Before we get into that, it is all an expansion on
Executive Order 13780 of March 6, 2017, or the "Muslim ban" which banned the countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen (but conveniently left out the largest Muslim-populated countries of Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh [
do I need to go on...?])
Proclamation 9983, signed 1/31/2020, merely removed Chad from the countries on the list which was amended with
Proclamation 9645 signed on 9/24/2017 to include, in the original 6 countries, the highly Muslim-populated Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela.
So as you can see, the 1/31/2021 tweet by Pelosi is just more whining about the Muslim ban (which you can see from the amended countries -- Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, and Venezuela -- is far from that). This is where you also get presumably the "brown" from in Joe's tweet:
The other proclamation signed that day was
Procolmation 9984 ("Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk").
P. 9984 blocked entry from China, Hong Kong, and Macau. This is where you got
all that xenophobia stuff from CNN and the likes as it pointed directly at its now known source.
Add EO 13780, P. 9983, and P. 9645, when the intent behind those three is to protect our citizens from terrorist nations, and P. 9984, you get the perfect storm of "xenophobia/racism" from President Trump.
Luckily, all this stuff is still on the web and the President can't pull a Cuomo and wipe it.
But agree with
@mr-x, even though somewhat misguided because these two policies signed on the same day blend quite well.
@mr-x is pointing out the hypocrisy of banning African countries due to Covid when Trump did it for China and was called xenophobic. I'm sure, as pointed out earlier, had Trump been in office and done it to African countries, he would not only be xenophobic, but racist as well. Funny how that works...
Too much research today. Hope you got something from this as all sauces provided.