Well, competition is always good for the customers.
As the result of moniker sale, the competition is increased... TC customer base is too valuable. Those members who were always looking for direct Skenzo feed are now able to have one. On the contrary, DS may need to start paying better to TC customers... much better, in order not to have all domains lost.
I'm very sorry that TC lost Skenzo. Hope TC will survive and the whole idea of the "club" with different feed providers for the same domains would not die... Do we need the second domainsponsor? I guess no. But it would be the case should DS remains the only feed at TC.
Maybe TC can:
1) Try something yahoo-based.
2) Set ComissionJunction-type scheme - no google/yahoo/other-search-engine ads, but direct relationships with advertisers.
I sincerely wish TC best of luck in these hard times...!!!