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Posts archived on search engines...2

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2002
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Since you closed the thread, I'll ask these two questions here.

1. Are you not going to block search engines from accessing and indexing our posts?

2. Will you block the archive from non-members? If not, then this isn't a private forum.



Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 19, 2003
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As I understand the statement from DNFAdmin they are not going to do it.
At least we no know and can act accordingly.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2002
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Its a little confusing. One minute they say they're working on it, then they're fixing it, then they won't do anything about it. Instead of playing games, I would like to know whats really happening. Will my future posts be indexed in search engines?. Can non-members access ALL posts (archive) without registering?.


Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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RMF said:
Its a little confusing. One minute they say they're working on it, then they're fixing it, then they won't do anything about it. Instead of playing games, I would like to know whats really happening. Will my future posts be indexed in search engines?. Can non-members access ALL posts (archive) without registering?.


RMF (and others), I must apologise for being amongst those creating anticipation :emba: - non of the Mods who posted about the changes were playing games; it was originally agreed by management to stop the indexing of the Platinum Forums, then they had a change of mind!
As it stands there will be no privacy on any of the forums as all posts will be archived and indexed. Members should act accordingly when thinking about posting any material that may be confidential or that they would otherwise not wish to be broadcast across the Internet.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2002
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I would like to lodge my strong protest on letting the posts be archived by the search engines.

I would like have all posts blocked from indexing. This forum is NOT supposed to be an end user resource but a resource for domainers who have payed money to be a part of this community trading post.

Think about this:

Your reseller prices get indexed & end users get to see them

You run a limited time special price offer / sale & these prices remain for all times for non members to dig up and claim the same.

You receive some harsh / unwarranted / undeserving / low ball appraisals for your names & after being indexed these appraisals effectively work against you.

Some buyers would'nt pay you more than what they know you paid for it. So, if you find a good deal at dnforum, and the price is public knowledge, it would be just that tough for you to ask for more & such prospective buyers to pay up when he / she knows what you paid for it.

If you own a name & some legal issue is raised about it at the forum , that's it. In my experience, most end suers research before they buy and any deliberate smear campaign or ever an innocent query questioning your sales pitch can make affect your domain name turning even a deadly domain into a dud. Anything they see can be used against you.

I remember there has been another thread before where members have protested such indexing. They were assured that it would be stopped & now you guys seem to have changed your mind.

You should learn to protect your members and nurture the existing community, then focusing on bringing in more members. If the members & community is happy, the forum will go a long way...

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Mr Webname said:
RMF (and others), I must apologise for being amongst those creating anticipation :emba: - non of the Mods who posted about the changes were playing games; it was originally agreed by management to stop the indexing of the Platinum Forums, then they had a change of mind!
As it stands there will be no privacy on any of the forums as all posts will be archived and indexed. Members should act accordingly when thinking about posting any material that may be confidential or that they would otherwise not wish to be broadcast across the Internet.

I realize this is not too popular but I fully agree with management that the past history of domains should not be so secretive. Buyers should have a right to see old feedback, opinions, disputes, wipo threats, C&D letters, old prices and old traffic claims (which traffic assertions are sometimes not accurate).

Again I go back to the old example of can you imagine buying and appraising a house with no past sales data on the home, how could the banks appraiser appraise the property if old sales data was secret? Why should sellers data be held secret to somehow protect sellers but buyers be kept in the dark? Is that fair on buyers?

What is the big deal anyway? As juniperpark has said, most buyers assume only $10 or so was paid for the name anyway. Plus, as mentioned by myself earlier in other posts, the SE indexing helps traffic to DNF, new members come on board, and also helps DCG get more advertisers and charge more for ads due to the public exposure to the SE's and better traffic stats, that helps dcg out and assumebly the members too in the long run.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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windyreddy said:
I would like to lodge my strong protest on letting the posts be archived by the search engines. I would like have all posts blocked from indexing. This forum is NOT supposed to be an end user resource but a resource for domainers who have payed money to be a part of this community trading post.......

Is DNF mostly for resellers, who typically sell most often to other reseller forum members? Perhaps that is part of the problem as to why so few buyers and end-users hang out here.

Should not non-member endusers who may stumble across a name indexed in the SE's not be able to buy the name because they never see it in the first place if not indexed in the SE? Don't endusers coming to dnf via the SE help eveyone, the reseller who gets a buyer due to it, the forum and owner? Not to mention a prospective buyer doing research.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2002
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The unedited post:

Is DNF only for resellers? Perhaps that is why so few buyers and end-users hang out here. Should not a buyer member who paid money to join also have old posts as a resource?

Should not endusers who may stumble across a name indexed in the SE's not be able to buy the name because they never see it in the first place if not indexed in the SE? Don't endusers coming to dnf via the SE help eveyone, the reseller who gets a buyer due to it, the forum and owner? Not to mention a prospective buyer doing research.

Indexed posts do not allow non members to post, but they can view the threads & I have an objection with that.

If the markets pick up, would you still want to sell at the downturn time prices? When you know, everything you type in at the forum can be factored in when you negotiate with non member buyers who are most likely end users, you have to keep information minimal in the threads. Would that be good for the forum?

