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RealNames Needs Balance, Restraint & Maturity If He Hopes To Make DNF A Success

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RealNames, out of respect for the first anniversary of the tragic September 11th events, I refrained from posting yesterday. You seemed to have felt otherwise. To each his own, I suppose.

Instead, you indulged yourself in an embarrassing temper tantrum, the likes of which have not been seen in this forum for some time. It is obvious that you are the "rumored" buyer, even though you continue squirming around the issue, perhaps in an effort to wriggle out of a deal you now realize was ill-advised.

Here's what I have to say to you about your ridiculous behaviour to me and others yesterday...take it as you will...

You wrote to me in another thread, "Miles, you first were unbusinesslike."

Absolutely incorrect. You, Realnames, wrote the following to me, which is one of the most unbusinesslike things I have ever had thrown my way: "Perhaps you may reconsider or rephrase your comments below. Thanks." [This is reference to my opinion regarding the key role the old mods played in making this site a success...an opinion I still hold.]

"Reconsider?...Rephrase?" Do you ever read your own posts, Realnames? Judging by how often you edit your posts, I'd have to guess yes, although you seem to be editing the wrong things.

This "suggestion" of yours sounds like something out of communist Russia.

If you disagree with something someone wrote, Realnames, state your disagreement and your reasons. Don't tell them to "rephrase." This isn't an interrogation.

Your utter, absolute and completely nutsy post accusing me of causing a "fire-storm" (only in your own head, Realnames) by stating my take on DNF and what made it good was ludicrous. I'd be ashamed if I wrote something like that. You're not going to keep many members if you demand a retraction anytime someone says something that you don't agree with.

If you really have bought this site, Realnames, you should print off and study how the mods kept the peace, while managing to express their own personal views in a calm, professional, mature manner. Throwing your little temper tantrums won't get you, or this site, very far.

Realnames, you've got a lot to learn about how to communicate in a business environment with maturity, balance and professionalism. As I said before--which the temper tantrum you threw yesterday shows to be all too true--you really need to grow up. Dan, at 16, has shown a lot more character than you.

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
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I agree Miles. RealNames has created all his own problems.


(BTW, I posted yesterday, and hardly think that's disrespect to the victims of 911. That might be a bit harsh Miles. But then, I won't ask you to rephrase your criticism) :D


DNF Addict
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Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Namethink

Your utter, absolute and completely nutsy post accusing me of causing a "fire-storm" (only in your own head, Realnames) by stating my take on DNF and what made it good was ludicrous. I'd be ashamed if I wrote something like that. You're not going to keep many members if you demand a retraction anytime someone says something that you don't agree with.

Realnames, you've got a lot to learn about how to communicate in a business environment with maturity, balance and professionalism. As I said before--which the temper tantrum you threw yesterday shows to be all too true--you really need to grow up. Dan, at 16, has shown a lot more character than you.


Amen. There is the one positive from RealNames childish behaviour. He made Dan look like an absolute prince in comparison. We will all cut Dan some slack because of his age. RealNames has no excuse.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
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Why don't you just all drop it for a while and let the dust settle.

Enough has happened so far .. let it be. ..

Let these guys get on with doing business .....

To bring the issue to a close one way or another.


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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I said I would post no more on this fiasco, but people like Duke of Earl, aactive, dnpwerful and in particular Miles Namethink are doing everything within their power to bring down dnforum and get members to move to their new forum.

This post was from Namethink of Toronto Canada (with no doubt planned follow-up posts by his buddies). He is believed to be Michael Smoljo aka Miles or Namethink, and is the absolute poorest taste and most direspectful and vicious post toward myself and also the zillions of members who posted here on 9-11, and to all Americans, including Pres Bush who wanted us all to live a normal day on 9-11 so as to not surrender to the terrorsist wish to shut us all down on 9-11.

Namethink said today "RealNames, out of respect for the first anniversary of the tragic September 11th events, I refrained from posting yesterday. You seemed to have felt otherwise. To each his own, I suppose."

