for me, i'd rather let my domains expire before i sell them at these offerings
so if you want any names i can fight for them at namejet and snap
My feelings exactly.... But the problem I think has a lot to with the quality of the domain... If it's earning high PPC or if it's a good generic, For desirable names like these your going to receive respectful offers as well as low-ball offers.
When I was selling domains here back in the day, I experimented, I offered for sale some good brandable domains, I would list the minimum price and what I got was a inbox of low-ball offers for 1/4 to 1/2 of the minimum price I was asking.. It was frustrating because I reduced the prices already to reseller levels and here they are asking for more.. So I stopped selling those type of domains altogether, And I'm glad I did, because many of those SAME domains I listed on this forum, I was able to sell to end users for 4 to 10 times the amount I was asking here.
I also experimented with some quality generics, many of which were earning decent PPC, From those I was receiving very respectful offers, and in every instance it resulted in a sale... But I only have so many quality generics to offer at reseller pricing.. And for what I have left, I demand end-user prices...
I agree with you we have a lot of Low-Ballers here and it can be insulting when you receive them and frustrating negotiating with them...But try to shrug them off, do what I do and reply to them with a firm price.
The price for the domain is $5000, Payable through
Thank you for your interest.
If they want the domain bad enough, they'll bump up their offers... Not long ago I had a guy offer me $50 for a domain, my price was $12,000 and I ended up negotiating the price for $8,000, which was the minimum price I was willing to accept for it.