DNF is pretty popular and well indexed & chronicled. Serious domainers or focused end users always will find it.

"Should not a buyer member who paid money to join also have old posts as a resource? "

Whatever stops them now from looking at the previous posts or using the search function provided. Paid members are given access to all previous posts. I never asked for new members from being barred from looking at the old posts. Please do not muddle the issue.

If you want endusers to stumble onto your domains, create a web site, list the names there and submit it at the search engines. I would'nt want them to stumble on to my special prices aimed at the resellers or them from seeing one of my domain name that has been battered at the appraisal threads. It jepordises the sales.

Endusers don't need to stumble onto a name at a SE to decide to go acquire it. They usually research, look at options , decide on the name and contact the owners usually through the contact page leading from the name or using the WHOIS record. I have sold more names off the forums, then at the forums. They found me & the name they wanted.

What would you do, if somebody bashes your domain name in the appraisal thread, approaches you to buy it again as an end user & uses his bashing to bring your prices down. It could happen.

If you want to popularize Dnf, use non compromising threads like WLS discussion, domain news, domain registration or expiring names.

Can I also suggest that you reduce the membership fees to attract more buyers and end users.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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we already had the discussion of the pros and cons, and the VAST majority agreed, so I see no point in rediscussing this issue.
This is the first time I am very disapointed in a major decision on this forum...
Bad move IMHO.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2003
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seeker said:
This is the first time I am very disapointed in a major decision on this forum...
Bad move IMHO.

Same here.

The posts should not be indexed. I really wish this will be reconsidered.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2002
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I don't like controversies nor making a fuss.

I just don't like the fact that they firstly took a decision to index the posts without discussing with members nor has any proper explanation been offered as to why they did turnaround on their previous decision to stop the indexing.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Last time I checked, DNForum was NOT "supposed" to be a reseller hangout. To be honest, it is de facto so and there are some debates about the direction of the forum among members; HOWEVER, please bear in mind that it is always the owner (Adam, a.k.a. DotComGod) who has the final say in that decision and bear all consequences.

I'm just curious why there has been so much fuss about this issue when DNForum now actually has almost 6,000 members (and more than 700 of them are with Platinum or higher access permission). To talk about your posted prices being kept a secret is simply unrealistic, when your water cooler gossip will spread through the whole office in less than an hour. LOL!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2003
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EDITED - Want to read what was here - send me an email or PM - Thanks Steve

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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windyreddy said:
The unedited post: Is DNF only for resellers? Perhaps that is why so few buyers and end-users hang out here. Should not a buyer member who paid money to join also have old posts as a resource?

You sure are sharp in copying and then posting my 'correction.' The reason I edited that out was to avoid confusion as it was poorly phrased and did not feel like going into all this detail at the time. I meant to say that I have found several good names thru Google searches that were posts from forums. Since I use Google search far more often than a forum search (and may miss the original members thread) that is really not too surprising.

For example, perhaps I am researching the word domainname.com on Google but I get a search return on domain-name.com which happens to be a DNF post or some other forum, such as NP (NP also indexes member posts - last time I checked anyway).

I check out the forum post thru the link and perhaps may make an offer. In actuality, this has happended a number of times to me but oddly the names I stumbled across thru the SE and led to a forum, happened to have expired after the forum post so ended-up getting them only for a reg fee. That has happened to me perhaps about 10 times already. Without the indexing I would probably not have stumbled acrss those names in the first place. Hope this clarifies the post edit for you Windy.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2003
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I guess I just need to remember to make refrences to my domains as "Domain dot Com" on DNF and other forums that Index posts.

Then it will not come back to haunt us resellers who also go after end users.

What I do not understand is why people who visit the forums via http://www.dnforum.com and are not members cannot read the forums, yet those who search on past records on a domain name who are end users (ie. Joe goes to google as he wants to buy xyz.com from me and sees that I had it for sale at one point for $$$ but he would be willing to pay $$$$$, that would make it harder to get Joe to pay $$$$$ because he sees it was once for sale for lower..) can see the posts no problem.

I think its better to have guests who visit the board, be able to see the posts as opposed to search engines, because those are the people looking to actually join the board, as opposed to the situation mentioned above (end user looking for details on a domain)

Just my opinion


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2002
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I reposted your original (unedited) post, as my post was in reply to that. People would'nt know what I was ranting about otherwise. Sorry, if you found that sneaky. :undecided

You thought your post was confusing & could correct your posting, but think when if you would want to retract on a more serious issue like a sale price etc & it has already got indexed for everyone to see.

No offence Realnames. I have all the respect for you.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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No problem at all, never found it sneaky, glad you gave me the chance to talk about is some more.

Regarding editing, if a member wants to hide old offering prices, perhaps he could simply edit his posts as I did. Even if already indexed I believe the SE will end-up reading the latest edited thread/post. Very few surfers bother to use the SE Cashed results so that is not much of a factor, IMO, plus many search results are not cached anyway.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2002
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What ever happened to dnforum being a private domain forum?

One of the main reasons people paid to be members here was the fact that it was a private forum.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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ahhh. history...
it has a funny way of re writting itself.
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