nameslave said:
You should have no problem updating your thread; HOWEVER, bumping is a TOTALLY different story and is simply NOT something that would be kindly received by MOST established forums. To be honest, the current 8 hour ceiling is relatively lax when compared to some stricter places. Try bump with some non-sense posts elsewhere, and you'll be gone (temporarily suspended) for at least 3 weeks.
I wasn't bumping my thread...I was reducing prices on domains and I wanted to let everyone know there was a change. If people see "0" replies and have already read the thread, they most likely won't read it again. I know I won't.
8 hours is a long time, a full business day. So now we can only post a sales thread once a day and update it 3 times a day...not a productive selling environment. As a seller, I removed all my sales threads and I won't sell here anymore. I'll just buy.
nameslave said:
EVERYBODY THINKS he knows how to run a corporate, or a country or a forum; no problem, that's why we have customer focus groups and consultative committees and public hearings. You are most welcome to SUGGEST, but please don't talk like only YOU know best. Welcome to the real world. think the auctions and chat room are as good as they were last year. I never said I know how to "run" a forum, but as a
customer of this forum, I see major shortcomings and I was pointing them out.
I knew your personal attacks against me were on the was just a matter of time. Nice mod work and very professional I might add. %+|