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political Politics


Level 4
Oct 18, 2021
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"Instead, it was posted in response to a Trump administration policy that would make it more difficult for citizens of Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Eritrea, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan to obtain immigrant visas. When asked by reporters what the rationale was for the policy, Department of Homeland Security officials cited concerns about passports and information sharing, not COVID-19."

Trump African Travel ban - nothing to do with COVID

Biden African Travel ban - COVID variant

Keep showing your dishonesty mr-x


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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haha, you keep mixing things up. That had nothing to do with Covid. Biden's ban on Africa does.

You're doing your dishonest thing again. Why?

The only one who is mixed up is you. If you didn't jump into every post screaming "racist" without looking, maybe you'd wouldn't have to be so defensive about being wrong.


Level 4
Oct 18, 2021
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The only one who is mixed up is you. If you didn't jump into every post screaming "racist" without looking, maybe you'd wouldn't have to be so defensive about being wrong.
I just busted you lying yet again. Lying about the Trump African travel ban being about COVID.

Tell me, I'm curious, why do you lie so much?


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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"Instead, it was posted in response to a Trump administration policy that would make it more difficult for citizens of Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Eritrea, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan to obtain immigrant visas. When asked by reporters what the rationale was for the policy, Department of Homeland Security officials cited concerns about passports and information sharing, not COVID-19."

You're like a child.


Level 4
Oct 18, 2021
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You're like a child.
This is you.

Tell everybody why you lied? Do you think you're slick? Are you used to being around other right wingers who are easily fooled?

It was a serious question, why do you lie so much? Why did you just lie about Trump's African Travel ban?


Level 4
Oct 18, 2021
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"President Donald Trump said he signed the proclamation because of national security concerns, claiming the countries had not met minimum security standards.

“We’re adding a couple of countries to it,” Trump told reporters last month. “Our country has to be safe. So we have a very strong travel ban and we’ll be adding a few countries to it.”

It was about Muslims and fear of terrorism, not COVID. Why do you think it was called the Muslim Travel Ban and not the COVID Travel Ban? Because it had zero to do with COVID.

Biden's ban has to do with Covid, which is still an issue because of right wing nuts.



Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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After doing some digging, I actually find agreement with @JennBlogger, and disagreement, on this one, as they are focusing on one policy while doing a sleight of hand on the real issue.
The President signed two proclamations on 1/31/2020, one having to do with security and the other having to do with COVID.

Before we get into that, it is all an expansion on Executive Order 13780 of March 6, 2017, or the "Muslim ban" which banned the countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen (but conveniently left out the largest Muslim-populated countries of Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh [do I need to go on...?])

Proclamation 9983, signed 1/31/2020, merely removed Chad from the countries on the list which was amended with Proclamation 9645 signed on 9/24/2017 to include, in the original 6 countries, the highly Muslim-populated Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela.

So as you can see, the 1/31/2021 tweet by Pelosi is just more whining about the Muslim ban (which you can see from the amended countries -- Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, and Venezuela -- is far from that). This is where you also get presumably the "brown" from in Joe's tweet:
This new “African Ban,” is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.

The other proclamation signed that day was Procolmation 9984 ("Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk").

P. 9984 blocked entry from China, Hong Kong, and Macau. This is where you got all that xenophobia stuff from CNN and the likes as it pointed directly at its now known source.

Add EO 13780, P. 9983, and P. 9645, when the intent behind those three is to protect our citizens from terrorist nations, and P. 9984, you get the perfect storm of "xenophobia/racism" from President Trump.

Luckily, all this stuff is still on the web and the President can't pull a Cuomo and wipe it.

But agree with @mr-x, even though somewhat misguided because these two policies signed on the same day blend quite well. @mr-x is pointing out the hypocrisy of banning African countries due to Covid when Trump did it for China and was called xenophobic. I'm sure, as pointed out earlier, had Trump been in office and done it to African countries, he would not only be xenophobic, but racist as well. Funny how that works...

Too much research today. Hope you got something from this as all sauces provided.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Trump banned travel from China on Jan 31. Feb 1st, every democrat called him a racist. Nancy Pelosi when to China Town in San Francisco and held a media event to criticize President Trump.

If you had the capacity to reason instead of blurting out programmed talking points I'd have a discussion with you instead of posting pictures.

"President Donald Trump said he signed the proclamation because of national security concerns, claiming the countries had not met minimum security standards.

“We’re adding a couple of countries to it,” Trump told reporters last month. “Our country has to be safe. So we have a very strong travel ban and we’ll be adding a few countries to it.”

It was about Muslims and fear of terrorism, not COVID. Why do you think it was called the Muslim Travel Ban and not the COVID Travel Ban? Because it had zero to do with COVID.

Biden's ban has to do with Covid, which is still an issue because of right wing nuts.



Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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After doing some digging, I actually find agreement with @JennBlogger, and disagreement, on this one, as they are focusing on one policy while doing a sleight of hand on the real issue.

The President signed two proclamations on 1/31/2020, one having to do with security and the other having to do with COVID.

I'm old enough to remember what happened. There was a media blitz, democrat including Pelosi and Biden criticized the travel ban to China.

This screen cap is from a later interview on CNN where Nancy does her best to side step her prior opposition to banning travel from China. She even went to China Town in San Francisco to hold a media even to call the President xenophobic.


Most of the countries on the ban list were added by Pres. Obama because they were exporting terrorisim.

Trump is a crass person, calling many of the countries "s h i t holes" sent the media into shock but in fact many were just that.