That is probably the most insulting disgusting idiotic and lowlife thing you could ever say, especially since you are talking about all your buddies such as aactive duke of earl dnpowerful and many others who all posted on 9-11 - some posted numerous times.

It shows what a complete ahole and low-life idiot you are for saying that in your BS post, which also contained lots of other exagerations and false information and twisting of the truth.

Once again Miles, by your insulting all the many members who followed Pres Bush's advise to go on with their normal day to day things on 9-11 shows what a creep and ahole you really are. Please go crawl back into the hole you came out of?

As DNPowerful says many when he is mad, "Miles, send me your phone number so we can get together and I can punch you in the nose," or words to that effect.


DNF Addict
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Jul 15, 2002
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Well, I wish I had a rebuttal for this but I don't. It is so well thought out and articulately presented that I can see no viable way to counter this argument.

Besides trying to bring down an entire forum is a lot tougher work than I thought it would be (and the pay stinks) so I am giving up! :)


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 5, 2002
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I don't care to read these posts or take sides, but I will comment on the following:

RealNames, out of respect for the first anniversary of the tragic September 11th events, I refrained from posting yesterday. You seemed to have felt otherwise. To each his own, I suppose.

I posted here on 9/11/02. What you said was harsh and judgemental towards almost every one. I can't believe you said that.


DNF Regular
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May 7, 2002
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"I said I would post no more on this fiasco, but people like Duke of Earl, aactive, dnpwerful and in particular Miles Namethink are doing everything within their power to bring down dnforum and get members to move to their new forum"

I'm doing everything in my power to bring down DNF? Really? In what way RealNames? If I was trying to bring something down ... let me assure you, I would work a lot harder at it.

You really have a problem with reality. But hey ... continue ranting like you did last night ... nobody but you is digging the hole you are looking out of.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
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Originally posted by RealNames
I said I would post no more on this fiasco, but people like Duke of Earl, aactive, dnpwerful and in particular Miles Namethink are doing everything within their power to bring down dnforum and get members to move to their new forum.

This post was from Namethink of Toronto Canada (with no doubt planned follow-up posts by his buddies). He is believed to be Michael Smoljo aka Miles or Namethink, and is the absolute poorest taste and most direspectful and vicious post toward myself and also the zillions of members who posted here on 9-11, and to all Americans, including Pres Bush who wanted us all to live a normal day on 9-11 so as to not surrender to the terrorsist wish to shut us all down on 9-11.

Namethink said today "RealNames, out of respect for the first anniversary of the tragic September 11th events, I refrained from posting yesterday. You seemed to have felt otherwise. To each his own, I suppose."

That is probably the most insulting disgusting idiotic and lowlife thing you could ever say, especially since you are talking about all your buddies such as aactive duke of earl dnpowerful and many others who all posted on 9-11 - some posted numerous times.

It shows what a complete ahole and low-life idiot you are for saying that in your BS post, which also contained lots of other exagerations and false information and twisting of the truth.

Once again Miles, by your insulting all the many members who followed Pres Bush's advise to go on with their normal day to day things on 9-11 shows what a creep and ahole you really are. Please go crawl back into the hole you came out of?

As DNPowerful says many when he is mad, "Miles, send me your phone number so we can get together and I can punch you in the nose," or words to that effect.

Nothing to say about this *insane* post (lol) except to remind you that the quote about "getting together and punching you in the nose" was actually said by Onyx/Mc Juice and quoted by me in disgust. (you even got my original quote wrong too)

You stupid fool...lol

I'll hold my breath waiting for an apology.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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I think RealNames has been given plenty of great advice. Proves that this forum does work. Should he follow through with the purchase, I think he will continue navigate administration like Dan did, with the help of others in the community.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by DnPowerful Nothing to say about this *insane* post (lol) except to remind you that the quote about "getting together and punching you in the nose" was actually said by Onyx/Mc Juice and quoted by me in disgust. (you even got my original quote wrong too) You stupid fool...lol I'll hold my breath waiting for an apology.

