also be taking this up with Adam. You have no idea what this domain meant to me, and you had no right swooping in and stealing what I had rightfully won. Be very clear -- webcomplete posted in writing that no one responded to him by the 5pm deadline. He cant take that back now to suit you or to suit him. That is my name you have, and you know it. So why are you unwilling to act honorably and let me have it?

So, to be clear so I know how to proceed... you have no interest in doing this the nice way?

Very motivated, and nothing but time on my hands to make this right.


PS - Its not that I "really want that one" just for the heck of it. I want it because I won it. And you had no right to swoop in and interfere with that.

My last reply :

Hi Eric,

I never chat with a guy like you before. I never try to steal anyone, I just reply to an offer of Webcomplete.

Your language is so discusting, this is my last reply to you, i'm gone block your username for ever.

You got a chance but you decide to not take it.

Have a nice day.

For me this case is close, i'm not talking anymore with someone saying that kind of allegation...

Internext is on my ignore list for ever.

This is my first post about this thread and it is my last one too.


Got Internet?
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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All I can say is... birds of a feather flock together.


The criminals claim to be the victims... so pathetic it is almost funny. Oh well...
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