Since the Internet was created nobody thought that this name was worth registering until you showed up a few days ago and took it. I'm not so sure that "knowing there are poetry clubs in LA" is the type of insight or advantage that is going to make you money with this name.
When you find a name like this that is unregistered, I think you first need to ask yourself why none of the 6 billion people on earth ever thought about registering it. If you know something that the world doesn't know, then you might have an advantage, but combining the words Poetry and Venues will not have you climbing to the top of the mountain.
The name is worth less than zero because it is now costing you valuable time, since you only have so many hours to live, and nobody lives forever. I am thinking that you should avoid spending time on this name. I cannot think of a reason why should be worth anything. I am 99 percent certain that if you stuck it in a sales thread and listed it for $2 it would not get sold.
I have to be harsh. Life is tough.