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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Just bought this domain name recently.

How much do you think its worth, if "developed" and if "undeveloped" ?

Thanks in advance,


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2002
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.info + 146 TM listings at = drop it


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
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not a TM issue IMO with right development

so could get traffic for that phrase, which is a TM phrase

so you have to develop it 'fairly'

not present yourself as 'miss usa' the pagent

but a fan or info site about the history of the pagent

then maybe minor adsense revenue for category related ppc

but yeah, you will get C&D on it, and if you do it right, when and if they try to WIPO you, you cross claim for huge harassment fees in a USDC and say handsoff wipo

I'm suing this Miss USA (tm) for harassment

I did fair use development and now I'm getting harassed

so if you like to mess with lawyers and know a little about proper use defenses in wipo

you could get a dumb lawyer harassing the wrong person and clean their clock in a counter claim harassment suit


so what a company has a TM, that's what .info and stuff was made for, so you can put up a domain and provide neutral 3rd party INFO about the phrase

FAIR USE makes this not a TM issue IMO

and if you got a sharp lawyer that likes to sue big companies

you could get a corporate dummie to harass you with C&D and then a wipo or state action

and you run right to USDC in your state if you're a US citizen and wrap this gem around FREEDOM OF SPEECH and you quote international case law from WIPO on fair use and you slap Miss USA inc. with big damage claim

just have your assets protected if you do it

in case you loose


this ain't 'legal advice' but it is a way to use this for legit traffic and when the expected harassment comes

they make the WRONG MOVE against a smart domain owner

you BANG them with a lawsuit

then they settle and maybe you give them the name IF they pay you for the harassment


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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but yeah, you will get C&D on it, and if you do it right, when and if they try to WIPO you, you cross claim for huge harassment fees in a USDC and say handsoff wipo

I'm suing this Miss USA (tm) for harassment
Have you ever seen or read a WIPO case?

Yeah, sure...dump money into site development, seo, and then claim your TM infringed upon domain is lawfully yours and you are being harassed.

I think we need to move this thread to the Legal section so we can have some real domain and property rights attorneys get educated from your response.

Priceless response.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
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yep, read wipo cases all the time, and if you own a TM and don't improperly use it, you keep it, now you want to say a person can't do a fan site or info site on a TM, you're wrong, they can, and if the person can't do minor seo work, they don't need to be developing it, so the advice was MINOR seo work and possible adsense revenue, now I'm not a proponent of cybersquatting TM's, but in this case, a famous pagent with a long history would be an easy 'info' or 'fan' site and yeah according to tons of wipo actions that is a proper use, now if you don't understand 'law' and the use of counter claims against deep pocket plaintiffs who harass people over frivolous suits, which any TM action would be, if the developer did their job right, you could hit Miss USA with a huge counter claim IF they dared to pursue any frivolous TM claim against someone developing a TM info site that is done under clear FAIR USE guidelines already explained over and over in wipo cases.

so if the owner wants to develop, go ahead, not a name to sink a ton of money into for development, and any domain owner doing developing should be doing it themselves, not paying an SEO company to do it, and putting an exact phrase .info on page one isn't that hard, so MINOR seo work it pops and yeah, expect C&D from Miss USA and then quote them wipo cases about FAIRUSE with a note, you dare to sue me I will counterclaim and WIN a huge harassment judgment on you

so they back off

if they don't, you gave them fair warning, and IF you did the development right, you have a WIN/WIN, you will win any wipo action due to proper use and you can sue them for harassing you with a BS case

now you want to say you can't ever use a TM on a domain, YOU ARE 100% WRONG

you do it within proper use guide lines you can do it all day long

but like I said, expect a C&D

you respond right they lay off

they get stupid and start doing wipo or a state action you slam them in USDC or counter-claim in a state court if you are sued there

they're usually gonna sue in wipo, but some use state courts

if I were a TM developer, which I'm not, I'd use Fed court to protect myself, since you got a better shot in USDC using well defined TM use case law and international treaties and decisions

like I said, I'm not giving legal advice, but what I advised is well grounded, you can legally develop this type of name and yeah, you will meet with C&D and possible lawsuits

so what, you can be sued all day long, if you do your stuff right, you win and you can get huge counter claims now when someone pops a lawsuit and they're wrong

and any corporate lawyer going after this .info IF it was developed right is suing maliciously and ought to have huge damages on them



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I own

You really should buy it and use it to dole out this advice

Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Don't encourage him. He really does believe all the crap he posts. Hopefully dnf members are able to see him for what he really is.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
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let's see making ad revenue making ad revenue

now you think trump hasn't sent C&D on the Miss Universe

like I said, expect a C&D letter

and as long as you do a legit site no infringing they can't do anything


PS I've been to USSC 6 times, but this is not 'legal advice' and yeah, I got a doctorate in law and few other doctorates and I sit on an international tribunal as a JUDGE so HONORABLE is in my legal name along with DR. and RABBI and it takes a long time to sign my name The Honorable Dr. Rabbi X X X-X


Let's see USDC CA actions for me, 17 vacated orders 1 precedent setting case and 6 splits that went to USSC with no further review, so my 'legal record' in USDC is 24 appeals with 17 vacated orders (wins) 1 precedent setting win and 6 split decisions. Now I could sit here and give legal advice all day long, I'm not, but you want to call me names and whatever, just look at similar use names of TM's, all doing fine and making nominal ad revenue, is it unfair or illegal? Maybe unethical, but some do it, I don't, but it is a way to get traffic and under right development have defensible TM claims.

sure anyone can sue anyone

but similar info's are pulling ads all day for beauty pagents and it's fair use IMO

and the name has nominal development value as stated

nice .info

look at the sites above operating

if they had legal action on them they wouldn't be live, a judge would give an order IF they were violating TM use

you are allowed to run a .info with a TM

under certain uses

it's being done and some like it, and some don't

cry all you want

it's a fair use traffic reg

if it's developed right
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Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Okay, I take back what I said.

Forget Legal Section. This actually belongs in humor.

Tell me which of these issues you can circumvent to be able to keep this domain and (in your hypothetical world) you can file a counter claim for harassment?

Under paragraph 4(a) of the Policy, the Complainant must prove that each of the following three elements is present:
(i) the domain name is identical or confusingly similar to the Complainant's trade mark; and
(ii) the Respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and
(iii) the domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith.

The only ACTUAL recourse would be not to show up:

B. Respondent
The Respondent did not reply to the Complainants' contentions.

You are an absolute and outright fool for spouting out this garbage and trying to convince anyone that you are correct.

The only shred of accuracy in any of your posts in this thread is this...

Laughing at your own bullshit outdoor bathhouse legal stall writings.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
running a .info site is not 'bad faith'

are you damaging the TM by having a info site?


are you confusing the public over the use

so the way you get around wipo is BAD FAITH and it's been pretty well defined

you want to argue this, do it in legal section

the appraisal sticks

it came with TM warning and now you want to conduct a wipo investigation

you know how many major trademark cases TM owners LOSE all the time


and the whole issue involves USE

some uses are permitted and already rules


so you don't prove all three you win

that pagent won't harass the site if it's done right

yeah MAYBE one C&D

you respond right they run away

no one is gonna pursue wipo on it and the amount of revenue it could make is miniscule and not worth discussing

take it to legal section, start a thread and ask the 'experts' when a TM can be used IF EVER legally

see what they say

it can be done

and sometimes for a lot of money

not with this

but you do a fair use of a high cpc related TM, yeah, money maker in ad revenue

not my thing, ad sense revenue, but I understand TM use and the right way this is not a TM issue IMO

laugh all you want

I don't care

now go to legal section and ask the experts

can you use a TM ever legally in a .info

most will say YES, but risky

razors edge stuff

but hey, some people like the edge

if it had money in it, it's developing, but I don't see major revenue from this type of .info

but a lot of chicks do look for beauty pagent info

and since one of my nieces was a major winner in beauty stuff, I can see a nominal revenue stream from all those cute teen girls looking up how to be in these pagents

so yeah, some fringe industries will want to be on ads on the site

so adsense or some other ppc ad stream can work

get legal advice from real TM lawyers on this

go ask in legal section

can I use this legally and how

ask what they think of the other sites being active

when you see real lawyers in TM saying yes mostly and some saying not worth the aggrevation, or whatever, then you know

minor value with development

nil value as is

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Nah. Let him rant on. It's fun watching his logic.

---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

and yeah, I got a doctorate in law and few other doctorates

Yet they let you pass without mastering basic English. I'm impressed.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
that's why I read and write 12 languages

so this is now the usual attack adoni, he don't agree with our limited views on domain names

get a life, you're not posting one thing here about the value all you do is attack me

and the mods let you get away with it

wow, aren't you special

why don't the mods clean up this BS

leave appraisals and delete the attacks

oh that's right

they like to see BS here attacking me




Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry, I never got to the "I got a doctorate" part of the thread.

I was already stepping in too much bullshit to care to proceed on.

---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------

oh that's right

they like to see BS here attacking me

Try to view it like this...

no one here knows you.

So there are no "personal" attacks going on.

But people here know what you are selling is pure B.S. and nothing more.

You have jumped headfirst into a rather educated bunch of people who know domaining.

And they also know bullshit when it looks like, feels like, smells like bullshit.

Once the B.S. reaches those senses, they do not need to taste it to determine that it is, in fact, bullshit they are stepping in.

I guess if I want to sell alligator piss and market it as Gatorade I would have no issue with that as well.

I can brand it, package it, sell it and convince a court that I have rights to it as I use it as a means of putting on my crops in effort to keep the deer out. It is, after all, an alternative to coyote piss, more plentiful, and effective as an aid [sic; ade] in keeping deer from getting into my crops

And, of course, with you having all those doctorates and knowledge base and thorough understanding of laws and torts in all lands with the capability of speaking and writing 12 languages...well, hell, I could hire you as my legal counsel!

All of that is well and good.

Except for the part me believing anything you put in print to even consider you a reliable source for spelling the word WIPO correctly let alone put my faith and trust (let alone my money) into you filing a counter suit claiming the makers of Gatorade are harassing me.
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Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
let's see '' that's your big buy here, LOL, you need some help getting it to page 1 doc


look at your code

what a mess

you know a dot net like that should be page 1 google and yahoo if you had a clue

but you're a domain maven, huh?


when I walk into a court room I get called DR. unlike you, I earned that title in numerous fields

wat up doc, your fishing trip .net big investment can't get to page 1 and you don't like me telling people how easy it is to put a .info on page one


I put parked and blank pages all over SE's for huge cpc terms

and you want to tell me I don't know jack about domains?

u need to read one of the books I wrote on SEO so you can get page 1 with then you might have some of that whopping 1 or 2 buck cpc the term makes

I hit page 1 for huge 20 to 50 buck cpc terms all day long

wat up doc



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
let's see '' that's your big buy here, LOL, you need some help getting it to page 1 doc

um, that's a parked page, dumbass.

Er, excuse, your doctorship, your honor.

---------- Post added at 04:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------

when I walk into a court room I get called DR. unlike you, I earned that title in numerous fields.
Oh, my...where is Dr. J.B.

I think he would love this...

and do tell us the titles of you books so I can order one, two, three or how ever many bathrooms I have.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 22, 2007
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that clown should have been banned more time


Level 14
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 13, 2004
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Do not spam with with your SEO service, book or promote your site in the appraisal section.
let's see '' that's your big buy here, LOL, you need some help getting it to page 1 doc


look at your code

what a mess

you know a dot net like that should be page 1 google and yahoo if you had a clue

but you're a domain maven, huh?


when I walk into a court room I get called DR. unlike you, I earned that title in numerous fields

wat up doc, your fishing trip .net big investment can't get to page 1 and you don't like me telling people how easy it is to put a .info on page one


I put parked and blank pages all over SE's for huge cpc terms

and you want to tell me I don't know jack about domains?

u need to read one of the books I wrote on SEO so you can get page 1 with then you might have some of that whopping 1 or 2 buck cpc the term makes

I hit page 1 for huge 20 to 50 buck cpc terms all day long

wat up doc


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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I knew I recognised this idiot's style of posting. He was around at DS in 2003 touting his fruitcake domains and ideas then. He also ranted a lot about suing domain forum owners (nothing changed then). It also became clear he was making things up on the spot as he got caught in his own lies. He is a total and utter nutcase and obviously ignored everyone's advice to seek serious medical help. He was repeatedly banned and made many threats (legal and personal) directly to the mods there.

Not even intelligent enough to try and use a username without 'adoni' in it - check adoninet
'nuff said.
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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
hahaha ...
The more ignorants invest in whatever thing,
the better the insiders become.
Let 'em all believe whatever they want.
Anyway: The rarer things become, the more some people will value them.
Who wants something will pay the price.
Overpricing doesn't exist - It's in between the ears.
Underpricing idem.
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