Big surprise, radar fails to back up another one of her ignorant posts ("all the good he's done").
Raider said:
And you remind me of the drug abuser who fried his brain while taking Ecstacy... How's your wrist btw? Is it well enough to sign and cash your rebate check?
To clarify radars delusions, she is referring to this 1 post of mine a year ago in response to Creature dislocating his shoulder:
Poker said:
Sorry to hear about that to Creature, that sux...if it helps at all, I once broke my wrist diving onto my girlfriends bed while tripping on ecstasy...needless to say I didnt feel any pain till the next morning. I'll never forget the nurse saying "we don't dive onto beds".
She even used the above quote once before in in the 'global warming" thread because we don't agree, she always quickly reverts to personal attacks when she can't come up with anything intelligent. Funny part of that one was that she used the quote to call me a drug addict, after she had also called me gay, despite the quote referring to my girlfriend...
Here's another one of her's based on that 1 time of ecstasy with my girlfriend.
Raider said:
Is that what you tell your probation officer? If the court ordered drug rehab didn't work for you, maybe you should go again....
Drugs are for losers!
Radar...I can smell your soul rotting from here.