Okay we'll have to watch the marketiva.mobi & see what happens before listing.
Just had an email from Moniker, listing a couple of new mobis i think.
Have we had avg.mobi for $35,948 :smilewinkgrin: & onlinecasinos.mobi for $10,500
median.mobi $13,500 . All internext Moniker i believe & silent.
there's more too i think.
Yo Pred
We all heard about marketiva.mobi (hope they will pay) and onlinecasinos.mobi (dnjournal).
But I did not hear about the sale of Median.mobi and AVG.mobi.
AVG.mobi = on the premium list
Median.mobi = TM sunrise domain (applied 14-Jul-2006)
I could imagine that a sunrise domain has been sold, but a mobi from the premium list? Hard to believe, but it would be great news (especially the sales amount!!!)
Did Moniker confirmed the sale of these domains?
I sold HMP.mobi on ebay about 2 months ago for $178.00
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators