Among that market, it's great and would have more of a tendency to feel authoritative. The down side is that it isn't a widely used/known term so that mass-appeal isn't there. I started to say that because of the lack of traffic I would expect for the search term that I wasn't sure how you would make money off of it (a site about placer claims wouldn't seem like it would make much off of ads)....but then I thought, go for exactly what it says...develop a site selling the rights to placer claims, somewhat of a broker, and also listing those sites that the wanna-be gold hunter can go and pay their $2 to prospect. I don't know how much "there" is there, but if there was a market in it, you should own it with that domain.
For selling, it would have to be to someone already knee-deep in it (which limits you market, but makes it more desirable to that market) always when it comes to end users, pricing could be anything.
Just my $0.02,