I don't like misquoting anyone, if so, it was an error and I apologize (I could not find your post on it). Why don't you apologize to me for misquoting me when you said "Realnames, many of us had a bad taste in our mouths when you started this "mods aren't that important." That is something I did not say, at least in that context, as you well know. I will also not hold my breath waiting for your apology.

Why can't you guys leave this alone, and stop attacking and attacking and attacking more (and name calling - stupid fool BS)? Several times I stopped posts as the members are weary of this, yet you (small group of posters at the other forum) immmidiately do everything you can to start it up again. To the buddies of the 3 Mods I say "grow up."

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by gregr I think RealNames has been given plenty of great advice. Proves that this forum does work. Should he follow through with the purchase, I think he will continue navigate administration like Dan did, with the help of others in the community.

Thanks Gregr, you certainly did that but many others did not do so, at least in a pleasant and friendly way, without insults and name calling and saying things like posting on 9-11 was disrespectful, as Namethink said.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
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I have nothing more to say to you RealNames.

You've chased away the major brain trust that made this place decent, insulted people left and right, and created paranoia where there was actually a *tremendous* amount of civility and respect of difference.

Guess now you realize that the mods really do make the place. Duh.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by DnPowerful I have nothing more to say to you RealNames. You've chased away the major brain trust that made this place decent, insulted people left and right, and created paranoia where there was actually a *tremendous* amount of civility and respect of difference. Guess now you realize that the mods really do make the place. Duh.

That's BS, people leaving here had nothing to do with me. The 3 Mods were working on their site and taking new members from here even before anyone knew I was involved, and many of the mods friends migrated long before I got involved, which was finally due to constant prodding from the buddy group. More BS from you small group of old Mod Buddies trying desperately to stir up trouble. Plus, I am not even the site owner, Dan still is.

This was all planned BEFORE I became involved. Proof - Namethink even reg'd the domain Domainstate.net on 9-10-02 (which he then gave to the 3 old Mods), well before I even became involved in this - that proves what you are saying is BS.

Creation date: 09/10/02 00:00:00
Expiration date: 09/10/03 00:00:00

Registrant Contact:
Michael Smoljo ([email protected])
Toronto, - M6P 2J8 CA

Administrative Contact:
Michael Smoljo ([email protected])
Toronto, - M6P 2J8 CA

(Drgoodwrite was Miles old handle at Afternic, when he stopped posting much there due to obscene attacks on him by 'Radios').

Also, guess I am the better man in that I apologized to you dnpwerful but you refused to do the same.

P.S. This will be my final post on this - unless Miles posts another 9-11 insult to all of us :mad:


Originally posted by gregr
I think RealNames has been given plenty of great advice. Proves that this forum does work. Should he follow through with the purchase, I think he will continue navigate administration like Dan did, with the help of others in the community.


i heard you're a billionaire. why don't you give than $10K to take over this forum? so that the fighting stops and everyone is happy.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Originally posted by prasit


i heard you're a billionaire. why don't you give than $10K to take over this forum? so that the fighting stops and everyone is happy.


Then I would be the one getting stoned to death. :cry:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by RealNames
I said I would post no more on this fiasco, but people like Duke of Earl, aactive, dnpwerful and in particular Miles Namethink are doing everything within their power to bring down dnforum and get members to move to their new forum.

After reading the entire post this is quoted from, can there be anyone left who doubts that this fellow is psychotic? The really sad thing is that in the course of reading it, it dawned on me that this unbalanced individual never had any intention of buying this place (maybe in his mind, he imagined that he had the means and intelligence to buy and run it, but he has clearly proven otherwise).

I would guess that reading this last post by RealNames made Dan ill because even he must realize now that Real is not for Real - and the offer that caused him to give up a nice sale was all make believe.

