Record Mileage - Because of oil & gas being so high these days, these two names together present a unique 'hello' that is memorable for these and other potential applications:
This could be a website that listed the best gas / battery mileage of all vehicles in the world - cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, etc.
This could be a website that had the latest technologies that were sold, being tested, etc. for increasing gas / battery mileage in all the different types of vehicles including hybrids.
This could be a 'tech' website for the different types of new technologies for batteries, solar energy, human power and their applications in all type of transportation technologies.
Yes, it does take some imagination, knowledge and awareness to see the potential of any two word combo and make use of it for a meaningful website!
If one was to look at google, ebay, etc., before they became 'household' words, they meant NOTHING to anyone!
There names were obscure and meant nothing but with their massive efforts, their brands have built up to where they are today.
I personally see that "Record Mileage" does have some potential, not like "money" but in its own niche, some real potential to one who has some vision on its potential.
I, in part, use this DN appraisal forum to see potentials that others may have on the DNs that I put up here.
Without good vision on any DN, the monetization is limited to PPC or affiliate ads.
One of my many different projects consists of some misc. electronics, a custom interface, etc. Comments on the box of 'stuff' is 'what is that junk', to me with my vision for it, is the potential of 'electronic diamond growing', not a 6" X 6" X 6" chunk of clear carbon FCC crystal lattice structure crystal now but the beginning of the proof of concept of 'intelligent diamond growing' that can be used in not only semiconductors, solar cells, jewelry but untold applications including recovering co2 emissions from power plants that burn fossil fuel.
Without the vision it is just a pile of 'junk!
With the right vision, 'unlimited potential'!
The value that you opinionate on everything that you evaluate shows your vision or lack thereof and in part your awareness or lack of awareness of the same.
JMO, thanks.