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Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2002
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Dan, here's something I haven't seen mentioned yet. You said you don't have enough time to run this forum because of school and outside activities.

How about if you strike up a partnership with some of the people you trust at this forum, letting them run it for you without pay, in return for giving them a percentage of the ownership of this forum.

Then, when you do decide to sell in a few years, or whenever, the value would be more and you would have a nice chunk of change to pay for college.

Incidentally, for a 16 year old kid, you've got my vote for the most likely to succeed.

Originally posted by RealNames
This is my a public apology to Namethink, DNPwerful, Duke, Aactive, the 3 resigned Mods and others!...


Hi Dave

Thank you for your apology.

I nevertheless hope that, very soon, you and Dan both provide an honest and full explanation as to where things stand here at DNF--who is the owner, what is the deal.

As domain and internet veteran DnPowerful advised, enough time has been taken to work things out between closed doors, and the reputation of this site, its owner, and its "rumored buyer" very much depend on a full and timely disclosure to undo the damage of the past three days.

I would strongly recommend that this full disclosure be given absolutely no later than the end of this weekend. Starting next week in this same state of confusion and uncertainty would be tremendously harmful for this site and those who run it.

I wish all involved success in their ventures.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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This is my a public apology to Namethink, DNPwerful, Duke, Aactive, the 3 resigned Mods and others!

Whoa!....Did someone empty a tanker truck load of Prozac into the Arizona water supply? I have never seen anyone cool off so quickly in the middle of a hot and heavy flame war!

I am tempted to think that someone has hijacked the RealNames ID and is posting in his place....but what the heck, I'll take a puff off of that peace pipe too.

If you want to check out someone with a great attitude about what is really important in life, look up the story that broke today about musician Warren Zevon having terminal cancer at age 55. He said "I'm OK with the diagnosis, I just hope I don't go before the next James Bond movie comes out!". Domains somehow seem meaningless in the face of that kind of cosmic insight.

Everyone live long and prosper.


glad everything worked out well..

it's good that Realnames made a public apology so everyone is happy now.

the moral of the story is ....


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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the moral of the story is ....

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?

A stitch in time saves nine?

A .cc registration is a waste of $30?

Now that everyone is seeming to caaaalllmmm down, I'm waiting for someone to post on my thread of Books and Coffee Anyone? here in the Lounge, where I've been sitting at the fireside by myself. I'd like to know what good book you've read lately. Let's try you RealNames, O.C., or Americar, go post on that thread, take a deep breath and tell everyone what book you've enjoyed.

Smile! :)

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Namethink Hi Dave, Thank you for your apology. I nevertheless hope that, very soon, you and Dan both provide an honest and full explanation as to where things stand here at DNF--who is the owner, what is the deal.

As domain and internet veteran DnPowerful advised, enough time has been taken to work things out between closed doors, and the reputation of this site, its owner, and its "rumored buyer" very much depend on a full and timely disclosure to undo the damage of the past three days.

I would strongly recommend that this full disclosure be given absolutely no later than the end of this weekend. Starting next week in this same state of confusion and uncertainty would be tremendously harmful for this site and those who run it. I wish all involved success in their ventures. Miles

Thanks Miles, you are one great forgiving guy and have excellent credentials and integrity. Yes, the facts should be addressed by me. I would also like to get an invite to join and post this there too since many of the old dnforum experts are now there and may not visit here. This is the Gospel on exactly what happened:

After recent dnforum downtime due to server 'problems' (and some posts from the server owner re credit issues) I figured maybe Dan is short on money so I emailed him, offering $4,000 for the site, an arbitrary figure.

A while goes by and no reply, so I send him another email regarding no reply and accidently say in this one (due to a typo I made) that I offered $5,000 earlier, (it was actually $4,000) and will he consider it?

No reply for a while but then I get an email saying Dan is (surprisingly) 'very close' to selling the site to Snoopy for $5,250. I assume because Snoopy was told I had just offered $5,000. This was the first time I even knew Snoopy was involved or there was another bidder.

Next, I figure with so many great posters and 3 excellent Moderators plus 1,200 members it is worth somewhat arbitrarily $2,000 more than Snoopy's offer. So I offer Dan $7,250.

I asked Dan to keep my offer and identity confidential. That was not done due to a 16-yr old's error in judgement. I also learn Snoopy asked that his deal be confidential too, also not done. Accusations are made the deal with Snoopy was announced by Dan on another forum. Dan also sends Snoopy mail regarding my offer and my identity, though it was suppose to be confidential. This gets me unwillingly involved now with the forum members who are hostile to me as they feel I stole the sale from Snoopy and Matty (not really correct).

At this point I had no idea Matty was also involved as a 50% partner of Snoopy. I also was not aware Snoopy and Dan had been going back and forth with offers and negotiating for a while.

In addition, had no idea Snoopy and Matt would get upset over the various prices and having to increase their bids, etc. I thought it was simply a friendly bidding process and I just wanted to be the high bidder, honestly never even thinking Snoopy and Matt (and Safesys too) woud get upset if they were outbid, as I did not know the ins and outs or about any negotiations happening on the price at the time. Again I thought it was a simple and cordial bidding process going on.

