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Price of domains will Drop up to 40-50 percent in the Reseller market?

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Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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Doc for PM! of the UK :party:

the circle jerkoff and humping kneecaps had me dying
everything you said is true

also resellers dont want to pay 10% of even a fair cheap enduser sale, they want to pay 0000000.1%, but they want stats too :eek: lol

if you aint building guys, wtf are you doing

selling is one piece the pie.
refine, drop, sell, trade, DEVELOP, promote, research, then shove a feather duster up your ass so you can springclean the house whilst multi-tasking :smilewinkgrin:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2006
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As Shawn said "crap is still crap" but outside of that large category I expect domain values will soon again begin to rise. Why? 1) we're still early in the shift of businesses to the internet (i.e. demand is certain) and 2) domains are an asset that (unlike cash) will be an excellent investment vehicle during the inflationary period ahead.

[go doc, go!]

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2006
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Prices of domains are dropping way faster for what I had in my mind. It had completely change my domaining view. I and my other friends, who owns good portfolios, in the range of X,XXX XX,xxx and XXX,XXX concluded that domain prices will be very low by december january 2010

what you think?

What is your definition of good portfolio?

Care to share some domain that you sold for xx,xxx


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Seriously guys. Stop it!

Those end users are not shy of lurking around here. All these talks day in and day out only fuel the notion of depression even further to bring values even lower. And whom does that hurt. You and me. Another reason why there are negligible sales in the forum. Let's not cry about end users. They don't know much as we. Or do they? We, knowing so much are hardly an example of seizing opportunities in a depressed market. This is hypocrisy of the highest order.

There is some reality to the argument of a down market. But, there are too many threads crying the same song about lost values and doomsday. And it is only going to hurt you and your portfolio.

Enough already!

Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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there is how many words in the English dictionary?? few hundred thou???

there is how many made up so called "generic" domains being held for resale??? lol, way too many to count, 10 - 20 mil ?

what are this crappy made up so called generic domains? random word combinations

take out all the non commercial domains that dont even have any potential with devleopment

and you really aren't left with that many good domains... it is a small fraction of truly VALUABLE domains that will command the highest prices in recessions, booms, etc...

those exact match keyword domains that make sense is where the money has always been, if they end in DOT COM

most domainers like to think that they are holding onto gold... but come on, u cant even resell that shit to your peers, what does that mean?? thats right, they are worthless.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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those exact match keyword domains that make sense is where the money has always been, if they end in DOT COM
How long do you think you can continue to make this claim?

Do you honestly think you can make this claim and for it to be a TRUE claim in 3 - 5 years?

Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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How long do you think you can continue to make this claim?

Do you honestly think you can make this claim and for it to be a TRUE claim in 3 - 5 years?

come again??

please re-phrase one more time, because that reply absolutely makes no sense...

or are you saying that just any random keyword combination's such as or are worthy and good long term domain investments in response to my argument?


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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come again??

please re-phrase one more time, because that reply absolutely makes no sense...

or are you saying that just any random keyword combination's such as or are worthy and good long term domain investments in response to my argument?
you claim of IF THEY END IN DOT COM.

Was it that tough to understand?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
May 7, 2008
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i think you and your friends should stop talking to each other.

i'd also like to see some of those 5 and 6 figure names you guys own, posted in appraisal section.

lastly, since you guys have concluded that prices will be very low, perhaps you should be trying to sell out now!


LOL .....absooo .... Fuqing ....lutely , yes please show your names, by the doom and gloom outlook you would think that you would try to get out while it is hot and you can sell your name now for $100 instead of holding on to it when you will only earn $10 by your explination.

PM, me your names I may consider buying you out and taking the risk.

Valuable points made by some of the respected members of this forum, you should listen to them.

I walked away from parking a while ago, no matter how much you make parking a domain does not compare to the revenue generated developing that same name selling a service, product, or getting paid for customer acquisition.

No matter what your therory or version of what a generic domain is, it's really only worth something and or reaches it's true value developed and indexed in the search engines.

If you want to resell a name to an end-user, develop it, index it well, and market the name to the competitors fighting to be on that first organic search page. You may be amazed at the results and values your names are suddenly worth.

I have a large background in ecommerce business development and you would be surprised as to how much some companies spend annually in AdWords becuase they cant get there site on the first page organiclly.