Before we get into that, it is all an expansion on Executive Order 13780 of March 6, 2017, or the "Muslim ban" which banned the countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen (but conveniently left out the largest Muslim-populated countries of Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh [do I need to go on...?])

Proclamation 9983, signed 1/31/2020, merely removed Chad from the countries on the list which was amended with Proclamation 9645 signed on 9/24/2017 to include, in the original 6 countries, the highly Muslim-populated Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela.

So as you can see, the 1/31/2021 tweet by Pelosi is just more whining about the Muslim ban (which you can see from the amended countries -- Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, and Venezuela -- is far from that). This is where you also get presumably the "brown" from in Joe's tweet:

The other proclamation signed that day was Procolmation 9984 ("Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk").

P. 9984 blocked entry from China, Hong Kong, and Macau. This is where you got all that xenophobia stuff from CNN and the likes as it pointed directly at its now known source.

Add EO 13780, P. 9983, and P. 9645, when the intent behind those three is to protect our citizens from terrorist nations, and P. 9984, you get the perfect storm of "xenophobia/racism" from President Trump.

Luckily, all this stuff is still on the web and the President can't pull a Cuomo and wipe it.

But agree with @mr-x, even though somewhat misguided because these two policies signed on the same day blend quite well. @mr-x is pointing out the hypocrisy of banning African countries due to Covid when Trump did it for China and was called xenophobic. I'm sure, as pointed out earlier, had Trump been in office and done it to African countries, he would not only be xenophobic, but racist as well. Funny how that works...

Too much research today. Hope you got something from this as all sauces provided.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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This is you.

Tell everybody why you lied? Do you think you're slick? Are you used to being around other right wingers who are easily fooled?

It was a serious question, why do you lie so much? Why did you just lie about Trump's African Travel ban?
Look at the date on this tweet. 1 day after baning travel from China.

P.S. Some of the African countries were shit holes.



Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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More dishonesty.
The only dishonesty here is from you.

Trump's ban was because color of skin. Didn't want people from "shithole countries" but ok with people from Nordic countries, aka white.
This is a lie. The list of countries on Pres. Trump's first travel ban, aka the "muslim ban" were put on that list by Pres. Obama.

The African countries were added for multiple reasons, including terrorism. And they were s h i t hole countries. Saying so isn't racist.

And Biden's ban is the same reason other countries are banning, the new variant.
Biden, Pelosi most of the media called Trump racist because he blocked travel From China.

It's your ( and every leftist ) go to reason, second only to climate change which is caused by racism.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Every leftist / commie / degenerate's favorite insult is the "very fine people" lie. They don't even think to question it.


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I'm old enough to remember what happened. There was a media blitz, democrat including Pelosi and Biden criticized the travel ban to China.
You're conflating the two in one argument because that's how the media set it up. I only say this because you're highlighting the snippets from the left arguing the Muslim ban while applying it to the China/Covid ban argument.

I showed you that 1 is for security (per @JennBlogger) and 1 was for Covid. Both proclamations were signed on the same day you highlighted. JennBlogger is trying to get your goat for referring to the "Muslim ban" countries while ignoring the fact that Trump did ban China and was called xenophobic while ignoring the fact that Joe did the same thing and not a peep.

It was a sleight of hand to distract you from China while pushing the Muslim ban narrative as both proclamations, as linked above, were signed the same day. The tweets from Joe and Pelosi were focused on the Muslim ban one that merely excluded Chad while pushing the xenophobic and anti-Muslim narrative by combining the two. Pretty brilliant as the timing was perfect if you ask me (for the nasty Dems that is).


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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You're conflating the two in one argument because that's how the media set it up. I only say this because you're highlighting the snippets from the left arguing the Muslim ban while applying it to the China/Covid ban argument.

I"m not conflating anything. The ban on Travel from China was headline news, the democrats tried to capitalize on it. Biden made more than one tweet, or at least his handlers did.

Nancy, the head of the democrat party when to China town and held a media event. She didn't mention Africa. Jake Tapper latter interviewed Pelosi and in a moment of honesty, questioned her about opposing the travel ban from China.

I live in the USA, was involved in politics and remember what happened. Africa was foot note.

I showed you that 1 is for security (per @JennBlogger) and 1 was for Covid. Both proclamations were signed on the same day you highlighted. JennBlogger is trying to get your goat for referring to the "Muslim ban" countries while ignoring the fact that Trump did ban China and was called xenophobic while ignoring the fact that Joe did the same thing and not a peep.

It was a sleight of hand to distract you from China while pushing the Muslim ban narrative as both proclamations, as linked above, were signed the same day. The tweets from Joe and Pelosi were focused on the Muslim ban one that merely excluded Chad while pushing the xenophobic and anti-Muslim narrative by combining the two. Pretty brilliant as the timing was perfect if you ask me (for the nasty Dems that is).


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I"m not conflating anything. The ban on Travel from China was headline news, the democrats tried to capitalize on it. Biden made more than one tweet, or at least his handlers did.
You are with this post. It doesn't clearly separate the two different issues, opening you up for attack at one angle of being incorrect.
Pelosi tweet on Muslim ban (actually contraction, but whining about it).

Pelosi on CNN is about the China travel ban.

Two separate issues, easy to combine.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Front page on CNN Feb 1, nothing about Africa, all about Corona, one story about blaming China is racist, mentions Trump four times.

The next day, five stories about China, one story about Nigera.

The next day, China, China, China, same story about Nigera at the bottom of the page.




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