Next, Dan accepts my $7,250 offer and says he would like me to send him a Bid FORM. Days later (today Dan clarified it) I learn that was a typo by Dan as he meant Bid FROM (me). During those days I ask Dan several times where is my Bid FORM he talked about, thinking he was emailing me some special Bid Form he prepared, no replies received. That's because Dan did not know about the typo on the words Form and From at the time, and he was expecting a formal Bid FROM Me, not a Bid FORM sent to me, which I was waiting to get. Due to the typo we never did do a formal bid FROM me. Isn't that odd!

While all this was going on Snoopy and Safesys announce their resignations as Mods as Snoopy feels like he was being manipulated to increase his bids and Dan broke a promise to sell, etc., and he got involved in a bidding war with me, though there was no bidding war happening at all, at least what I was aware of.

Snoopy also say's Dan promised to sell it for $5,250 but Dan say's not really, that was a tentative price at that point in time and not formally accepted since my higher offer of $7,250 was made at that point in time.

Next, I email Snoopy and Matt zillions of times offering to make them 50% partners with me to satisfy everyone and stop the war. Unfortunately, they said no to my suggestions, and did not mention they are now Mod's at which I was not aware of.

All 3 Mods walked and approx' 75 of the most astute, smartest and best posters went to That left dnforum with 1,231 members but no Mods and most of the best well respected posting membrs gone, most planning to mainly post at the new domainstate in the future, from what I gathered.

Then it is revealed for the very first time by Dan that he is only 16-yrs old, a High School Sophomore! Up until that point I thought he was in College, in his 20's, based on someones old post (which was in error).

Then a big flame war starts as some of those best 75 misunderstand me when I said the Mods were great and very important but the Members were most important. They thought I was underestimating the value of the Mods. Perhaps I did not word things right.

Next, some migrating members say dnforum will likely fail and is worth a lot less than $7,250 and also Dan is underage and can't legally sell it to me anyway. I get PM's warning me of that and saying Dan can renege on the deal when he turns 18 as he is not of legal age now. Much of this is also posted on the forum by members so it's not a secret.

I then get cold feet and become somewhat negative (can you blame me?),and tell Dan about all of this negativity and dnforum is now worth less, and we will need an attorney re the new legal age issue (not an issue before) and/or his parents must sign also.

Therefore, I must reduce my offer amount and more stringent terms too (which new offer details I can't discuss). I also offer to host the site totally free while we work things out. Dan say's he does not need the free hosting, and seems to not really like this new proposal too much.

Lastly (tonight), Dan sends me mail thanking me and saying sorry it did not go thru, and indicating he now has a deal with Gregr (undisclosed amount and terms). End of story.

Originally posted by RealNames
This is the Gospel on exactly what happened...

...Lastly (tonight), Dan sends me mail thanking me and saying sorry it did not go thru, and indicating he now has a deal with Gregr (undisclosed amount and terms). End of story.

Hi Dave

Thanks for your detailed explanation of the matter. It sounds to me like some unfortunate lapses in good business practice occured here...but what's done is done.

If it is true that gregr is the new owner, then congratulations, greg. You have my best wishes for success with this site.


P.S. As far as getting an "invite" to join, the new domain name forum run by former DNF mods MattyP, Safesys & Snoopy, I'm not aware of any invitation process. You just go to the site and register.

[edit to add "easy-link" to]


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 7, 2002
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Gregr .. if you are in fact the new owner of DNF ... I wish you well and think that this board is in great hands.

Much has been made of the former "Mod's" and their followers. I just want to say, that in my own case what brought me here was a person that I respect greatly, Safesys. I had dealings and interactions with him 2 years before this board existed. That's where I come from ... loyalty is earned.



Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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I know "deeply" regret our former contretemps! Time to be nice to the dancing banana! :D

No wonder gregr was be positively cheery these last few days! ;)

Best of luck to all involved. Good to see that Dan, hopefully, salvaged this deal.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Lastly (tonight), Dan sends me mail thanking me and saying sorry it did not go thru, and indicating he now has a deal with Gregr (undisclosed amount and terms). End of story.

Good post RealNames. Answers a lot of questions and allows everyone to start moving forward again. Good luck to all of the parties involved - DNF, GregR, Dan, the 3 Mods and all of the members here.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke of Earl

Whoa!....Did someone empty a tanker truck load of Prozac into the Arizona water supply? I have never seen anyone cool off so quickly in the middle of a hot and heavy flame war!

Faster than a U-Turn on the New Jersey Turnpike, that one!

Sometimes saying you're sorry ain't enough if you're nasty enough. I accept it, but hardly respect it.



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2002
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Peace, glad it ended peaceful :)


Forum Announcements
Mar 16, 2002
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Just to clear a few things up from this post.

Originally posted by RealNames

No reply for a while but then I get an email saying Dan is (surprisingly) 'very close' to selling the site to Snoopy for $5,250. I assume because Snoopy was told I had just offered $5,000. This was the first time I even knew Snoopy was involved or there was another bidder.