Does anyone want to bet 500 Dan bucks that I am wrong? I'll make the bet with the first taker, with points to be transferred as soon as a sale to RealNames occurs, or in 14 days, whichever happens first.

Finally, isn't it amazing that RealNames keeps popping up with these lunatic rants while 16-year-old Dan has the good sense to keep quiet and distance himself from this guy?

Originally posted by RealNames
Namethink said today "RealNames, out of respect for the first anniversary of the tragic September 11th events, I refrained from posting yesterday. You seemed to have felt otherwise. To each his own, I suppose."

That is probably the most insulting disgusting idiotic and lowlife thing you could ever say, especially since you are talking about all your buddies such as aactive duke of earl dnpowerful and many others who all posted on 9-11 - some posted numerous times.

It shows what a complete ahole and low-life idiot you are for saying that in your BS post, which also contained lots of other exagerations and false information and twisting of the truth.

Once again Miles, by your insulting all the many members who followed Pres Bush's advise to go on with their normal day to day things on 9-11 shows what a creep and ahole you really are. Please go crawl back into the hole you came out of?

Dave (Realnames), ever since you got upset a while back when I made that little joke about "declarable.com" being a great name and available for reg--a joke pretty much everyone except you got--I knew you were a strange bird...and that you had some serious reading comprehension problems. (And that domain I "suggested" pretty much says it all with regards to your behaviour these past two days.)

I know you read all the posts, but go back to the one I made early in the morning of 9-11, and this time, read it a little more carefully. Here's what it said:

Originally posted by RealNames
P.S. Miles, you first were unbusinesslike and insulting to me by saying "grow up."

I'll save my response for tomorrow.

Today is a day for other things.


09-11-2002 02:15 AM

I know how literally you take things, Dave, but I don't think it takes all that much in the brains dept to see I wasn't abstaining from all posting on 9-11...I was abstaining from continuing this unfortunate and negative exchange on a day that called for peace and dignity.

Now, you'll probably say...whoa!...DnPowerful thought you were criticizing all posting on 9-11, and so did O.C.

I can understand how those guys might have misread it...but you and I were having a dialogue, and my post was written in that context. And if you can't get that...well...there seems to be a lot of things you can't get, so one more won't make all that much difference.

Dave, over the past two days, you've shown yourself to be the absolutely nuttiest whackjob on this board. You've even given radios a run for his money, and I wouldn't have thought that possible outside of an insane asylum.

No serious business-person will patronize this board if you are associated with its management...you've made sure of that with your spectacularly unprofessional and junvenile behaviour. However annoyed I was with you at the beginning of this sorry episode, I now pity you much more.

If the behaviour you've shown here over the past two days is anything like you are in real life, I think you should seek help.



P.S. Dave, thanks for posting most of my personal information on the boards...that's a really wonderful trait in an online forum owner.

P.P.S. I just have one last thing to say to you Dave, and I'm also going to make a separate thread on this point, because the people who remain on this board, instead of going to domainstate.com where all the domain professionals will now be, need to know exactly what kind of a businessman you are.

Your hypocrisy with regards to Dan has been appalling. Everyone here knows you made him a greater offer for this board than he had from MattyP, Safesys & Snoopy, causing him to lose his deal with them, who were willing to pay him upfront, with no b.s.

But now, given your absolute and tremendously suspicious silence on this matter, I personally am inclined to believe that you have somehow renegged on your offer to Dan. And until I see you post otherwise, I will continue to be inclined towards this belief, as I suspect many others will as well.

Gregr said it all:

Originally posted by gregr

I hope you follow through on your agreement to purchase this site. Otherwise you've scewed the hell out of Dan. Your offer killed the mods offer. Time to put up or shut up.

Good Luck

Greg Ricks

Dave, I bet Dan regrets the day he ever decided to start dealing with you. Well, at least it's given him a good lesson in how to spot a nutjob. And a phony.
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