My 3 cents... for what it is worth.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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how much some companies spend annually in AdWords becuase they cant get there site on the first page organiclly.
That inability to optimize and achieve that ranking is what drives this entire industry.

Pray that the companies that never understand SEO.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
May 7, 2008
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That inability to optimize and achieve that ranking is what drives this entire industry.

Pray that the companies that never understand SEO.

...... heheeh... lol ... fell out of my seat laughing. That is so funny because of how stupid easy this stuff is and business owners are so afraid of SEO, I truly know first hand and may be guilty of praying upon that fear once or twice.....Shhh.. don't tell.

I hope I regurgitate this properly from the brain to the keyboard, I have a much larger response in my head, but I am going to try and do the cliff notes version..... to the same token...... for the reason I brought up prior .......which you have made a good supporting argument to my point that this fear of SEO could impact the positive valuing of the name by the buyer that you and I are selling to (worth more).... hope that made sense.
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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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you claim of IF THEY END IN DOT COM.

Was it that tough to understand?

ok, great --- so you invest in .mobi and .biz and all the other great domains while i stick to dot com

thanks ! :blush:

please do spread the message as well...


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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ok, great --- so you invest in .mobi and .biz and all the other great domains while i stick to dot com

thanks ! :blush:

please do spread the message as well...
Geez, what a fool.

It has nothing to do with .mobi, .biz, or anything else except your own statement.

It has everything to do with taking in all that is going on around you.

Those that continue to preach, live by, and abide by the old rules will end up losing IN THE LONG RUN.

You want to preach that everything is shit unless it ends in dot com.

You can not assume that dot com is and will remain king.

English language is not the language of choice among the 6.5 billion human inhabitants.

And it is fast losing as the de facto language for business communication.

With the impending introduction of IDN and the proposed/delayed new gTLD's, dot com could run the risk of being a collectible in a matter of a decade.

If you do continue to say that all is worthless except dot com, then please do not offer any advice to any one and quit portraying yourself as a blogger.

If you can not see anything around you except the room you are in and read nothing except your own posts over and over then there is nothing more to be said.

My god, you are even incapable of interpreting your own words when they are quoted back at you. You ask for clarification of your own thoughts and statements.

That is a sign of needing help.
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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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doc, you don't know much about domain names... do you? :blush:

you got a lot of catching up to do

use the search function to read up the archives

as for the cctld opportunities, sure it's hot this days.. but it is an opportunity that was there for many years

stupid foreigeners choose to invest instead in dot com crappy generic made up names, lol ;) they missed it right under their noises.. when they should of invested in native language domains, whether it be .fr .it .de and so on, instead, they followed the packs... and you too are leading this discussion that way, sheep !

the cctlds --- it is center stage now because the biggest players are cashing out and the newbies are wanting in on the action, always late to the party, unfortunately most of the time overpaying and getting burned

round and round we go

dot com is king, always was and always will be... why? because billions in branding since day one and it was here first... everything else matters very little

and you talking about all the gTLD's that will pop up.... eh, those are a joke and so are you obviously --- you haven't got the clue what you are rambling about

keep it simple stupid, ever heard that expression?

that is my advice for domainers starting out who want to get their feet wet --- go with what is proven, can't go wrong with buying up good dot com's... what do you gotta say about that? :lol:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
May 7, 2008
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Hey ... settle down you two.. objectively there are strength to both business models and your distracting from the OP, open up a thread and debate. Not everyone is always going to agree with you...

.. hey if you open a new thread let me know I will add some input


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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doc, you don't know much about domain names... do you? :blush:

you got a lot of catching up to do

use the search function to read up the archives
This is exactly what I will not do because I know the archieves by heart.

Only dot com
no numbers
no hyphens
nothing over seven letters long

Look familiar?

It should. That is the basic rules to domaining from 10-15 years ago. See, domainers have not grown up but the internet has.

Everything I learned about domaining I learned from people like you. Everything I learned about marketing, advertising, technology, the arts, the sciences, technology, emerging markets I did not learn from a single domainer.

Not one.

And not a single domain god, demi-god, or god wannabee like you can put one and one together. I take that back, perhaps I know of 5 who can combine skills and know the difference between the domaining business and the business of domaining.

ccTLD's are hot these days because of someone like Rick creates a forum and adds hype and new money into it. Meanwhile, the Germans and Dutch prefer their own tld to conduct trade, business, and commerce.

