One must have a devious mind to excel at paranoia.
Perfect example. Last week I get into a shuttle bus with my wife, to get from the airport to my hotel. Some other guy gets into the shuttle, says he's going to the same hotel, and sits down behind us.
Now, I told my wife I didn't want to check-in to the conference right away. Since practically nobody knows me by sight, it might be the only time we have to spend together before I end up pigeonholed for the rest of the week.
On the way to the hotel, I call back to the office to pick up voice mail. The receptionist answers and I identify myself. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "I hope the guy behind us isn't going to the conference, since I just said my name."
I pick up my voice mail messages, hang up the phone, and this guy says, "Excuse me, I couldn't help hearing that you are John Berryhill..."
You never can be too paranoid.
(and, Chuck, MJ says "Hi")