Originally posted by gregr
New acquisition. Need professional appraisals for PetShop.com.
I think anymore the the best way to capture the true "current value" of a name is to take into account different factors i've outlined below.
To caputure all these factors I have come up with a Domain Quotient (izopod, circa 2002)
Domain Quotient (DQ):
To figure out DQ, one must factor in...
-type-in quality and it's current SE Ranking: Location, Location, Location. TLD endings do play a role in this factor.
-then you must look at what the site will be selling --types of products/services.
-how will income be generated from the domain (banner ads/ppc/or stand-a-lone products-services)
-What kind of shelf life does this name have. TLDs again would play a factor, as well as the "trendiness" of the name.
There is a 10 point scale in the 4 categories. Once you've quantified each category total the points (up to 40 possible)
location: 0 to 10 -- 0 being eStoresz.ws --not in SE's and 10 being Sex.com in all major SE's
type: 0 to 10 -- 0 being dirt and 10 being casino products/serv
income generation: 0 to 10 -- 0 being banner ads and 10 being e-delivery products
shelf life: 0 to 10 --0 being Algore2000.com and 10 being Sex.com
PetShop.com's DQ:
location: (8) - PetShop.com (
#3 pet name in us and
#2 in UK--Generic name but doesn't show up in Google--yet!--this factor obviously will change)
type: (7) - Pet owners abound, but the average pet owner likes to shop in malls rather than e-pet-sites. The positive side is that when they do shop online pet owners are willing to fork out $$$ for niche pet products. Price is not an option. The average pet owner that shops online makes above average income.
income generation: (7 )- PPC delivery--- Not bad, no inventory, but income is only compounded if you have more than one pet related site. My suggestion would be to buy more pet sites/link them together--and reap the profits
shelf-life: (9) --I gave it a 9 because of the .com and it's a common term in this particular economic sector.
PetShop.com's current DQ is: (31) Recommendation to achieve higher DQ: SE Ranking, and Income Generation (acquire more pet related sites and point them to PetShop.com)
DQ Legend:
36 to 40: Premium Name (worth over 10K)
33 to 36: Quality Name (worth up to 9,999K)
28 to 32: Above Average Name (worth up to 5 K)
24 to 27: Average (worth up to 1 K)
20 to 23: Below Average (worth up to $500)
16 to 19: Bad, but still above reg fee (worth up to $100)
12 to 15: Reg fee (worth the reg fee)
Hope this helps! Bottomline: to come up with a value of a domain name different factors must come into play. Sex.com only has value if it is used. Think about that. Since it is used the value of it rises based on the different factors that I have come up with.
btw. I know DomainQuotient.com is not reg'd.