Biggest players are cashing out and the way to cash out is to pump and dump and hype up that market.

that is my advice for domainers starting out who want to get their feet wet --- go with what is proven, can't go wrong with buying up good dot com's... what do you gotta say about that? :lol:
Why you want to regurgitate what was said 5, 10, 15 years ago is beyond me.

See, every thing you learned about domaining you learned from those same people I alluded to earlier. Not only do you live by those rules you regurgitate the same formula to a different audience.

This shows me that you have not gained anything outside of domaining to combine with domaining to be a force to be reckoned with. Nothing. You end up with domainers trading domains and the same ballsy sweat smelling dollar bills. You hold this for a little while, he'll hold that one, then everyone changes hands, the money and the domains stay in the same circle. Thus the circle jerk effect - everyone stroking each other telling them they like the other one better and just has to hold it and stroke it.

If domain archieves is what you live by, then die by it as well clutching those printed out yellow brittle pages in your gangrenous fingers.

Hey ... settle down you two.. objectively there are strength to both business models and your distracting from the OP, open up a thread and debate. Not everyone is always going to agree with you...
Nothing to debate further than what has already been said.

Time and time again.
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DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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more pee contests


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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...... heheeh... lol ... fell out of my seat laughing. That is so funny because of how stupid easy this stuff is and business owners are so afraid of SEO, I truly know first hand and may be guilty of praying upon that fear once or twice.....Shhh.. don't tell.
There is a sad reality to this. This is, and has been, the model for mainstream ad agencies here in the US, the Madison Avenue types.

Most of the advertising business evolves around convincing the customer that the agency knows better and that the customer can not have a successful campaign without the agency directing it.

However, more and more start ups are finding this out for themselves to be the case. Eliminating a million dollar ad campaign or taking it inhouse is what is keeping many companies going now. Utilizing their own resources and talent or farming that work out to hot shot free lancers or hiring them is saving a bundle.

Can you imagine the millions and billions saved if the big three auto makers went inhouse instead of hiring outside agencies? Plus getting the product to market quicker and faster and being able to respond to feedback in a timely manner?

Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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One can sell ice to an Eskimo. Don't we see that time and time again?

I have been on this forum since 2004 and I've NEVER read anyone give the ultimate piece of domaining advice as DOC did a few months ago. Granted, one needs to have a worthy portfolio to be even considered a domainer. But, why don't domainers get it? It is not so much in development, but sales, where you will succeed.

Those who harp on the development theme nowadays are doing so because their parking strategy did not pan out. It worked for a few early years. It still does for some. But a good majority are clueless. So what do they do? They hear noises. They always follow where the noise is coming from. And today, it is domain development. But, I see no real life examples of how domain development benefited a newbie on a consistent basis. I mean, cold, hard data. Profit and loss. Balance sheets. ROI. None! Nada! Zilch! But, in spite of it, there is no choice for us domainers to take this route. It is expensive, complicated, resource dependent and not every one has the time or inclination to take this route.

We knew parking sucked because we could see data, day in and day out. How promising is domain development? Data please! And I am not even talking about exceptions. But, roundabout, overall results. A few of them I know took the development route and came up with poor results. At least not what they intended it to be.

I am not contesting the development model. All I am saying is, there is no 1 way to maximize the domain name game. Look at Marchex. They lost money these past few quarters. They took the development route. Their 160 plus million portfolio acquisition has yet to make them a profit.

I saw disco$$$ on sale today on DNF for 1.5 - If I had the money, I'd jump on it. No one bit just yet. Why? While cars-p$$$.com gets a place on a recent auction. Makes me go nuts. All you can say is, this industry (if you can call that) is so disorganized, that we have to be reliant on some domain auctioneer to determine if our names are worthy enough.

All folks do is talk. There is no one thing which will make you successful. The only one thing which will get you to the promised land is knowing how to sell.

If you don't believe what DOC said, then imagine your silly portfolio on the Oprah show. How long before every one of them gets snapped up if she hawks them on her show?

Few domains have inherent value. Most are perceived. If domain names were purchased strictly for its inherent value, every god damn person in this industry would be highly educated in the business of domaining.

Mike, you have some key points made. But, eventually, success in this industry will be upon those who create perceived value (and knowing how to sell) as opposed to inherent value. This is what the guys featured on DNJ do. They sell themselves. They know how to sell. At least they try. Whether they sell crappy or useful names, is not an issue. They got the job done.

I learned this the hard way.
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