congrats on your comments at Miami Herald... You are obviously doing the industry a lot of good by voicing your opinion....NOT!
Nice find, M (I know, I said it).
Im quite conflicted with this statement:
The second thing that must be accomplished is an all out war on click fraud, nothing hurts domainers more financially then click fraud.
Click fraud as in B2B is much more prevalent, costly, and damaging to a company's bottom line than domainers making pennies by clicking on their own landers.
If Company A wants to outbid every one else for keywords at $18.00 per click to be ranked on Google
#1, then all their competition has to do is click the hell out of that link and deplete the advertising budget in no time. 1000 clicks equals $18,000.00. Pay me, says Google.
Not on any given day or situation would I ever pay to be ranked. Period. Under no circumstances. I have one site that does phenomenal in the rankings on both Google and Yahoo and never paid a penny.
That type of fraud to me is much more costly in terms of business than domainers cheating on their own parked pages (which usually end up getting nailed anyways).
The more I look at your title, I am a little bewildered also:
People who register TM names and TM typos are stealing from us
I understand you think that if typos went away then, according to your claim
Ad dollars would be much more if advertisers actually got people from parked sites who were searching for there product 100 percent of the time.
I think that is quite an assumption. Ad dollars are what they are as people want to be indexed higher and willing to pay more for that ranking. That is the nature of competition.
from parked sites who were searching for there product 100 percent of the time. means what? to me it means if someone wants to go to Disney World, having the word Disney in the Domain name or even the mere mention of it in the keyword monitization could be violating TM. If this were true and enforced, then there would be NO additional traffic to the site. Does that make sense?
In essence, parked sites would be totally worthless to the TM holder, the merchant, domainers, and parking companies. The only true function would be for totally generic words and generic keywords...boring.
As Ducklina pointed out, there are micro and macro issues to this and there is no simple 1, 2, 3 formula. I am neither pro nor con on typos. A typo is a typo. One three letter word can could essentially have more than 17000 typos. Think about it...AAA is your company...Someone has AAB, AAC, AAD, BAA, SAA, ASA...are all those typos of AAA??? I guess I could claim they were.