Snoopy was not told anything. His offer came at least a couple weeks after I recieved yours, and at that point, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to sell dnforum which is why I was studdering to sell or not.

Accusations are made the deal with Snoopy was announced by Dan on another forum. Dan also sends Snoopy mail regarding my offer and my identity, though it was suppose to be confidential. This gets me unwillingly involved now with the forum members who are hostile to me as they feel I stole the sale from Snoopy and Matty (not really correct).

I never told snoopy nor anyone of your offer, all I said was someone offered me so much etc. The way everyone became suspicious was in some of your posts, you sort of hinted in a way (non intentially probably) that we could well be almost done in a deal to purchase the site. Also, I did not post this sale on domain king's board. A guy named "joe" did, if you go and see, he posted an e-mail I sent him when I was totally pissed off at him for trying to give my site a bad reputation and laughing in my face (in e-mails, of course, heh) - Should have never included in that email that I was about to sell the site and for how much, totally my fault there, but I never expected him to post that information.

In addition, had no idea Snoopy and Matt would get upset over the various prices and having to increase their bids, etc. I thought it was simply a friendly bidding process and I just wanted to be the high bidder, honestly never even thinking Snoopy and Matt (and Safesys too) woud get upset if they were outbid, as I did not know the ins and outs or about any negotiations happening on the price at the time. Again I thought it was a simple and cordial bidding process going on.

Honestly, bidding was teh last thing I wanted to do realnames. Me and him were negotiating a price and your offer came in, I simply wanted to see if the mods would go a bit higher with the price since I got a higher offer, but what does that have to do with them? Totally my fault there.

Next, Dan accepts my $7,250 offer and says he would like me to send him a Bid FORM. Days later (today Dan clarified it) I learn that was a typo by Dan as he meant Bid FROM (me). During those days I ask Dan several times where is my Bid FORM he talked about, thinking he was emailing me some special Bid Form he prepared, no replies received. That's because Dan did not know about the typo on the words Form and From at the time, and he was expecting a formal Bid FROM Me, not a Bid FORM sent to me, which I was waiting to get. Due to the typo we never did do a formal bid FROM me. Isn't that odd!

What I said was I was basically wondering if you were going to make a marginal bid from snoopy's offer. Bid was absolutely the worst word to use, but when I'm typing fast without much time it was the first word that came out. Because you did send me a PM asking telling me your offer can be increased somewhat from the original offer a few days ago.

Therefore, I must reduce my offer amount and more stringent terms too (which new offer details I can't discuss). I also offer to host the site totally free while we work things out. Dan say's he does not need the free hosting, and seems to not really like this new proposal too much.!

I didn't 100% agree with you on your assumptions for the future of DNF. And also didn't really like the type of offer you proposed to me ($X now, $X later if a certain conditions happen at that time), I would rather just sell it off and not worry about all this.

Just running my views and slight corrections to his post.



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by RealNames

Its too late, the 3 Mod's have already burned the bridges.

This is the absolute truth. My guess is they tried to make their departure as "hostile" as possible to drain members from here. I think the only people who have "acted" 16 are the three mods.

Yes, they should be congratulated for building this community, however they are no saints. I believe they were wolves in sheeps clothing the whole time! The proof is in their actions after the deal soured.

New mods will be found. It's almost imperative that new mods be found as that will help take this forum to a new level. How many boards have soured keeping the same mods around year after year. I say fresh mods will bring new insight into this forum. Not to say the old ones would not be welcomed here, but that they need to rehabilitate their image. What fools were they to think a new site could be buillt and "presto" a community like this would be formed. It doesn't and won't happen. Communities like this come once in a great while, and cannot just be "launched"

just my .02


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Dan Just to clear a few things up from this post. Snoopy was not told anything. His offer came at least a couple weeks after I recieved yours, and at that point, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to sell dnforum which is why I was studdering to sell or not. I never told snoopy nor anyone of your offer, all I said was someone offered me so much etc. The way everyone became suspicious was in some of your posts, you sort of hinted in a way (non intentially probably) that we could well be almost done in a deal to purchase the site. Dan

I thought wrongly this was all in the past and put to bed. Unfortunately this is not correct. Dan, perhaps you do not recall the details very well. That is not correct information.

Snoopy first found out who I was from an mail that you sent Snoppy mentioning my name and offers from me. I have that email that someone sent me a copy of in my computer. I never told anyone who I was and it's not so that members had any idea it was me and I made an offer from my early posts.

In fact, I never even made any posts at all about this subject until well after everyone started saying I was the new buyer, which they learned about from Snoopy or Matt, directly or indirectly.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2002
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izopod - I don't agree and can't find anything to back up what you said. Nevertheless, shall we just drop the topic? You take the first step :)

RealNames - Snoopy sent you an invitation I believe, hope to see you on the other side as much as here :)

Everyone else - err... nvm :D Shall we talk domains? :)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2002
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Originally posted by mole
Yeah, this is getting boring :weird:

What do you think of .PRO?

From your new avatar :eek: might we assume that your newest web site is


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