It's not as simple as all that. Is making a fortune off of Britney Spears - why indeed they are.
Can I write a biography of a famous person and sell it? You bet I can.
Politicians have less protection, and for a reason.
This guy is making money simply by quoting things that George W Bush says.
The subject at hand celebrities (or perceived) in the domain names.
Would be ok to register?
Would be ok to register?
whose quotes of which John Berryhill?
Would you care to identify the registration document which is the basis of your use the ® symbol?
DNQ, he edited all marks after John's observation.
DNQ, he edited all marks after John's observation.
Sorry, Brett, your copyright notice is ineffective. I have just patented the method of responding to posts in this thread.
I invented a time machine and stopped you from filing the patent application.
They didn't really care;
A-ha... but I too invented a time machine, and went back before you and obtained a patent for time machines. You now owe me royalties for your time machine.
Fork it over, Brett.
McCain paid me for my domain! I sold to them after being contacted via his campaign committee.
The name was parked, and I was earning revenue and everything prior to the sale! They didn't really care; great people & a great offer. (Well better then getting C&D I say!)
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators